- Removed the code of internal vendored instrumentation libraries `OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore` and `OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Http`.
Previously users needed to manually add package references to these instrumentation libraries to apply any customizations. This will no longer be necessary.
Now that these packages have released stable versions, we will directly reference those and users will be able to apply any customizations using the publicly available APIs.
- Initial preview release of convenience types in the System.ClientModel namespace, including `ClientResult<T>`, `KeyCredential`, and `ClientResultException`.
- Initial preview release of pipeline types, including `ClientPipeline`, `PipelinePolicy`, and `PipelineMessage`.
- This is the initial release of `Azure.AI.OpenAI.Assistants`.
- Full support for OpenAI's beta Assistants features is included; see OpenAI's documentation for more:https://platform.openai.com/docs/assistants/overview
- [Azure OpenAI](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/ai-services/openai/overview) does not yet feature an `/assistants` endpoint and this library will thus currently only work with the `api.openapi.com` endpoint. Stay tuned!
- Addressed an issue with the public constructor for `ChatCompletionsFunctionToolCall` that failed to set the tool call type in the corresponding request.
#### Breaking Changes
- Removed the setter of the `Functions` property of the `ChatCompletionsOptions` class as per the guidelines for collection properties.
- Added support for API version `2023-10-01-preview`, This gives us functionality for Do Not Resell Consent Changes.
- Users will now be able to purchase from countries like `IT`, `AT`, `FR`, `NO`, `PT`. They can do so by agreeing not to resell phone numbers by setting consentToNotResellNumbers to true.
- Added `VerifyConnection` property to `ConfidentialLedgerClientOptions` to allow the option to have a client connection without validating the service certificate.
- Publicly exposed HttpPipeline for all search clients.
#### Bugs Fixed
- Removed the unintentional addition of the abstract keyword to the `KnowledgeStoreProjectionSelector` and `KnowledgeStoreStorageProjectionSelector` types.
- Addressing a related bug, `RequiredFunctionToolCall` has a property replacement:
- REMOVED:`Parameters` of type `BinaryData`
- ADDED:`Arguments` of type `string`
- For improved clarity, several types specific to the representation of tool call information in run steps have been renamed with a `RunStep` prefix, better differentiating from request-time tool definitions and model-provided required tool calls:
- `ToolCall` is now `RunStepToolCall`
- `FunctionToolCall` is now `RunStepFunctionToolCall`
- `CodeInterpreterToolCall` is now `RunStepCodeInterpreterToolCall`
- `CodeInterpreterToolCallOutput` is now `RunStepCodeInterpreterToolCallOutput`
- `CodeInterpreterLogOutput` is now `RunStepCodeInterpreterToolCallOutput`
- `CodeInterpreterImageOutput` is now `RunStepCodeInterpreterImageOutput`
- `CodeInterpreterImageReference` is now `RunStepCodeInterpreterImageReference`
- `RetrievalToolCall` is now `RunStepRetrievalToolCall`
#### Bugs Fixed
- Function calls initiated by the model (when a run enters a RequiresAction status involving function tools) will now provide the intended JSON `Arguments` string corresponding to the earlier `FunctionDefinition`'s `Parameters`. The latter `Parameters` was previously reused within the required action flow, effectively ignoring the proper `Arguments`.
- Claims from the `TokenRequestContext` are now correctly sent through to MSAL in `ConfidentialClient` credentials. [#40451](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues/40451).
- `ManagedIdentityCredential` is more lenient with the error message it matches when falling through to the next credential in the chain in the case that Docker Desktop returns a 403 response when attempting to access the IMDS endpoint. [#38218](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues/38218)
- `InteractiveBrowserCredentialBrokerOptions` and `SharedTokenCacheCredentialBrokerOptions` now support a `UseOperatingSystemAccount` property to enable the use of the currently logged in operating system account for authentication rather than prompting for a credential.
- Preview support for Proof of Possession (PoP) tokens for `InteractiveBrowserCredential`. This feature is enabled via the `IsProofOfPossessionRequired` property on `InteractiveBrowserCredentialBrokerOptions`.
- `TableEntity` string properties will correctly handle type coercion from `DateTime` and `DateTimeOffset` types. ([#40775](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues/40775))
- Fixed an error handling bug that could result in an `ArgumentNullException` when calling `CreateIfNotExistsAsync`. ([#41463](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues/41463))
*Fixed an issue where tags associated with Exceptions were not being included.
Now, tags linked to an `ActivityEvent` following the [otel convention for storing exception](https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/blob/main/docs/exceptions/exceptions-spans.md) are correctly exported as Custom Properties.
*Initial release of Azure Monitor [Live Metrics](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-monitor/app/live-stream) Exporter for [OpenTelemetry .NET](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet). This version includes metrics, performance counters, and Sample Telemetry. This version does not include Filtering.
This is a beta version, so breaking changes are possible in subsequent releases as we improve the product. To provide feedback, please submit an issue in our [Azure SDK for .NET GitHub repo](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues).