Adds role assingment steps when using the node cli.
Added back the steps for configuring and associating a role to the service principal and added a link to the automated script for creating the sp and role.
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,15 +46,16 @@ MsRest.interactiveLogin((err, credentials) => {
## Service Principal Authentication
Interactive login, similar to how the CLI authenticates, is the easiest way to
authenticate; however, when using the Node.js SDK programmatically, you will need
to use service principal authentication. This essentially creates keys for your
Azure Active Directory account that you can provide to the SDK to authenticate
rather than requiring user intervention or username/password.
authenticate; however, when using the Node.js SDK programmatically, you may want
to use service principal authentication rather than providing your account
credentials. This essentially creates keys for your Azure Active Directory
account that you can provide to the SDK to authenticate rather than requiring
user intervention or username/password.
### Creating a Service Principal
There are two ways to create a Service Principal, the next sections will walk you
through each method.
There are three ways to create a Service Principal, the next sections will walk
you through each method.
#### 1. Azure Portal
@ -65,11 +66,16 @@ Follow the steps outlined in the
#### 2. Azure CLI
This method can be used with either the
[Azure Cross-Platform CLI (npm module)](
or the
[Azure CLI v2.0 (Python)](
[Azure CLI v2.0 (Python)]( or the
[Azure Cross-Platform CLI (npm module)](
_Using the Node.js cross-platform CLI_
_using the Python Azure CLI v2.0 requires just one step_
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac
_Using the Node.js cross-platform CLI requires additional steps for setting up
$ azure login # or $ azure login -u user@domain.tld
$ azure ad sp create -n sp-name -p sp-password
@ -93,10 +99,54 @@ data: https://sp-name
info: ad sp create command OK
_using the Python Azure CLI v2.0_
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac
Next, you'll need to assign a role to the service principal that was just
created. You can get a list of available roles by running `$ azure role list`
_In this example we are creating the service principal as a Contributor at the
subscription level. A contributor role looks like this in the list_
data: Name : Contributor
data: Actions : 0=*
data: NotActions : 0=Microsoft.Authorization/*/Delete, 1=Microsoft.Authorization/*/Write
data: IsCustom : false
This will associate the service principal to your current subscription. Use the
service principal that was returned in the `create` step for the `--spn` option.
$ azure role assignment create --spn 56894bd4-0fde-41d8-a0d7-5bsslccety2 -o Contributor
info: Executing command role assignment create
+ Finding role with specified name
data: RoleAssignmentId : /subscriptions/abcdefgh-1234-4cc9-89b5-12345678/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/987654-ea85-40a5-80c2-abcdferghtt
data: RoleDefinitionName : Contributor
data: RoleDefinitionId : jhfskjf-6180-42a0-ab88-5656eiu677e23e
data: Scope : /subscriptions/abcdefgh-1234-4cc9-89b5-12345678
data: Display Name : sp-name
data: SignInName :
data: ObjectId : weewrerer-e329-4e9b-98c6-7878787
data: ObjectType : ServicePrincipal
info: role assignment create command OK
The service principal can now be used to log in.
$ azure login -u 56894bd4-0fde-41d8-a0d7-5bsslccety2 -p P@ssw0rd --tenant <a guid OR your domain(> --service-principal
info: Executing command login
info: Added subscription TestSubscription
info: login command OK
#### 3. SDK
Run the [Service Principal creation script](./ServicePrincipal) to
programmatically create a service principal.
### Using the Service Principal
Now you can use the Service Principal keys to authenticate in the SDK.
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