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async_socket_win32 requirements


async_socket_win32 is an implementation of async_socket that wraps the asynchronous socket APIs for Windows.


async_socket_win32 is using the WSA Windows functions with a PTP_POOL in order to perform asynchronous socket send and receives. async_socket_win32 creates its own threadpool environment.

The async_socket_win32 takes ownership of the provided SOCKET_TRANSPORT_HANDLE and is responsible for closing it. For that reason, it is not possible to re-open the async_socket after closing it. This is due to the fact that the socket is created by some external event, such as accepting an incoming connection and closing the underlying socket is not reversible.

Exposed API

async_socket_win32 implements the async_socket API:














typedef void (*ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_OPEN_COMPLETE)(void* context, ASYNC_SOCKET_OPEN_RESULT open_result);
typedef void (*ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_COMPLETE)(void* context, ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_RESULT send_result);
typedef void (*ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_RECEIVE_COMPLETE)(void* context, ASYNC_SOCKET_RECEIVE_RESULT receive_result, uint32_t bytes_received);
typedef void (*ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_NOTIFY_IO_COMPLETE)(void* context, ASYNC_SOCKET_NOTIFY_IO_RESULT notify_io_result);
typedef int (*ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND)(void* context, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE async_socket, const void* buf, size_t len);
typedef int (*ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_RECV)(void* context, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE async_socket, void* buf, size_t len);

    void* buffer;
    uint32_t length;

MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket_create_with_transport, EXECUTION_ENGINE_HANDLE, execution_engine, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND, on_send, void*, on_send_context, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_RECV, on_recv, void*, on_recv_context);
MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, async_socket_destroy, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket);

MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, int, async_socket_open_async, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket, SOCKET_TRANSPORT_HANDLE, socket_transport, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_OPEN_COMPLETE, on_open_complete, void*, on_open_complete_context);
MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, async_socket_close, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket);
MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_RESULT, async_socket_send_async, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket, const ASYNC_SOCKET_BUFFER*, payload, uint32_t, buffer_count, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_COMPLETE, on_send_complete, void*, on_send_complete_context);
MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, int, async_socket_receive_async, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket, ASYNC_SOCKET_BUFFER*, payload, uint32_t, buffer_count, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_RECEIVE_COMPLETE, on_receive_complete, void*, on_receive_complete_context);
MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, int, async_socket_notify_io_async, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket, ASYNC_SOCKET_NOTIFY_IO_TYPE, io_type, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_NOTIFY_IO_COMPLETE, on_notify_io_complete, void*, on_notify_io_complete_context);


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket_create_with_transport, EXECUTION_ENGINE_HANDLE, execution_engine, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND, on_send, void*, on_send_context, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_RECV, on_recv, void*, on_recv_context);

async_socket_create_with_transport is not implemented on Windows at this time and shall simply fail.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_04_001: [ async_socket_create_with_transport shall fail by returning NULL. ]



async_socket_create creates an async socket.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_001: [ async_socket_create shall allocate a new async socket and on success shall return a non-NULL handle. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_002: [ If execution_engine is NULL, async_socket_create shall fail and return NULL. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_42_004: [ async_socket_create shall increment the reference count on execution_engine. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_035: [ async_socket_create shall obtain the PTP_POOL from the execution engine passed to async_socket_create by calling execution_engine_win32_get_threadpool. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_003: [ If any error occurs, async_socket_create shall fail and return NULL. ]


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, async_socket_destroy, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket);

async_socket_destroy frees all resources associated with async_socket.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_004: [ If async_socket is NULL, async_socket_destroy shall return. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_093: [ While async_socket is OPENING or CLOSING, async_socket_destroy shall wait for the open to complete either successfully or with error. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_006: [ async_socket_destroy shall perform an implicit close if async_socket is OPEN. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_42_005: [ async_socket_destroy shall decrement the reference count on the execution engine. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_005: [ async_socket_destroy shall free all resources associated with async_socket. ]


