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# cSpell:ignore Committish
# cSpell:ignore committish
# cSpell:ignore PULLREQUEST
# cSpell:ignore TARGETBRANCH
# cSpell:ignore SOURCECOMMITID
# cSpell:ignore elete
# cSpell:ignore ename
Returns git diff changes in pull request.
The script is to return diff changes in pull request.
.PARAMETER SourceCommittish
The branch committish PR merges from.
Definition of committish:
.PARAMETER TargetCommittish
The branch committish PR targets to merge into.
The files which git diff to scan against. Support regex match. E.g. "eng/common/*", "*.md"
.PARAMETER DiffFilterType
The filter type A(a)dd, D(d)elete, R(r)ename, U(u)pate.
E.g. 'ad' means filter out the newly added file and deleted file
E.g. '' means no filter on file mode.
param (
[string] $SourceCommittish = "${env:SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCECOMMITID}",
[string] $TargetCommittish = ("origin/${env:SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH}" -replace "refs/heads/"),
[string] $DiffPath = "",
[string] $DiffFilterType = 'd'
Set-StrictMode -Version 3
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot common.ps1)
return Get-ChangedFiles -SourceCommittish $SourceCommittish `
-TargetCommittish $TargetCommittish `
-DiffPath $DiffPath `
-DiffFilterType $DiffFilterType