JonShelley d4c5f0b90c updated sweep script 2019-10-03 19:31:06 +00:00
.. updated sweep script 2019-10-03 19:31:06 +00:00 initial radioss commit 2019-10-03 17:10:15 +00:00 initial installer 2019-09-27 21:57:46 +00:00 initial radioss commit 2019-10-03 17:10:15 +00:00
run_T10M.pbs initial radioss commit 2019-10-03 17:10:15 +00:00

Install and run Radioss Benchmarks using azurehpc cluster


These steps require a cluster with PBS. The simple_hpc_pbs template in the examples directory a suitable choice.


First copy the apps directory to the cluster. The azhpc-scp can be used to do this:

azhpc-scp -r $azhpc_dir/apps hpcuser@headnode:.

Install Prerequisites

azhpc-run -u hpcuser sudo yum install -y p7zip

Install Radioss

You must first obtain the radioss installer and copy it to the cluster. If it is available on the local machine you can copy as follows:

azhpc-scp hwSolvers2018_linux64.bin hpcuser@headnode:/mnt/resource/.
azhpc-scp hwSolvers2018.0.1_hotfix_linux64.bin hpcuser@headnode:/mnt/resource/.

The following environment variables can be used:

Environment Variable Default Value Description
APP_INSTALL_DIR /apps The place to install (a radioss directory will be created here
TMP_DIR /mnt/resource A temporary directory for installation files
RADIOSS_INSTALLER_FILE /mnt/resource/hwSolvers2018_linux64.bin The full path to the hwSolvers2018_linux64.bin installer
RADIOSS_HOTFIX_FILE /mnt/resource/hwSolvers2018.0.1_hotfix_linux64.bin The full path to the hwSolvers2018.0.1_hotfix_linux64.bin installer

This will run with the default values:


Note: This will install into /apps/altair/2018.

Copy over the benchmark files

The benchmark will need to be copied to the cluster. The default in the run script is T10M. You can setup it as follows:

azhpc-run -u hpcuser mkdir -p /data/radioss/T10M
azhpc-scp T10M.7z  hpcuser@headnode:/data/radioss/T10M/T10M.7z
azhpc-run -u hpcuser "cd /data/radioss/T10M; 7za e T10M.7z"
azhpc-run -u hpcuser "cd /data/radioss/T10M;  mv *.inc includes/"
azhpc-run -u hpcuser "cd /data/radioss/T10M;  mv *.xref includes/"

Connect to the headnode

azhpc-connect -u hpcuser headnode

Running Radioss

The run_T10M.pbs script is ready to use. Below are all the parameters although the only one that is required if you have followed the previous steps for Radioss licensing:

Environment Variable Default Value Description
APP_INSTALL_DIR /apps The place where radioss is installed
DATA_DIR /data The directory where the sim file is located (relative paths are based on PBS_O_WORKDIR)
CASE T10M The model to run (excluding path)
LIC_SRV This is required for the licensing

Environment variables can be passed to the PBS job with the -v flag.

Submit a job as follows (remembering to insert the right LIC_SRV value):

qsub -l select=2:ncpus=44:mpiprocs=44:ompthreads=1,place=scatter:excl \

Note: multiple environment variables can be set if they are separated by commas, e.g. -v VAR1=x,VAR2=y.

The output will be in the working directory for where it was submitted.

Install and run Radioss Benchmarks using Azure CycleCloud Cluster


These steps require a Azure CycleCloud cluster with PBS. The cyclecloud_simple_pbs template in the examples directory a suitable choice. Note: Before creating the cluster with above template we need to update the default project spec to install the Radioss dependency. Add the following in specs/default/cluster-init/scripts/ to have the following:


yum -y install p7zip

Follow the steps in the examples/cyclecloud_simple_pbs/ to setup cycle, import the template and start cluster.

Log in to the headnode of the cluster:

    $ cyclecloud connect master -c radioss

Installing Radiosss

You will need to copy the /apps/radioss folder to the headnode. Now obtain the Radioss installer and copy it to the cluster to /mnt/resource.

The following environment variables can be used:

Environment Variable Default Value Description
APP_INSTALL_DIR /scratch The place to install (a radioss directory will be created here
TMP_DIR /mnt/resource A temporary directory for installation files
RADIOSS_INSTALLER_FILE /mnt/resource/hwSolvers2018_linux64.bin The full path to the hwSolvers2018_linux64.bin installer
RADIOSS_HOTFIX_FILE /mnt/resource/hwSolvers2018.0.1_hotfix_linux64.bin The full path to the hwSolvers2018.0.1_hotfix_linux64.bin installer

This will run with the default values:

Run the following to install Radioss on the cluster:

export APP_INSTALL_DIR=/scratch

Running Radioss

The benchmark will need to be copied to the cluster. The default in the run script is T10M. You can copy over the files to the headnode under /scratch.

The run_T10M.pbs script is ready to use. Below are all the parameters although the only one that is required if you have followed the previous steps is the LIC_SRV for the Altair licensing:

Environment Variable Default Value Description
APP_INSTALL_DIR /scratch The place to install (a radioss directory will be created here
DATA_DIR /scratch The directory where the sim file is located (relative paths are based on PBS_O_WORKDIR)
CASE T10M The case to run (excluding path)
LIC_SRV This is required for the licensing

Environment variables can be passed to the PBS job with the -v flag.

Submit a job as follows (remembering to insert the right LIC_SRV value):

qsub -l select=2:ncpus=44:mpiprocs=44:ompthreads=1,place=scatter:excl \
     -v LIC_SRV=#INSERT_LIC_SRV#,APP_INSTALL_DIR=/scratch,DATA_DIR=/scratch \

Note: multiple environment variables can be set if they are separated by commas, e.g. -v VAR1=x,VAR2=y.

The output will be in the working directory for where it was submitted.