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, int, async_socket_open_async, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket, SOCKET_TRANSPORT_HANDLE, socket_transport, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_OPEN_COMPLETE, on_open_complete, void*, on_open_complete_context);

async_socket_open_async opens the async socket.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_007: [ If async_socket is NULL, async_socket_open_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_034: [ If socket_transport is NULL, async_socket_open_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_008: [ If on_open_complete is NULL, async_socket_open_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_009: [ on_open_complete_context shall be allowed to be NULL. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_023: [ Otherwise, async_socket_open_async shall switch the state to OPENING. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_014: [ On success, async_socket_open_async shall return 0. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_015: [ If async_socket is already OPEN or OPENING, async_socket_open_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_016: [ Otherwise async_socket_open_async shall initialize a thread pool environment by calling InitializeThreadpoolEnvironment. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_036: [ async_socket_open_async shall set the thread pool for the environment to the pool obtained from the execution engine by calling SetThreadpoolCallbackPool. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_058: [ async_socket_open_async shall create a threadpool IO by calling CreateThreadpoolIo and passing socket_transport_get_underlying_socket, the callback environment to it and on_io_complete as callback. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_094: [ async_socket_open_async shall set the state to OPEN. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_017: [ On success async_socket_open_async shall call on_open_complete_context with ASYNC_SOCKET_OPEN_OK. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_039: [ If any error occurs, async_socket_open_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, async_socket_close, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket);

async_socket_close closes an open async_socket.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_018: [ If async_socket is NULL, async_socket_close shall return. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_019: [ Otherwise, async_socket_close shall switch the state to CLOSING. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_020: [ async_socket_close shall wait for all executing async_socket_send_async and async_socket_receive_async APIs. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_021: [ Then async_socket_close shall close the async socket. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_040: [ async_socket_close shall wait for any executing callbacks by calling WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks, passing FALSE as fCancelPendingCallbacks. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_059: [ async_socket_close shall close the threadpool IO created in async_socket_open_async by calling CloseThreadpoolIo. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_042: [ async_socket_close shall destroy the thread pool environment created in async_socket_open_async. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_022: [ If async_socket is not OPEN, async_socket_close shall return. ]


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_RESULT, async_socket_send_async, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket, const ASYNC_SOCKET_BUFFER*, payload, uint32_t, buffer_count, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_COMPLETE, on_send_complete, void*, on_send_complete_context);

async_socket_send_async sends a number of buffers asynchronously.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_024: [ If async_socket is NULL, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_025: [ If buffers is NULL, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_085: [ If buffer_count is 0, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_089: [ If any of the buffers in payload has buffer set to NULL, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_090: [ If any of the buffers in payload has length set to 0, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_101: [ If the sum of buffer lengths for all the buffers in payload is greater than UINT32_MAX, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_026: [ If on_send_complete is NULL, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_027: [ on_send_complete_context shall be allowed to be NULL. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_097: [ If async_socket is not OPEN, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_NOT_OPEN. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_028: [ Otherwise async_socket_send_async shall create a context for the send where the payload, on_send_complete and on_send_complete_context shall be stored. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_050: [ The context shall also allocate enough memory to keep an array of buffer_count SOCKET_BUFFER items. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_103: [ If the amount of memory needed to allocate the context and the SOCKET_BUFFER items is exceeding UINT32_MAX, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_056: [ async_socket_send_async shall set the SOCKET_BUFFER items to point to the memory/length of the buffers in payload. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_057: [ An event to be used for the OVERLAPPED structure passed to socket_transport_send shall be created and stored in the context. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_060: [ An asynchronous IO shall be started by calling StartThreadpoolIo. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_061: [ The SOCKET_BUFFER array associated with the context shall be sent by calling socket_transport_send and passing to it the OVERLAPPED structure with the event that was just created, flags set to 0, and bytes_sent set to NULL. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_062: [ If socket_transport_send fails, async_socket_send_async shall call WSAGetLastError. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_053: [ If WSAGetLastError returns WSA_IO_PENDING, it shall be not treated as an error. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_100: [ If WSAGetLastError returns any other error, async_socket_send_async shall call CancelThreadpoolIo. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_42_002: [ If WSAGetLastError returns WSAECONNRESET, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_NOT_OPEN. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_106: [ If socket_transport_send fails with any other error, async_socket_send_async shall call CancelThreadpoolIo and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_045: [ On success, async_socket_send_async shall return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_OK. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_029: [ If any error occurs, async_socket_send_async shall fail and return ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_SYNC_ERROR. ]


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, int, async_socket_receive_async, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket, ASYNC_SOCKET_BUFFER*, payload, uint32_t, buffer_count, ON_SOCKET_ASYNC_RECEIVE_COMPLETE, on_receive_complete, void*, on_receive_complete_context);

