
433 строки
16 KiB

import adal
import pyodbc
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import random
# Configuration related
USER_ACCOUNT = r'******@microsoft.com'
USER_PASSWORD = r'******'
# PowerBI related configuration
REDIRECT_URI = r'https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf'
RESOURCE_URI = r'https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api'
AUTHORITY_URI = r'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common'
CLIENT_ID = r'******'
REPORT_NAME = r'HpcVisualizationReport'
DATASET_NAME = r'HpcVisualizationDataset'
REPORT_FILE_NAME = r'HpcVisualization.pbix'
DATASET_FILE_NAME = r'HpcDataset.json'
# SQL Sever related configuration
HOST_NAME = r'******'
# Local state related configuration
RECORD_FILE = r'HpcWorkRecord.json'
# Global variables
access_token = None
refresh_token = None
dataset_id = None
work_record = None
epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 8)
# Authentication related functions
def acquire_token():
global access_token
global refresh_token
auth_context = adal.AuthenticationContext(AUTHORITY_URI)
token = auth_context.acquire_token_with_username_password(resource=RESOURCE_URI, client_id=CLIENT_ID, username=USER_ACCOUNT, password=USER_PASSWORD)
access_token = token['accessToken']
refresh_token = token['refreshToken']
print("acuqire_token ok")
def refresh_access_token():
global access_token
global refresh_token
auth_context = adal.AuthenticationContext(AUTHORITY_URI)
token = auth_context.acquire_token_with_refresh_token(refresh_token=refresh_token, client_id=CLIENT_ID, resource=RESOURCE_URI)
access_token = token['accessToken']
refresh_token = token['refreshToken']
print("refresh_token ok")
# PowerBI service related functions
def push_report(report_file_name, report_name):
url = f'https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/imports?datasetDisplayName={report_name}'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}', 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'}
report_file = open(report_file_name, 'rb')
files = {'file': report_file}
resp = requests.post(url, headers=headers, files = files)
print(f"push_report {resp}")
url = 'https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/reports'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'}
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
reports = resp.json()['value']
for report in reports:
if report['name'] == report_name:
return report['id']
return '0'
def push_dataset(dataset_file_name):
url = 'https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/datasets'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
dataset_file = open(dataset_file_name, 'r')
dataset = json.load(dataset_file)
resp = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=dataset)
print(f"push_dataset {resp}")
return resp.json()['id']
def rebind_report(report_id, dataset_id):
url = f'https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/reports/{report_id}/Rebind'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
body = {'datasetId': dataset_id}
resp = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=body)
print(f"rebind_report {resp}")
def set_dataset_id():
global dataset_id
url = 'https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/datasets'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'}
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
datasets = resp.json()['value']
for dataset in datasets:
if dataset['name'] == DATASET_NAME:
dataset_id = dataset['id']
print("set_dataset_id ok")
# target dataset does not exist, push it
report_id = push_report(REPORT_FILE_NAME, REPORT_NAME)
dataset_id = push_dataset(DATASET_FILE_NAME)
rebind_report(report_id, dataset_id)
print("set_dataset_id ok")
def post_row(table_name, row):
url = f'https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/datasets/{dataset_id}/tables/{table_name}/rows'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'}
body = {"rows": [row]}
resp = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=body)
print(f"post_row to {table_name} {resp}\n")
# SQL server connection
def connect_sql():
connString = 'Driver={SQL Server};' + f'Server={HOST_NAME}; Database=HPCScheduler; Trusted_connection=yes;'
connection = pyodbc.connect(connString)
return connection.cursor()
# Work record in case of crash
def load_work_record():
global work_record
record_file = open(RECORD_FILE, 'r')
work_record = json.load(record_file)
def save_work_record():
global work_record
record_file = open(RECORD_FILE, 'w')
json.dump(work_record, record_file)
# Following functions deal with data push to PowerBI service
# JobInfo table related functions
def get_job_user(job_id):
# random result for test
users = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Jenny', 'Vencent', 'FAREAST/t-wem', 'Jack']
return users[random.randint(0, 5)]
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute(f"SELECT CredentialId FROM dbo.Job WHERE Id = '{job_id}'")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
if row == None or row[0] == None:
return 'Nobody'
credential_id = row[0]
sql_cursor.execute(f"SELECT OwnerId FROM dbo.Credential WHERE Id = '{credential_id}'")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
if row == None or row[0] == None:
return 'Nobody'
owner_id = row[0]
sql_cursor.execute(f"SELECT Name FROM dbo.SID WHERE Id = '{owner_id}'")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
if row == None or row[0] == None:
return 'Nobody'
return row[0]
def update_job_info_table():
global work_record
last_id = work_record['JobInfo_LastId']
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT Id, JobId, RequeueId, SubmitTime, StartTime, EndTime FROM dbo.JobHistory " +
f"WHERE Id > '{last_id}' and Event = 1")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
work_record['JobInfo_LastId'] = row[0]
item = {
"JobId": row[1],
"User": get_job_user(row[1]),
"SubmitDate": row[3].strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.0'),
"SubmitTime": row[3].hour,
"RequeueCount": row[2],
"WaitingTime": (row[4] - row[3]).total_seconds(),
"RunningTime": (row[5] - row[4]).total_seconds()
post_row('JobInfo', item)
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
# JobCost table related functions
def get_node_price(node_id):
return 1.0
def update_job_cost_for_job(job_id):
events = []
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT NodeId, StartTime, EndTime FROM dbo.AllocationHistory " +
