зеркало из https://github.com/Azure/azurehpc.git
306 строки
11 KiB
306 строки
11 KiB
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import azlog
import azutil
log = azlog.getLogger(__name__)
pssh_threads = 50
def create_jumpbox_setup_script(tmpdir, sshprivkey, sshpubkey):
scriptfile = f"{tmpdir}/install/00_install_node_setup.sh"
logfile = "install/00_install_node_setup.log"
with open(scriptfile, "w") as f:
os.chmod(scriptfile, 0o755)
# expecting to be in $tmp_dir
cd "$( dirname "${{BASH_SOURCE[0]}}" )/.."
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
sudo yum install -y epel-release > {logfile} 2>&1
sudo yum install -y pssh nc >> {logfile} 2>&1
# setting up keys
cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/config
Host *
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
LogLevel ERROR
cp {sshpubkey} ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
cp {sshprivkey} ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/config
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
prsync -p {pssh_threads} -a -h hostlists/$tag ~/$tmp_dir ~ >> {logfile} 2>&1
prsync -p {pssh_threads} -a -h hostlists/$tag ~/.ssh ~ >> {logfile} 2>&1
pssh -p {pssh_threads} -t 0 -i -h hostlists/$tag 'echo "AcceptEnv PSSH_NODENUM PSSH_HOST" | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config' >> {logfile} 2>&1
pssh -p {pssh_threads} -t 0 -i -h hostlists/$tag 'sudo systemctl restart sshd' >> {logfile} 2>&1
pssh -p {pssh_threads} -t 0 -i -h hostlists/$tag "echo 'Defaults env_keep += \\"PSSH_NODENUM PSSH_HOST\\"' | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers" >> {logfile} 2>&1
def create_jumpbox_script(inst, tmpdir, step):
targetscript = inst["script"]
scriptfile = f"{tmpdir}/install/{step:02}_{targetscript}"
logfile = f"install/{step:02}_{targetscript[:targetscript.rfind('.')]}.log"
tag = inst["tag"]
content = f"""#!/bin/bash
# expecting to be in $tmp_dir
cd "$( dirname "${{BASH_SOURCE[0]}}" )/.."
if [ ! -f "hostlists/tags/$tag" ]; then
echo " Tag is not assigned to any resource (not running)"
reboot = inst.get("reboot", False)
sudo = inst.get("sudo", False)
files = inst.get("copy", [])
args = inst.get("args", [])
for f in files:
content += f"pscp.pssh -p {pssh_threads} -h hostlists/tags/$tag {f} $(pwd) >> {logfile} 2>&1\n"
cmdline = " ".join([ "scripts/"+targetscript ] + [ f"'{arg}'" for arg in args ])
if sudo:
cmdline = "sudo " + cmdline
content += f"pssh -p {pssh_threads} -t 0 -i -h hostlists/tags/$tag \"cd {tmpdir}; {cmdline}\" >> {logfile} 2>&1\n"
if reboot:
content += f"""
pssh -p {pssh_threads} -t 0 -i -h hostlists/tags/$tag "sudo reboot" >> {logfile} 2>&1
echo " Waiting for nodes to come back"
sleep 10
for h in $(<hostlists/tags/$tag); do
nc -z $h 22
echo " $h rebooted"
sleep 10
with open(scriptfile, "w") as f:
os.chmod(scriptfile, 0o755)
def create_local_script(inst, tmpdir, step):
targetscript = inst["script"]
scriptfile = f"{tmpdir}/install/{step:02}_{targetscript}"
logfile = f"install/{step:02}_{targetscript[:targetscript.rfind('.')]}.log"
args = inst.get("args", [])
cmdline = " ".join([ "scripts/"+targetscript ] + [ f"'{arg}'" for arg in args ])
with open(scriptfile, "w") as f:
os.chmod(scriptfile, 0o755)
# expecting to be in $tmp_dir
cd "$( dirname "${{BASH_SOURCE[0]}}" )/.."
