Merge pull request #12 from sebastus/dev
new script - Get-AzureWebsiteLogAnalysis.ps1
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
Downloads logs from an Azure Website, pipes requested log into log analysis tooling via extensions.
Several logs in an Azure Website can be switched on for download at a later time. They can be switched on
either through the portal or PowerShell cmdlets. Downloading the logs brings a zip file with several directories
embedded. Via this script, these directories are extracted to a local directory. One of the logs can be
specified on the command line. This log will be piped through to a log analysis tool of the user's choosing.
Examples in this script use Log Parser:
Note: This script assumes that Get-AzureSubscription returns a valid subscription and that the workstation has
the required management certificate relationship with that subscription. It also assumes that the output
directory exists.
Note: This script depends on the June 2013 drop of the Windows Azure PowerShell cmdlets:
Get-AzureWebsiteLogAnalysis.ps1 -Name 'MyWebsite' -Output 'c:\users\desktop\myname\logs' -Path http -SetSwitches
# parameters
# Website name from which logs are pulled
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Directory into which logs are dumped and unzipped
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Type of log to look at - http is default
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
# Switch whether to turn on logging if not already on
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
Write-Verbose "Entering"
# constants
$LogParserLocation = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe"
Write-Verbose "Checking log path"
# ensure the path variable is set
if ($Path -eq $null -or $Path -eq '')
$Path = 'http'
$Path = $Path.ToLower()
Evaluates input parameters
Checks that the things specified in the input parameter list make sense, exist, etc.
The input parameters of this script
function Test-Parameters()
# ensure the web site exists
$webSite = Get-AzureWebsite $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($webSite -eq $null)
throw "Website does not exist."
# ensure the output directory exists
$outputDirectoryExists = Test-Path $Output
if ($outputDirectoryExists -eq $false)
throw "The output directory does not exist."
return $true
function Test-RequestedService()
Evaluates the intent of the user
If HTTP log analysis is requested, but HTTP logging isn't switched on, can't proceed, for example.
Output of Get-AzureWebsite
$Name input parameter
$Path input parameter
Http logging status of the named website
$webSite = Get-AzureWebsite -Name $Name
if ($Path -eq 'http')
return $webSite.HttpLoggingEnabled
<# Uncomment this block if you want to add DetailedErrors analysis to this script.
else if ($Path -eq 'DetailedErrors')
return $false
function Get-LogFiles()
Gets the log files from the website
This function builds a file name for the log file to download, drops it into the specified $Output directory,
extracts the files from the .Zip, returns the name of the current IIS log file.
$Output - the directory to which logs should be downloaded
The log files appear in that directory
Write-Verbose "Get-LogFile"
# build file name for the output log file
$fileName = "logfile $(get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm).zip"
if ($Output.EndsWith('\') -eq $true)
$fileName = $Output + $fileName
} else
$fileName = $Output + '\' + $fileName
Write-Verbose "Filename for downloaded zip is $fileName"
# get the log file
Save-AzureWebsiteLog -Name $Name -Output $fileName
Write-Verbose "File has been downloaded and saved."
# unzip the contents
(new-object -com shell.application).namespace($Output).CopyHere((new-object -com shell.application).namespace($fileName).Items(),16)
Write-Verbose "File contents have been unzipped."
function Format-HttpHeader($LogFileFullPath)
Fixes the metadata at the head of a log file
For LogParser to work correctly, it requires the #Fields metadata at the head of the file. This function
fixes the existing metadata to the correct format.
Fully qualified path name of the log file to fix
The file is both input and output.
(Get-Content $LogFileFullPath) | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace "\# date", "#Fields: date"} | Set-Content $LogFileFullPath
# Execution starts here
$returnValue = Test-Parameters
if ($returnValue -ne $true)
Write-Verbose "Parameter check failed."
if ($VerbosePreference -eq "Continue")
Write-Verbose "Website name is $Name"
Write-Verbose "Output directory name is $Output"
Write-Verbose "Log path taken is $Path"
Write-Verbose "SetSwitches is $SetSwitches"
$returnValue = Test-RequestedService
if ($returnValue -eq $false)
if ($SetSwitches -eq $true)
Set-AzureWebsite -Name $Name -HttpLoggingEnabled $true
Write-Output "HttpLoggingEnabled on web site $Name"
return <# exit the script here - since you just enabled logging, there aren't any logs yet #>
throw "Http Logging is not enabled on website $Name, use -SetSwitches."
# download all of the logs, unzip and place in the $Output location
# define a pointer to the desired logs directory
if ($Path -eq 'http')
$logFileActualPath = "$Output\Logfiles\http\RawLogs"
else if ($Path -eq 'DetailedErrors')
Write-Verbose "logFileActualPath is $logFileActualPath"
# fix file format error in http
if ($Path -eq 'http')
$filenames = Get-ChildItem -Path $logFileActualPath -Filter '*.log' -name
Write-Verbose "File names are $filenames"
$filenames | ForEach-Object {Format-HttpHeader("$logFileActualPath\$_")}
# start up the Log Parser
if ((Test-Path $LogParserLocation) -eq $true)
if ($Path -eq 'http')
$queryLine = "`"SELECT "
$queryLine += " TO_TIMESTAMP(date,time) AS DateTime, "
$queryLine += " CASE sc-status WHEN 500 "
$queryLine += " THEN `'emerg`' "
$queryLine += " ELSE `'err`' END AS MySeverity, "
$queryLine += " s-computername AS MyHostname, "
$queryLine += " cs-uri-stem "
$queryLine += "FROM $logFileActualPath`\*.log "
$queryLine += "WHERE sc-status >= 400`""
$commandLine = "LogParser -i:IISW3C -e:5 $queryLine "
Write-Verbose $("Running command: " + $commandLine);
$rnd = $(([string](Get-Random -Minimum 10000 -Maximum 99999999)) + ".cmd");
$commandFilePath = $(Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath $rnd);
echo $commandLine | Out-File -FilePath $commandFilePath -Encoding ascii;
& cmd.exe /c $commandFilePath
else if ($Path -eq 'DetailedErrors')
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