Jeremy Rickard fabffcb739 Update the class and plans (#125)
* Update the class and plans

With OSBA v0.11.0 we will be altering the mysql and postgres classes and
plans. This PR bumps them all to the new class and plans.

* adjust guidance on minikube
2018-05-01 15:48:03 -04:00
concourse-keys Adding Concourse chart (#25) 2017-11-03 17:43:36 -05:00
templates Update the class and plans (#125) 2018-05-01 15:48:03 -04:00
.helmignore Adding Concourse chart (#25) 2017-11-03 17:43:36 -05:00
Chart.yaml Update the class and plans (#125) 2018-05-01 15:48:03 -04:00
README.md Added version dependency to pre-reqs (#121) 2018-03-05 19:41:00 -05:00
requirements.lock update concourse with embedded postgres option (#32) 2017-11-08 12:54:37 -08:00
requirements.yaml update concourse with embedded postgres option (#32) 2017-11-08 12:54:37 -08:00
values.yaml Update the class and plans (#125) 2018-05-01 15:48:03 -04:00


Concourse Helm Chart

Concourse is a simple and scalable CI system.

This chart bootstraps a Concourse deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

It is inspired by the upstream Concourse chart but, by default, uses Open Service Broker for Azure to provision an Azure Database for PostgreSQL for Concourse to use.

Basic Installation

Installation of this chart is simple. First, ensure that you've added the azure repository. Then, install from the azure repo:

$ helm install azure/concourse


You will need the following before you can install this chart:

Please see the prerequisities document for details on how to install everything.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install --name my-release azure/concourse --namespace concourse

NOTE: when using minikube, the default memory allocated to the minikube virtual machine may not be sufficient to run concourse with the default values. You may need to install the chart with fewer workers. This can be done by setting worker.replicas to 1

$ helm install --name my-release azure/concourse --namespace concourse \
    --set worker.replicas=1

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes nearly all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Cleanup orphaned Persistent Volumes

This chart uses StatefulSets for Concourse Workers. Deleting a StatefulSet will not delete associated Persistent Volumes.

Do the following after deleting the chart release to clean up orphaned Persistent Volumes.

$ kubectl delete pvc -l app=${RELEASE-NAME}-worker

Scaling the Chart

Scaling should typically be managed via the helm upgrade command, but StatefulSets don't yet work with helm upgrade. In the meantime, until helm upgrade works, if you want to change the number of replicas, you can use the kubectl scale as shown below:

$ kubectl scale statefulset my-release-worker --replicas=3

Restarting workers

If a worker isn't taking on work, you can restart the worker with kubectl delete pod. This will initiate a graceful shutdown by "retiring" the worker, with some waiting time before the worker starts up again to ensure concourse doesn't try looking for old volumes on the new worker. The values worker.postStopDelaySeconds and worker.terminationGracePeriodSeconds can be used to tune this.

Worker Liveness Probe

The worker's Liveness Probe will trigger a restart of the worker if it detects unrecoverable errors, by looking at the worker's logs. The set of strings used to identify such errors could change in the future, but can be tuned with worker.fatalErrors. See values.yaml for the defaults.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Concourse chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image Concourse image concourse/concourse
imageTag Concourse image version 3.3.2
imagePullPolicy Concourse image pull policy Always if imageTag is latest, else IfNotPresent
concourse.username Concourse Basic Authentication Username concourse
concourse.password Concourse Basic Authentication Password concourse
concourse.hostKey Concourse Host Private Key See #ssh-keys
concourse.hostKeyPub Concourse Host Public Key See #ssh-keys
concourse.sessionSigningKey Concourse Session Signing Private Key See #ssh-keys
concourse.workerKey Concourse Worker Private Key See #ssh-keys
concourse.workerKeyPub Concourse Worker Public Key See #ssh-keys
concourse.atcPort Concourse ATC listen port 8080
concourse.tsaPort Concourse TSA listen port 2222
concourse.allowSelfSignedCertificates Allow self signed certificates true
concourse.authDuration Length of time for which tokens are valid 24h
concourse.resourceCheckingInterval Interval on which to check for new versions of resources 1m
concourse.oldResourceGracePeriod How long to cache the result of a get step after a newer version of the resource is found 5m
concourse.resourceCacheCleanupInterval The interval on which to check for and release old caches of resource versions 30s
concourse.baggageclaimDriver The filesystem driver used by baggageclaim naive
concourse.externalURL URL used to reach any ATC from the outside world nil
concourse.dockerRegistry An URL pointing to the Docker registry to use to fetch Docker images nil
concourse.insecureDockerRegistry Docker registry(ies) (comma separated) to allow connecting to even if not secure nil
concourse.githubAuthClientId Application client ID for enabling GitHub OAuth nil
concourse.githubAuthClientSecret Application client secret for enabling GitHub OAuth nil
concourse.githubAuthOrganization GitHub organizations (comma separated) whose members will have access nil
concourse.githubAuthTeam GitHub teams (comma separated) whose members will have access nil
concourse.githubAuthUser GitHub users (comma separated) to permit access nil
concourse.githubAuthAuthUrl Override default endpoint AuthURL for Github Enterprise nil
concourse.githubAuthTokenUrl Override default endpoint TokenURL for Github Enterprise nil
concourse.githubAuthApiUrl Override default API endpoint URL for Github Enterprise nil
concourse.gitlabAuthClientId Application client ID for enabling GitLab OAuth nil
concourse.gitlabAuthClientSecret Application client secret for enabling GitLab OAuth nil
concourse.gitlabAuthGroup GitLab groups (comma separated) whose members will have access nil
concourse.gitlabAuthAuthUrl Endpoint AuthURL for GitLab server nil
concourse.gitlabAuthTokenUrl Endpoint TokenURL for GitLab server nil
concourse.gitlabAuthApiUrl API endpoint URL for GitLab server nil
concourse.genericOauthDisplayName Name for this auth method on the web UI nil
concourse.genericOauthClientId Application client ID for enabling generic OAuth nil
concourse.genericOauthClientSecret Application client secret for enabling generic OAuth nil
concourse.genericOauthAuthUrl Generic OAuth provider AuthURL endpoint nil
concourse.genericOauthAuthUrlParam Parameters (comma separated) to pass to the authentication server AuthURL nil
concourse.genericOauthScope Optional scope required to authorize user nil
concourse.genericOauthTokenUrl Generic OAuth provider TokenURL endpoint nil
web.nameOverride Override the Concourse Web components name web
web.replicas Number of Concourse Web replicas 1
web.resources Concourse Web resource requests and limits {requests: {cpu: "100m", memory: "128Mi"}}
web.service.type Concourse Web service type ClusterIP
web.ingress.enabled Enable Concourse Web Ingress false
web.ingress.annotations Concourse Web Ingress annotations {}
web.ingress.hosts Concourse Web Ingress Hostnames []
web.ingress.tls Concourse Web Ingress TLS configuration []
web.additionalAffinities Additional affinities to apply to web pods. E.g: node affinity nil
worker.nameOverride Override the Concourse Worker components name worker
worker.replicas Number of Concourse Worker replicas 2
worker.minAvailable Minimum number of workers available after an eviction 1
worker.resources Concourse Worker resource requests and limits {requests: {cpu: "100m", memory: "512Mi"}}
worker.additionalAffinities Additional affinities to apply to worker pods. E.g: node affinity nil
worker.postStopDelaySeconds Time to wait after graceful shutdown of worker before starting up again 60
worker.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Upper bound for graceful shutdown, including worker.postStopDelaySeconds 120
worker.fatalErrors Newline delimited strings which, when logged, should trigger a restart of the worker See values.yaml
worker.updateStrategy OnDelete or RollingUpdate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6) RollingUpdate
persistence.enabled Enable Concourse persistence using Persistent Volume Claims true
persistence.worker.class Concourse Worker Persistent Volume Storage Class generic
persistence.worker.accessMode Concourse Worker Persistent Volume Access Mode ReadWriteOnce
persistence.worker.size Concourse Worker Persistent Volume Storage Size 20Gi

