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## IBM Spectrum Symphony ##
[noderef filer]
SourceClusterName = $FileSystemClusterName
[cluster Symphony]
FormLayout = selectionpanel
Category = Schedulers
Autoscale = $Autoscale
[[node defaults]]
Credentials = $Credentials
ImageName = $ImageName
SubnetId = $SubnetId
Region = $Region
KeyPairLocation = ~/.ssh/cyclecloud.pem
MachineType = $ExecuteMachineType
AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $DefaultClusterInitSpecs
run_list = recipe[cshared::client], recipe[cuser], recipe[cganglia::client]
cyclecloud.mounts.sched.disabled = true
cyclecloud.mounts.shared.disabled = true
cshared.server.legacy_links_disabled = true
cuser.base_home_dir = /shared/home
cyclecloud.exports.shared.samba.enabled = false
cyclecloud.exports.defaults.samba.enabled = false
cyclecloud.selinux.policy = permissive
# cyclecloud.maintenance_converge.enabled = false
symphony.shared_fs_install = true
symphony.host_factory.enabled = true
type = nfs
export_path = $IbmExportPath
mountpoint = /opt/ibm
address = ${filer.instance.PrivateIp}
[[[configuration cyclecloud.mounts.home]]]
type = nfs
export_path = $HomeExportPath
mountpoint = /shared/home
address = ${filer.instance.PrivateIp}
type = nfs
export_path = $DataExportPath
mountpoint = /data
address = ${filer.instance.PrivateIp}
[[[network-interface eth0]]]
AssociatePublicIpAddress = false
[[[cluster-init symphony:default:2.0.0]]]
[[node master]]
MachineType = $ManagementMachineType
IsReturnProxy = $ReturnProxy
AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $ManagementClusterInitSpecs
run_list = recipe[cshared::client], recipe[cuser], recipe[cganglia::server], recipe[cganglia::client]
cyclecloud.discoverable = true
[[[configuration symphony]]]
is_management = true
is_master = true
[[[input-endpoint ganglia]]]
PrivatePort = 8652
PublicPort = 8652
[[[input-endpoint http]]]
PrivatePort = 8080
PublicPort = 8080
[[[input-endpoint https]]]
PrivatePort = 8443
PublicPort = 8443
[[[network-interface eth0]]]
AssociatePublicIpAddress = $UsePublicNetwork
[[[cluster-init symphony:master:2.0.0]]]
[[nodearray management]]
MachineType = $ManagementMachineType
InitialCoreCount = 0
MaxCoreCount = 64
AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $ManagementClusterInitSpecs
cyclecloud.discoverable = true
[[[configuration symphony]]]
is_management = true
[[[cluster-init symphony:management:2.0.0]]]
[[nodearray execute]]
MaxCoreCount = $MaxExecuteCoreCount
Interruptible = $UseLowPrio
AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $ExecuteClusterInitSpecs
autoscaling.enabled = true
[[[cluster-init symphony:execute:2.0.0]]]
[[nodearray persistent-execute]]
InitialCoreCount= 8
MaxCoreCount = 128
AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $ExecuteClusterInitSpecs
cyclecloud.cluster.autoscale.stop_enabled = false
[[[cluster-init symphony:execute:2.0.0]]]
[parameters About]
Order = 1
[[parameters About Symphony]]
[[[parameter SymphonyLicense]]]
HideLabel = true
Config.Plugin = pico.widget.HtmlTemplateWidget
Config.Template = '''
<td><p>Delivers enterprise-class management for running compute- and data-intensive distributed applications on a scalable, shared grid.</p><p>See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">IBM Spectrum Symphony</a> for downloads, documentation and license information.</p></td>
Order = 10
[[[parameter LicenseWarning]]]
HideLabel = true
Config.Plugin = pico.widget.HtmlTemplateWidget
Config.Template := "<b>WARNING:</b> Spectrum Symphony requires that both the binaries and license file obtained from IBM be uploaded to your locker's blobs directory prior to use. You will receive an error during cluster startup if the files are not present."
Order = 20
[[[parameter Readme]]]
HideLabel = true
Config.Plugin = pico.widget.HtmlTemplateWidget
Config.Template := "Follow the instructions in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">README</a> for details on instructions on extending and configuring the Project for your environment."
Order = 30
[parameters Required Settings]
Order = 10
[[parameters Virtual Machines ]]
Description = "The cluster, in this case, has two roles: the scheduler master-node with shared filer and the execute hosts. Configure which VM types to use based on the requirements of your application."