{cmdline} >> {logfile} 2>&1
def generate_hostlists(cfg, tmpdir):
dns_domain = cfg["vnet"].get("dns_domain", None)
dns_domain_end = ""
if dns_domain:
dns_domain_end = f".{dns_domain}"
hosts = {}
tags = {}
for rname in cfg.get("resources", {}).keys():
rtype = cfg["resources"][rname]["type"]
if rtype == "vm":
instances = cfg["resources"][rname].get("instances", 1)
if instances == 1:
hosts[rname] = [ rname ]
hosts[rname] = [ f"{rname}{n:04}" for n in range(1, instances+1) ]
elif rtype == "vmss":
hosts[rname] = azutil.get_vmss_instances(cfg["resource_group"], rname)
for tname in cfg["resources"][rname].get("tags", []):
# handle partial VMSS for a tag with python [] notation
p = re.compile("([\w-]+)\[(\d*)([:]?)([-]?[\d]*)\]")
matches = p.findall(tname)
if matches:
m = matches[0]
lower = 0
upper = None
if m[1] != "":
lower = int(m[1])
if m[2] != ":":
# single item
upper = lower + 1
if m[3] != "":
upper = int(m[3])
log.debug(f"using partial VMSS: name={m[0]}, lower={lower}, upper={upper} (original={tname})")
tags.setdefault(m[0], []).extend(hosts.get(rname, [])[lower:upper])
tags.setdefault(tname, []).extend(hosts.get(rname, []))
if not cfg["resources"][rname].get("password", None):
hosts.setdefault("linux", []).extend(hosts.get(rname, []))
for n in hosts.keys():
with open(f"{tmpdir}/hostlists/{n}", "w") as f:
f.writelines(f"{h}{dns_domain_end}\n" for h in hosts[n])
for n in tags.keys():
with open(f"{tmpdir}/hostlists/tags/{n}", "w") as f:
f.writelines(f"{h}{dns_domain_end}\n" for h in tags[n])
def _create_anf_mount_scripts(cfg, scriptfile):
script = """#!/bin/bash
yum install -y nfs-utils
resource_group = cfg["resource_group"]
# loop over all anf accounts
accounts = [ x for x in cfg.get("storage",{}) if cfg["storage"][x]["type"] == "anf" ]
for account in accounts:
pools = cfg["storage"][account].get("pools",{}).keys()
for pool in pools:
volumes = cfg["storage"][account]["pools"][pool].get("volumes",{}).keys()
for volume in volumes:
ip = azutil.get_anf_volume_ip(resource_group, account, pool, volume)
mount_point = cfg["storage"][account]["pools"][pool]["volumes"][volume]["mount"]
script += f"""
mkdir -p {mount_point}
chmod 777 {mount_point}
echo "{ip}:/{volume} {mount_point} nfs bg,rw,hard,noatime,nolock,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,vers=3,tcp,_netdev 0 0" >>/etc/fstab
script += """
mount -a
with open(scriptfile, "w") as f:
os.chmod(scriptfile, 0o755)
def __config_has_netapp(cfg):
for r in cfg.get("storage", {}).keys():
if cfg["storage"][r].get("type", "") == "anf":
return True
return False
def generate_install(cfg, tmpdir, adminuser, sshprivkey, sshpubkey):
jb = cfg.get("install_from", None)
shutil.copy(sshpubkey, tmpdir)
shutil.copy(sshprivkey, tmpdir)
if __config_has_netapp(cfg):
os.makedirs("scripts", exist_ok=True)
_create_anf_mount_scripts(cfg, "scripts/auto_netappfiles_mount.sh")
if jb:
inst = cfg.get("install", [])
create_jumpbox_setup_script(tmpdir, sshprivkey, sshpubkey)
for n, step in enumerate(inst):
stype = step.get("type", "jumpbox_script")
if stype == "jumpbox_script":
create_jumpbox_script(step, tmpdir, n+1)
elif stype == "local_script":
create_local_script(step, tmpdir, n+1)
error(f"unrecognised script type ({stype})")
for script in [ step["script"] ] + step.get("deps", []):
if os.path.exists(f"scripts/{script}"):
log.debug(f"using script from this project ({script})")
shutil.copy(f"scripts/{script}", tmpdir+"/scripts")
elif os.path.exists(f"{os.getenv('azhpc_dir')}/scripts/{script}"):
log.debug(f"using azhpc script ({script})")
shutil.copy(f"{os.getenv('azhpc_dir')}/scripts/{script}", tmpdir+"/scripts")
log.error(f"cannot find script ({script})")
def _make_subprocess_error_string(res):
return "\n args={}\n return code={}\n stdout={}\n stderr={}".format(res.args, res.returncode, res.stdout.decode("utf-8"), res.stderr.decode("utf-8"))
def __rsync(sshkey, src, dst):
cmd = [
"rsync", "-a", "-e",
f"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i {sshkey}",
src, dst
res = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if res.returncode != 0:
log.error("invalid returncode"+_make_subprocess_error_string(res))
def run(cfg, tmpdir, adminuser, sshprivkey, sshpubkey, fqdn):
jb = cfg.get("install_from", None)
if jb:
install_steps = [{ "script": "install_node_setup.sh" }] + cfg.get("install", [])
log.debug("rsyncing install files")
__rsync(sshprivkey, tmpdir, f"{adminuser}@{fqdn}:.")
for idx, step in enumerate(install_steps):
script = step["script"]
scripttype = step.get("type", "jumpbox_script")
instcmd = [ f"{tmpdir}/install/{idx:02}_{script}" ]
log.info(f"Step {idx:02} : {script} ({scripttype})")
starttime = time.time()
if scripttype == "jumpbox_script":
tag = step.get("tag", None)
if tag:
cmd = [
"-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
"-o", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null",
"-i", sshprivkey,
] + instcmd
res = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if res.returncode != 0:
log.error("invalid returncode"+_make_subprocess_error_string(res))
__rsync(sshprivkey, f"{adminuser}@{fqdn}:{tmpdir}/install/*.log", f"{tmpdir}/install/.")
elif scripttype == "local_script":
res = subprocess.run(instcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if res.returncode != 0:
log.error("invalid returncode"+_make_subprocess_error_string(res))
__rsync(sshprivkey, f"{adminuser}@{fqdn}:{tmpdir}/install/*.log", f"{tmpdir}/install/.")
log.error(f"unrecognised script type {scripttype}")
duration = time.time() - starttime
log.info(f" duration: {duration:0.0f} seconds")
log.debug("rsyncing log files back")
__rsync(sshprivkey, f"{adminuser}@{fqdn}:{tmpdir}/install/*.log", f"{tmpdir}/install/.")