The following configuration options are utilized only if postgresql.embedded is set to false (the default):

Parameter Description Default
postgresql.azure.servicePlan The service plan to use basic100
postgresql.azure.location The Azure region to deploy the PostgreSQL service to westus2

The following configuration options are utilized only if postgresql.embedded is set to true:

Parameter Description Default
postgresql.postgresUser PostgreSQL User to create concourse
postgresql.postgresPassword PostgreSQL Password for the new user concourse
postgresql.postgresDatabase PostgreSQL Database to create concourse
postgresql.persistence.enabled Enable PostgreSQL persistence using Persistent Volume Claims true

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml stable/concourse

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

SSH Keys

To run Concourse securely you'll need 3 private keys. For your convenience, this chart provides some default keys, but it is recommended that you generate your own keys by running:

$ mkdir -p concourse-keys
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f concourse-keys/host_key -N '' -C concourse
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f concourse-keys/session_signing_key -N '' -C concourse
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f concourse-keys/worker_key -N '' -C concourse

And update the values.yaml file with the generated keys:

## Configuration values for Concourse.
## ref: https://concourse.ci/setting-up.html
  ## Concourse Host Keys.
  ## ref: https://concourse.ci/binaries.html#generating-keys
  hostKey: |-
    < Insert the contents of your concourse-keys/host_key file >    

  hostKeyPub: |-
    < Insert the contents of your concourse-keys/host_key.pub file >    

  ## Concourse Session Signing Keys.
  ## ref: https://concourse.ci/binaries.html#generating-keys
  sessionSigningKey: |-
    < Insert the contents of your concourse-keys/session_signing_key file >    

  ## Concourse Worker Keys.
  ## ref: https://concourse.ci/binaries.html#generating-keys
  workerKey: |-
    < Insert the contents of your concourse-keys/worker_key file >    

  workerKeyPub: |-
    < Insert the contents of your concourse-keys/worker_key.pub file >    

Alternativelly, you can provide those keys to helm install via parameters:

$ helm install --name my-release \
  --set "concourse.hostKey=`cat concourse-keys/host_key`,concourse.hostKeyPub=`cat concourse-keys/host_key.pub`,concourse.sessionSigningKey=`cat concourse-keys/session_signing_key`,concourse.workerKey=`cat concourse-keys/worker_key`,concourse.workerKeyPub=`cat concourse-keys/worker_key.pub`" \


This chart mounts a Persistent Volume volume for each Concourse Worker. The volume is created using dynamic volume provisioning. If you want to disable it or change the persistence properties, update the persistence section of your custom values.yaml file:

## Persistent Volume Storage configuration.
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes
  ## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims.
  enabled: true

  ## Worker Persistence configuration.
    ## Persistent Volume Storage Class.
    class: generic

    ## Persistent Volume Access Mode.
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce

    ## Persistent Volume Storage Size.
    size: "20Gi"

Ingress TLS

If your cluster allows automatic creation/retrieval of TLS certificates (e.g. kube-lego), please refer to the documentation for that mechanism.

To manually configure TLS, first create/retrieve a key & certificate pair for the address(es) you wish to protect. Then create a TLS secret in the namespace:

kubectl create secret tls concourse-web-tls --cert=path/to/tls.cert --key=path/to/tls.key

Include the secret's name, along with the desired hostnames, in the web.ingress.tls section of your custom values.yaml file:

## Configuration values for Concourse Web components.
  ## Ingress configuration.
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/ingress/
    ## Enable ingress.
    enabled: true

    ## Hostnames.
    ## Must be provided if Ingress is enabled.
      - concourse.domain.com

    ## TLS configuration.
    ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
      - secretName: concourse-web-tls
          - concourse.domain.com