Order = 20
[[[parameter Region]]]
Label = Region
Description = Deployment Location
ParameterType = Cloud.Region
DefaultValue = westus2
[[[parameter ManagementMachineType]]]
Label = Mgmt Machine Type
Description = The machine type for the Symphony Management nodes
ParameterType = Cloud.MachineType
DefaultValue = Standard_E16_v3
[[[parameter ExecuteMachineType]]]
Label = Execute VM Type
Description = The machine type for the default Symphony Execute nodes
ParameterType = Cloud.MachineType
DefaultValue = Standard_F2s_v2
Config.Multiselect = true
[[parameters Auto-Scaling]]
Description = "The cluster can autoscale to the workload, adding execute hosts as jobs are queued. To enable this check the box below and choose the initial and maximum core counts for the cluster"
Order = 30
[[[parameter Autoscale]]]
Label = Autoscale
DefaultValue = true
Widget.Plugin = pico.form.BooleanCheckBox
Widget.Label = Start and stop execute instances automatically
[[[parameter MaxExecuteCoreCount]]]
Label = Max Cores
Description = The total number of execute cores to start
DefaultValue = 100
Config.Plugin = pico.form.NumberTextBox
Config.MinValue = 1
Config.IntegerOnly = true
[[[parameter UseLowPrio]]]
Label = Use Low Prio Instances
DefaultValue = false
Widget.Plugin = pico.form.BooleanCheckBox
Widget.Label = Use low priority instances for execute hosts
[[parameters Networking]]
Order = 40
[[[parameter SubnetId]]]
Label = Subnet ID
Description = Subnet Resource Path (ResourceGroup/VirtualNetwork/Subnet)
ParameterType = Azure.Subnet
Required = True
[[parameters Filesystem Configuration]]
Description = "Select the Persistent NFS Filesystem cluster"
Order = 50
[[[parameter FileSystemClusterName]]]
Label = NFS Cluster
Description = The filesystem to mount
Config.Plugin = pico.form.QueryDropdown
Config.Query = select ClusterName as Name from Cloud.Node where cluster().IsTemplate isnt true && Configuration.role=?="sharedfs"
Config.SetDefault = false
Required = true
[[[parameter DataExportPath]]]
Label = Data Export
Description = The path exported by the file system for shared scratch space
DefaultValue = /mnt/exports/data
[[[parameter IbmExportPath]]]
Label = IBM Export
Description = The path exported by the file system for the shared Symphony installation
DefaultValue = /mnt/exports/ibm
[[[parameter HomeExportPath]]]
Label = Home Export
Description = The path exported by the file system for the shared user Home directories
DefaultValue = /mnt/exports/home
[parameters Advanced Settings]
Order = 20
[[parameters Azure Settings]]
Order = 10
[[[parameter Credentials]]]
Description = The credentials for the cloud provider
ParameterType = Cloud.Credentials
[[parameters Software]]
Description = "Specify the scheduling software, and base OS installed on all nodes, and optionally the cluster-init and chef versions from your Locker."
Order = 10
[[[parameter ImageName]]]
Label = Base OS
ParameterType = Cloud.Image
Config.OS = linux
DefaultValue = cycle.image.centos7
[[[parameter DefaultClusterInitSpecs]]]
Label = Default Cluster-Init Specs
Description = Cluster init specs to apply to all nodes
ParameterType = Cloud.ClusterInitSpecs
[[[parameter ManagementClusterInitSpecs]]]
Label = Master Cluster-Init
Description = Cluster init specs to apply to all managment nodes (including master)
ParameterType = Cloud.ClusterInitSpecs
[[[parameter ExecuteClusterInitSpecs]]]
Label = Execute Cluster-Init Specs
DefaultValue = =undefined
Description = Cluster init specs to apply to execute nodes
ParameterType = Cloud.ClusterInitSpecs
[[parameters Advanced Networking]]
Description = Advanced networking settings
[[[parameter ReturnProxy]]]
Label = Return Proxy
DefaultValue = false
ParameterType = Boolean
Config.Label = Use SSH tunnel to connect to CycleCloud (required if direct access is blocked)
[[[parameter UsePublicNetwork]]]
Label = Public Head Node
DefaultValue = true
ParameterType = Boolean
Config.Label = Access master node from the Internet