provider "azuread" { version = "~> 0.4" } provider "azurerm" { version = "~> 1.31" } provider "random" { version = "~> 2.1" } variable "location" { description = "Azure datacenter to deploy to." default = "westus2" } variable "servicebus_name_prefix" { description = "Input your unique Azure Service Bus Namespace name" default = "azuresbtests" } variable "resource_group_name_prefix" { description = "Resource group to provision test infrastructure in." default = "servicebus-go-tests" } variable "azure_client_secret" { description = "(Optional) piped in from env var so .env will be updated if there is an existing client secret" default = "foo" } resource "random_string" "name" { length = 8 upper = false special = false number = false } # Create resource group for all of the things resource "azurerm_resource_group" "test" { name = "${var.resource_group_name_prefix}-${}" location = var.location } resource "azurerm_servicebus_namespace" "test" { name = "${var.servicebus_name_prefix}-${}" location = azurerm_resource_group.test.location resource_group_name = sku = "standard" } # Generate a random secret fo the service principal resource "random_string" "secret" { count = data.azurerm_client_config.current.service_principal_application_id == "" ? 1 : 0 length = 32 upper = true special = true number = true } // Application for AAD authentication resource "azuread_application" "test" { count = data.azurerm_client_config.current.service_principal_application_id == "" ? 1 : 0 name = "servicebustest" homepage = "https://servicebustest-${}" identifier_uris = ["https://servicebustest-${}"] reply_urls = ["https://servicebustest-${}"] available_to_other_tenants = false oauth2_allow_implicit_flow = true } # Create a service principal, which represents a linkage between the AAD application and the password resource "azuread_service_principal" "test" { count = data.azurerm_client_config.current.service_principal_application_id == "" ? 1 : 0 application_id = azuread_application.test[0].application_id } # Create a new service principal password which will be the AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET env var resource "azuread_service_principal_password" "test" { count = data.azurerm_client_config.current.service_principal_application_id == "" ? 1 : 0 service_principal_id = azuread_service_principal.test[0].id value = random_string.secret[0].result end_date = "2030-01-01T01:02:03Z" } # This provides the new AAD application the rights to managed, send and receive from the Event Hubs instance resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "service_principal_eh" { count = data.azurerm_client_config.current.service_principal_application_id == "" ? 1 : 0 scope = "subscriptions/${data.azurerm_client_config.current.subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/${}" role_definition_name = "Owner" principal_id = azuread_service_principal.test[0].id } # This provides the new AAD application the rights to managed the resource group resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "service_principal_rg" { count = data.azurerm_client_config.current.service_principal_application_id == "" ? 1 : 0 scope = "subscriptions/${data.azurerm_client_config.current.subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${}" role_definition_name = "Owner" principal_id = azuread_service_principal.test[0].id } # Most tests should create and destroy their own Queues, Topics, and Subscriptions. However, to keep examples from being # bloated, the items below are created externally by Terraform. resource "azurerm_servicebus_queue" "scheduledMessages" { name = "scheduledmessages" resource_group_name = namespace_name = } resource "azurerm_servicebus_queue" "queueSchedule" { name = "schedulewithqueue" resource_group_name = namespace_name = } resource "azurerm_servicebus_queue" "helloworld" { name = "helloworld" resource_group_name = namespace_name = } resource "azurerm_servicebus_queue" "receiveSession" { name = "receivesession" resource_group_name = namespace_name = default_message_ttl = "PT300S" requires_session = true } # Data resources used to get SubID and Tennant Info data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {} output "TEST_SERVICEBUS_RESOURCE_GROUP" { value = } output "SERVICEBUS_CONNECTION_STRING" { value = "Endpoint=sb://${};SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=${azurerm_servicebus_namespace.test.default_primary_key}" sensitive = true } output "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" { value = data.azurerm_client_config.current.subscription_id } output "TEST_SERVICEBUS_LOCATION" { value = azurerm_servicebus_namespace.test.location } output "AZURE_TENANT_ID" { value = data.azurerm_client_config.current.tenant_id } output "AZURE_CLIENT_ID" { value = compact(concat(azuread_application.test.*.application_id, list(data.azurerm_client_config.current.client_id)))[0] } output "AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET" { value = compact(concat(azuread_service_principal_password.test.*.value, list(var.azure_client_secret)))[0] sensitive = true }