Xavier Pillons 8f777e5326 remove extra comma in unit 2020-03-17 16:04:21 +01:00
.. https git and make subdir for git 2020-02-25 08:48:13 -08:00
fio.pbs added nbclients 2020-03-10 17:21:51 +01:00 remove extra comma in unit 2020-03-17 16:04:21 +01:00 Added azhpc-scp 2019-09-13 09:31:09 -06:00
windows_fio.ps1 Added Initial version of Windows powershell script to run fio on a windows client. 2019-09-12 17:52:55 -06:00


Fio is a general I/O benchmark code, it has many options to configure and customize the I/O pattern being tested.

To build a cluster with PBS, see one of the examples, e.g. simple_hpc_pbs

Copy the apps directory to the cluster.

    azhpc-scp -r $azhpc_dir/apps hpcuser@headnode:.

Connect to the headnode

    azhpc-connect headnode

Build fio from the build script. This will build and install it in /apps/fio and create a modulefile.

Now submit and run:

     qsub -l select=1:ncpus=60:mpiprocs=8 fio.pbs

Note: this will run on 1 node, 8 fio processes (fio numjobs). Fio can run on multiple nodes in a client-server mode, this example is designed to run on a single node. You can change the fio numjobs parameter (i.e number of processes) by changing the PBS mpiprocs value. A throughput and IOPS benchmark will be run.

A similar script is provided to run the same fio benchmark (throughput and IOPS) on a Windows client.

A Windows fio executable can be downloaded from

Run the windows_fio.ps1 powershell script from a Windows powershell prompt.


Note: You may need to modify the DIRECTORY and ALLJOBS variables in the windows_fio.ps1 script to reflect the location of the drive you want to test and the number of jobs wou want to run on the windows client.