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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
//go:build all || mysql
// +build all mysql
package controllers
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
azurev1alpha1 "github.com/Azure/azure-service-operator/api/v1alpha1"
func TestMySQLHappyPath(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("MySQL Single Server is now deprecated")
defer PanicRecover(t)
ctx := context.Background()
// Add any setup steps that needs to be executed before each test
rgLocation := "eastus"
rgName := tc.resourceGroupName
mySQLServerName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-srv", 10)
mySQLReplicaName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-rep", 10)
// Create the mySQLServer object and expect the Reconcile to be created
mySQLServerInstance := v1alpha2.NewDefaultMySQLServer(mySQLServerName, rgName, rgLocation)
RequireInstance(ctx, t, tc, mySQLServerInstance)
// Create a mySQL replica
mySQLReplicaInstance := v1alpha2.NewReplicaMySQLServer(mySQLReplicaName, rgName, rgLocation, mySQLServerInstance.Status.ResourceId)
mySQLReplicaInstance.Spec.StorageProfile = nil
EnsureInstance(ctx, t, tc, mySQLReplicaInstance)
mySQLDBName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-db", 10)
// Create the mySQLDB object and expect the Reconcile to be created
mySQLDBInstance := &azurev1alpha1.MySQLDatabase{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: mySQLDBName,
Namespace: "default",
Spec: azurev1alpha1.MySQLDatabaseSpec{
Server: mySQLServerName,
ResourceGroup: rgName,
EnsureInstance(ctx, t, tc, mySQLDBInstance)
mySQLAdmin := &azurev1alpha1.MySQLServerAdministrator{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "admin",
Namespace: "default",
Spec: azurev1alpha1.MySQLServerAdministratorSpec{
ResourceGroup: rgName,
Server: mySQLServerName,
AdministratorType: azurev1alpha1.MySQLServerAdministratorTypeActiveDirectory,
// The below fields are for a user managed identity which exists in the ASO-CI subscription
// TODO: That means this test won't pass locally if not run against that sub...
TenantId: "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47",
Login: "azureserviceoperator-test-mi",
Sid: "ad84ef71-31fc-4797-b970-48bd515edf5c",
EnsureInstance(ctx, t, tc, mySQLAdmin)
// Delete the admin
EnsureDelete(ctx, t, tc, mySQLAdmin)
ruleName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-fw", 10)
// This rule opens access to the public internet, but in this case
// there's literally no data in the database
ruleInstance := &azurev1alpha1.MySQLFirewallRule{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: ruleName,
Namespace: "default",
Spec: azurev1alpha1.MySQLFirewallRuleSpec{
Server: mySQLServerName,
ResourceGroup: rgName,
StartIPAddress: "",
EndIPAddress: "",
EnsureInstance(ctx, t, tc, ruleInstance)
// Create user and ensure it can be updated
RunMySQLUserHappyPath(ctx, t, mySQLServerName, mySQLDBName, rgName)
// Create VNet and VNetRules -----
RunMySqlVNetRuleHappyPath(t, mySQLServerName, rgLocation)
EnsureDelete(ctx, t, tc, ruleInstance)
EnsureDelete(ctx, t, tc, mySQLDBInstance)
EnsureDelete(ctx, t, tc, mySQLServerInstance)
EnsureDelete(ctx, t, tc, mySQLReplicaInstance)
func RunMySQLUserHappyPath(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, mySQLServerName string, mySQLDBName string, rgName string) {
assert := require.New(t)
// Create a user in the DB
username := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("user", 10)
user := &v1alpha2.MySQLUser{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: username,
Namespace: "default",
Spec: v1alpha2.MySQLUserSpec{
ResourceGroup: rgName,
Server: mySQLServerName,
Roles: []string{"RELOAD", "PROCESS"},
DatabaseRoles: map[string][]string{
Username: username,
EnsureInstance(ctx, t, tc, user)
// Update user
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Name: username, Namespace: "default"}
err := tc.k8sClient.Get(ctx, namespacedName, user)
updatedRoles := []string{"PROCESS", "REPLICATION CLIENT"}
user.Spec.Roles = updatedRoles
updatedDbRoles := []string{"CREATE", "UPDATE", "DELETE"}
user.Spec.DatabaseRoles[mySQLDBName] = updatedDbRoles
err = tc.k8sClient.Update(ctx, user)
// TODO: Ugh this is fragile, the path to the secret should probably be set on the status?
