Microsoft Azure Relay

# Microsoft Azure Service Bus Client for .NET **Please be aware that this library is currently in active development, and is not intended for production** This is the next generation Service Bus .NET client library that focuses on Queues & Topics. If you are looking for Event Hubs and Relay clients, follow the below links: * [Event Hubs]( * [Relay]( For information on the current set of implemented features and features to come, see our [Road map](#road-map) Azure Service Bus Messaging is an asynchronous messaging cloud platform that enables you to send messages between decoupled systems. Microsoft offers this feature as a service, which means that you do not need to host any of your own hardware in order to use it. Refer to []( to learn more about Service Bus. This library is built using .NET Standard 1.3. For more information on what platforms are supported see [.NET Platforms Support]( ### Getting Started To get started sending messages to Service Bus refer to [Get started sending to Service Bus queues](./samples/SendSample/ To get started receiving messages with Service Bus refer to [Get started receiving from Service Bus queues](./samples/ReceiveSample/ ### Running the unit tests In order to run the unit tests, you will need to do the following: 1. Deploy the ARM template located at [/templates/azuredeploy.json](/templates/azuredeploy.json) or click the following button: 1. Add an Environment Variable named `azure-service-bus-dotnet/connectionstring` and set the value as the connection string of the newly created namespace. **Please note that if you are using Visual Studio, you must restart Visual Studio in order to use new variables.** ## How to provide feedback If you find issues in this library or have suggestions for improvement of code or documentation, you can file an [issue in this repository]( Issues related to runtime behavior of the service, such as sporadic exceptions or apparent service-side performance or reliability issues can not be handled here. This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct]( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact []( with any additional questions or comments. ## Road map - [x] Sprint 1: **Complete** All runtime operations for queues (not topics / subscriptions) * Send * Receive/Peeklock (without receive by sequence number) * Abandon * Deadletter * Defer - [x] Sprint 2: **Complete** * RenewLock (Request/Response) * Batch operation - Explicit batching only * Runtime operation only * Linux testing setup/investigation - [x] Sprint 3: **Complete** * Add topic/subscription support * Session support * Accept session * Session Receive/ReceiveBatch - [x] Sprint 4: **Complete** * Retry policy * Receive by sequence number - [ ] Sprint 5: Early 2017 * Add major error conditions (ex. preventing all operations that are not supported, for Ex Transaction scenarios, etc) * Request/Response features: * Add/Remove Rule * Browse messages and sessions * Scheduled messages specific API (Scheduling of messages can be done today through the Queue/Topic client, but this item is to add specific API's for scheduled messages) * OnMessage/OnSession handlers