

This recipe shows how to run the mpiBench benchmark on Linux using Intel MPI over Azure VM instances in an Azure Batch compute pool. Execution of this distributed workload requires the use of multi-instance tasks.

Execution under both Docker and Singularity are shown in this recipe.


Please see refer to the set of sample configuration files for this recipe. The directory docker will contain the Docker-based execution while the singularity directory will contain the Singularity-based execution configuration.

Pool Configuration


The pool configuration should enable the following properties:

  • inter_node_communication_enabled must be set to true
  • max_tasks_per_node must be set to 1 or omitted


The pool configuration should enable the following properties:

  • inter_node_communication_enabled must be set to true
  • max_tasks_per_node must be set to 1 or omitted
  • additional_node_prep should contains the commands necessary for installing Intel MPI on the node. For example:
    - yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ make ca-certificates wget
    - wget -q -O - | tar -xzf -
    - wget
    - mv -f ./IntelMPI-v2018.x-silent.cfg ./l_mpi_2018.4.274/silent.cfg
    - pushd ./l_mpi_2018.4.274
    - ./ --silent ./silent.cfg
    - popd
  • container_runtimes should be set to install singularity

Global Configuration


The global configuration should set the following properties:

  • docker_images array must have a reference to a valid mpiBench image that can be run with Intel MPI. This can be vincentlabo/mpibench:intelmpi which is published on Docker Hub.


The global configuration should set the following properties:

  • singularity_images array must have a reference to a valid mpiBench image that can be run with Intel MPI. This can be library://vincent.labonte/mpi/mpibench:intelmpi which is published on Sylabs Cloud.

Jobs Configuration


The jobs configuration should set the following properties within the tasks array which should have a task definition containing:

  • docker_image should be the name of the Docker image for this container invocation. For this example, this should be vincentlabo/mpibench:intelmpi.
  • command should contain the command to pass to the mpirun invocation. For this example, we will run mpiBench with an ending message size of 1kB. The application command to run would be: /mpiBench/mpiBench -e 1K
  • multi_instance property must be defined
    • num_instances should be set to pool_specification_vm_count_dedicated, pool_specification_vm_count_low_priority, pool_current_dedicated, or pool_current_low_priority
    • coordination_command should be unset or null. For pools with native container support, this command should be supplied if a non-standard sshd is required.
    • resource_files should be unset or the array can be empty
    • pre_execution_command should source the Intel script. It is necessary to export MANPATH=/usr/share/man before sourcing the Intel script to prevent errors. The command should then be: export MANPATH=/usr/share/man; source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/bin64/
    • mpi property must be defined
      • runtime should be set to intelmpi
      • processes_per_node should be set to nproc


The jobs configuration should set the following properties within the tasks array which should have a task definition containing:

  • singularity_image should be the name of the Singularity image for this container invocation. For this example, this should be library://vincent.labonte/mpi/mpibench:intelmpi.
  • command should contain the command to pass to the mpirun invocation. For this example, we will run mpiBench with an ending message size of 1kB. The application command to run would be: /mpiBench/mpiBench -e 1K
  • multi_instance property must be defined
    • num_instances should be set to pool_specification_vm_count_dedicated, pool_specification_vm_count_low_priority, pool_current_dedicated, or pool_current_low_priority
    • coordination_command should be unset or null.
    • resource_files should be unset or the array can be empty
    • pre_execution_command should source the Intel script: source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/bin64/
    • mpi property must be defined
      • runtime should be set to intelmpi
      • processes_per_node should be set to nproc

Supplementary files

The Dockerfile for the Docker image can be found here. The Singularity Definition file for the Singularity image can be found here.