// See issue here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-service-operator/issues/1318
adminSecretKey := secrets.SecretKey{Name: mySQLServerName, Namespace: "default", Kind: "mysqlserver"}
adminSecret, err := tc.secretClient.Get(ctx, adminSecretKey)
adminUser := string(adminSecret["fullyQualifiedUsername"])
adminPassword := string(adminSecret[mysqluser.MSecretPasswordKey])
fullServerName := string(adminSecret["fullyQualifiedServerName"])
db, err := mysql.ConnectToSqlDB(
// Ensure the user secret was created
secretKey := secrets.SecretKey{Name: username, Namespace: "default", Kind: "mysqluser"}
userSecret, err := tc.secretClient.Get(ctx, secretKey)
assert.True(len(userSecret[mysqluser.MSecretUsernameKey]) > 0)
assert.True(len(userSecret[mysqluser.MSecretPasswordKey]) > 0)
expectedRoles := mysql.SliceToSet(updatedRoles)
expectedDbRoles := make(map[string]mysql.StringSet)
for db, roles := range user.Spec.DatabaseRoles {
expectedDbRoles[db] = mysql.SliceToSet(roles)
assert.Eventually(func() bool {
actualRoles, err := mysql.ExtractUserServerRoles(ctx, db, username)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedRoles, actualRoles) {
return false
actualDbRoles, err := mysql.ExtractUserDatabaseRoles(ctx, db, username)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedDbRoles, actualDbRoles) {
return false
return true
}, tc.timeout, tc.retry, "waiting for DB user to be updated")
func TestMySQLUserSuppliedPassword(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("MySQL Single Server is now deprecated")
defer PanicRecover(t)
ctx := context.Background()
assert := require.New(t)
// Add any setup steps that needs to be executed before each test
rgLocation := "eastus"
rgName := tc.resourceGroupName
mySQLServerName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-srv", 10)
adminSecretName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysqlsecret", 10)
adminUsername := helpers.GenerateRandomUsername(10)
adminPassword := helpers.NewPassword()
// Create the secret
secret := &v1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: adminSecretName,
Namespace: "default",
StringData: map[string]string{
"username": adminUsername,
"password": adminPassword,
err := tc.k8sClient.Create(ctx, secret)
// Create the mySQLServer object and expect the Reconcile to be created
mySQLServerInstance := v1alpha2.NewDefaultMySQLServer(mySQLServerName, rgName, rgLocation)
mySQLServerInstance.Spec.AdminSecret = adminSecretName
RequireInstance(ctx, t, tc, mySQLServerInstance)
mySQLDBName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-db", 10)
// Create the mySQLDB object and expect the Reconcile to be created
mySQLDBInstance := &azurev1alpha1.MySQLDatabase{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: mySQLDBName,
Namespace: "default",
Spec: azurev1alpha1.MySQLDatabaseSpec{
Server: mySQLServerName,
ResourceGroup: rgName,
EnsureInstance(ctx, t, tc, mySQLDBInstance)
// This rule opens access to the public internet, but in this case
// there's literally no data in the database
ruleName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-fw", 10)
ruleInstance := &azurev1alpha1.MySQLFirewallRule{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: ruleName,
Namespace: "default",
Spec: azurev1alpha1.MySQLFirewallRuleSpec{
Server: mySQLServerName,
ResourceGroup: rgName,
StartIPAddress: "",
EndIPAddress: "",
EnsureInstance(ctx, t, tc, ruleInstance)
// Create user and ensure it can be updated
RunMySQLUserHappyPath(ctx, t, mySQLServerName, mySQLDBName, rgName)
EnsureDelete(ctx, t, tc, mySQLDBInstance)
EnsureDelete(ctx, t, tc, mySQLServerInstance)
func TestMySQLServerSecretRollover(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("MySQL Single Server is now deprecated")
defer PanicRecover(t)
ctx := context.Background()
assert := require.New(t)
rgLocation := "eastus"
rgName := tc.resourceGroupName
mySQLServerName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-srv", 10)
adminSecretName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysqlsecret", 10)
adminUsername := helpers.GenerateRandomUsername(10)
adminPassword1 := helpers.NewPassword()
adminPassword2 := helpers.NewPassword()
// Create the secret
secret := &v1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: adminSecretName,
Namespace: "default",
StringData: map[string]string{
"username": adminUsername,
"password": adminPassword1,
updatedSecret := secret.DeepCopy()
err := tc.k8sClient.Create(ctx, secret)
mySQLServerInstance := v1alpha2.NewDefaultMySQLServer(mySQLServerName, rgName, rgLocation)
mySQLServerInstance.Spec.AdminSecret = adminSecretName
RequireInstance(ctx, t, tc, mySQLServerInstance)
// This rule opens access to the public internet, but in this case
// there's literally no data in the database
ruleName := GenerateTestResourceNameWithRandom("mysql-fw", 10)
ruleInstance := &azurev1alpha1.MySQLFirewallRule{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: ruleName,
Namespace: "default",
Spec: azurev1alpha1.MySQLFirewallRuleSpec{
Server: mySQLServerName,
ResourceGroup: rgName,
StartIPAddress: "",
EndIPAddress: "",
EnsureInstance(ctx, t, tc, ruleInstance)
asoSecretKey := secrets.SecretKey{Name: mySQLServerInstance.Name, Namespace: mySQLServerInstance.Namespace, Kind: "MySQLServer"}
var asoSecret map[string][]byte
assert.Eventually(func() bool {
asoSecret, err = tc.secretClient.Get(ctx, asoSecretKey)
return err == nil &&
string(asoSecret[server.PasswordSecretKey]) == adminPassword1 &&
string(asoSecret[server.FullyQualifiedServerNameSecretKey]) != ""
}, tc.timeoutFast, tc.retry, "ASO secret should be created with first password")
// Make sure we can connect to the DB with our admin password
var dbConn1 *sql.DB
assert.Eventually(func() bool {
dbConn1, err = mysql.ConnectToSqlDB(
return err == nil
}, tc.timeoutFast, tc.retry, "Should be able to connect to DB")
defer dbConn1.Close()
updatedSecret.StringData["password"] = adminPassword2
err = tc.k8sClient.Update(ctx, updatedSecret)
// Wait for the secret created by ASO to be updated with the new username and password
assert.Eventually(func() bool {
asoSecret, err = tc.secretClient.Get(ctx, asoSecretKey)
return err == nil && string(asoSecret[server.PasswordSecretKey]) == adminPassword2
}, tc.timeoutFast, tc.retry, "ASO secret should be updated with new password")
// Make sure we can connect to the DB with our updated password
var dbConn2 *sql.DB
assert.Eventually(func() bool {
dbConn2, err = mysql.ConnectToSqlDB(
return err == nil
}, tc.timeoutFast, tc.retry, "Should be able to connect to DB with updated password")
defer dbConn2.Close()
EnsureDelete(ctx, t, tc, mySQLServerInstance)