* Initial PR YML file to represent PR file
* Resolve linter errors for MD files and add config file for markdownlint
* Correct path to MD config file
* Resolve YAML linting errors and converge to use ubuntu latest as runner
* Add configuration file for yamllint to pipeline
* Add config for PSScriptAnalyzer and resolve some initial linting errors
* Restore Benchpress solution before running linter and resolve linting issues
* Rules for bicep linter are now error level and dotnet format will return non zero if fixes are needed
* Exclude bicep submodule from linting and PSScriptAnalyzer will exit with non-zero for each broken rule
* Split PR workflow in to separate path-filtered workflows so that runner consumption is decreased
* Pull environment variable during powershell lint and resolve some PS linting issues
* Resolve line length in YAML file
* Ignore certain rules that will be addressed in later PRs