async_socket_receive_async receives in a number of buffers asynchronously.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_073: [ If async_socket is NULL, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_074: [ If buffers is NULL, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_086: [ If buffer_count is 0, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_091: [ If any of the buffers in payload has buffer set to NULL, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_092: [ If any of the buffers in payload has length set to 0, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_096: [ If the sum of buffer lengths for all the buffers in payload is greater than UINT32_MAX, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_075: [ If on_receive_complete is NULL, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_076: [ on_receive_complete_context shall be allowed to be NULL. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_098: [ If async_socket is not OPEN, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_077: [ Otherwise async_socket_receive_async shall create a context for the send where the payload, on_receive_complete and on_receive_complete_context shall be stored. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_078: [ The context shall also allocate enough memory to keep an array of buffer_count WSABUF items. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_079: [ async_socket_receive_async shall set the WSABUF items to point to the memory/length of the buffers in payload. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_080: [ An event to be used for the OVERLAPPED structure passed to socket_transport_receive shall be created and stored in the context. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_081: [ An asynchronous IO shall be started by calling StartThreadpoolIo. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_082: [ A receive shall be started for the WSABUF array associated with the context calling socket_transport_receive and passing to it the OVERLAPPED structure with the event that was just created, flags set to 0, and bytes_sent set to NULL. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_054: [ If socket_transport_receive fails with SOCKET_RECEIVE_ERROR, async_socket_receive_async shall call WSAGetLastError. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_105: [ If socket_transport_receive fails with any other error, async_socket_receive_async shall call CancelThreadpoolIo and return a non-zero value. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_055: [ If WSAGetLastError returns IO_PENDING, it shall be not treated as an error. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_099: [ If WSAGetLastError returns any other error, async_socket_receive_async shall call CancelThreadpoolIo. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_083: [ On success, async_socket_receive_async shall return 0. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_084: [ If any error occurs, async_socket_receive_async shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]


static VOID CALLBACK on_io_complete(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE instance, PVOID context, PVOID overlapped, ULONG io_result, ULONG_PTR number_of_bytes_transferred, PTP_IO io)

on_io_complete handles the threadpool IO callbacks.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_063: [ If overlapped is NULL, on_io_complete shall return. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_064: [ overlapped shall be used to determine the context of the IO. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_065: [ If the context of the IO indicates that a send has completed: ]

  • SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_066: [ If io_result is NO_ERROR, the on_send_complete callback passed to async_socket_send_async shall be called with on_send_complete_context as argument and ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_OK. ]

  • SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_067: [ If io_result is not NO_ERROR, the on_send_complete callback passed to async_socket_send_async shall be called with on_send_complete_context as argument and ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_ERROR. ]

  • SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_102: [ If io_result is NO_ERROR, but the number of bytes send is different than the sum of all buffer sizes passed to async_socket_send_async, the on_send_complete callback passed to async_socket_send_async shall be called with on_send_complete_context as context and ASYNC_SOCKET_SEND_ERROR. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_071: [ If the context of the IO indicates that a receive has completed: ]

  • SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_069: [ If io_result is NO_ERROR, the on_receive_complete callback passed to async_socket_receive_async shall be called with on_receive_complete_context as context, ASYNC_SOCKET_RECEIVE_OK as result and number_of_bytes_transferred as bytes_received. ]

  • SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_42_001: [ If io_result is ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED or ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED, the on_receive_complete callback passed to async_socket_receive_async shall be called with on_receive_complete_context as context, ASYNC_SOCKET_RECEIVE_ABANDONED as result and 0 for bytes_received. ]

  • SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_070: [ If io_result is not NO_ERROR, the on_receive_complete callback passed to async_socket_receive_async shall be called with on_receive_complete_context as context, ASYNC_SOCKET_RECEIVE_ERROR as result and 0 for bytes_received. ]

  • SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_095: [ If io_result is NO_ERROR, but the number of bytes received is greater than the sum of all buffer sizes passed to async_socket_receive_async, the on_receive_complete callback passed to async_socket_receive_async shall be called with on_receive_complete_context as context, ASYNC_SOCKET_RECEIVE_ERROR as result and number_of_bytes_transferred for bytes_received. ]

  • SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_42_003: [ If io_result is NO_ERROR, but the number of bytes received is 0, the on_receive_complete callback passed to async_socket_receive_async shall be called with on_receive_complete_context as context, ASYNC_SOCKET_RECEIVE_ABANDONED as result and 0 for bytes_received. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_068: [ on_io_complete shall close the event handle created in async_socket_send_async/async_socket_receive_async. ]

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_01_072: [ on_io_complete shall free the IO context. ]


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, int, async_socket_notify_io_async, ASYNC_SOCKET_HANDLE, async_socket, ASYNC_SOCKET_NOTIFY_IO_TYPE, io_type, ON_ASYNC_SOCKET_NOTIFY_IO_COMPLETE, on_notify_io_complete, void*, on_notify_io_complete_context);

async_socket_notify_io_async is not implemented on Windows at this time and shall simply fail.

SRS_ASYNC_SOCKET_WIN32_04_002: [ async_socket_notify_io_async shall fail by returning a non-zero value. ]