f"WHERE JobId = {job_id} and TaskId = 0")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
events.append({"time": (row[1] - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0, "node_id": row[0], "change": "add"})
events.append({"time": (row[2] - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0, "node_id": row[0], "change": "sub"})
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
item = {
"JobId": job_id,
"TimeMs": 0,
"CoresPrev": 0,
"CoresCurr": 0,
"PricePrev": 0.0,
"PriceCurr": 0.0
for event in sorted(events, key=lambda k: k['time']):
if event['time'] != item['TimeMs']:
if item['TimeMs'] != 0:
post_row("JobCost", item)
item['TimeMs'] = event['time']
item['CoresPrev'] = item['CoresCurr']
item['PricePrev'] = item['PriceCurr']
if event['change'] == 'add':
item['CoresCurr'] += 1
item['PriceCurr'] += get_node_price(event['node_id'])
item['CoresCurr'] -= 1
item['PriceCurr'] -= get_node_price(event['node_id'])
post_row("JobCost", item)
def update_job_cost_table():
global work_record
last_id = work_record['JobCost_LastId']
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute(f"SELECT Id, JobId FROM dbo.JobHistory WHERE Id > '{last_id}' and Event = 1")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
work_record['JobCost_LastId'] = row[0]
job_id = row[1]
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
# TaskBill table related functions
def calculate_task_bill_for_task(task_id, total_requeue_count):
effected = 0.0
wasted = 0.0
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT NodeId, TaskRequeueCount, StartTime, EndTime FROM dbo.AllocationHistory " +
f"WHERE TaskId = '{task_id}'")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
price = get_node_price(row[0])
duration = (row[3] - row[2]).total_seconds()
if row[1] == total_requeue_count:
effected += duration * price
wasted += duration * price
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
return {"Effected": effected, "Wasted": wasted}
def update_task_bill_for_job(job_id):
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute(f"SELECT Id, RequeueCount FROM dbo.Task WHERE ParentJobId = '{job_id}'")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
task_id = row[0]
requeue_count = row[1]
item = calculate_task_bill_for_task(task_id, requeue_count)
item['JobId'] = job_id
item['TaskId'] = task_id
item['RequeueCount'] = requeue_count
post_row('TaskBill', item)
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
def update_task_bill_table():
global work_record
last_id = work_record['TaskBill_LastId']
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute(f"SELECT Id, JobId FROM dbo.JobHistory WHERE Id > '{last_id}' and Event = 1")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
work_record['TaskBill_LastId'] = row[0]
job_id = row[1]
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
# NodeAllocation table related functions
def get_node_size(node_id):
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute(f"SELECT NumCores FROM dbo.Node WHERE Id = '{node_id}'")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
if row and row[0] != None:
return row[0]
def update_node_allocation_table():
global work_record
last_id = work_record['NodeAllocation_LastId']
max_start_time = datetime(3000, 1, 1)
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT MIN(StartTime) FROM dbo.AllocationHistory WHERE EndTime IS NULL")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
max_start_time = row[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT Id, NodeId, CoreId, JobId, StartTime, EndTime FROM dbo.AllocationHistory " + \
f"WHERE Id > '{last_id}' and StartTime < '{max_start_time}' and TaskId = 0")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
work_record['NodeAllocation_LastId'] = row[0]
item = {
"NodeId": row[1],
"NodeSize": get_node_size(row[1]),
"CoreId": row[2],
"JobId": row[3],
"StartTimeMs": (row[4] - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0,
"EndTimeMs": (row[5] - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0,
"Time": row[4].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00.0')
post_row('NodeAllocation', item)
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
# ClusterUtility table related functions
def calculate_node_utility_for_hour(node_id, right_time):
capacity = 0.0
usage = 0.0
left_time = right_time - timedelta(hours = 1)
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
# calculate capacity of the node in term of core*hour
sql_cursor.execute(f"SELECT NumCores FROM dbo.NodeName WHERE Id = {node_id}")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
if row == None or row[0] == None:
node_size = row[0]
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT Event, EventTime FROM dbo.NodeHistory WHERE " +
f"NodeId = {node_id} and (Event = 3 or Event = 4)")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
previous_time = left_time
while row and row[0] != None:
event = row[0]
current_time = row[1]
if current_time >= left_time and current_time <= right_time:
if event == 4:
capacity += (current_time - previous_time).total_seconds() / 3600 * node_size
previous_time = current_time
elif current_time > right_time and previous_time < right_time:
if event == 4:
capacity += (right_time - previous_time).total_seconds() / 3600 * node_size
previous_time = right_time
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
if event == 3:
capacity += (right_time - previous_time).total_seconds() / 3600 * node_size
# calculate usage of the node in term of core*hour
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT StartTime, EndTime FROM dbo.AllocationHistory WHERE " +
f"NodeId = {node_id} and TaskId = 0 and " +
f"StartTime < '{right_time}' and EndTime > '{left_time}'")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
start_time = row[0]
end_time = row[1]
if start_time < left_time:
start_time = left_time
if end_time > right_time:
end_time = right_time
usage += (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() / 3600 * 1
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
return {"Capacity": capacity, "Usage": usage}
def update_cluster_utility_for_hour(current_time):
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(NodeId) FROM dbo.NodeHistory")
nodes = []
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
while row and row[0] != None:
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
item = {
"Time": (current_time - timedelta(hours=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00.0'),
"Capacity": 0.0,
"Usage": 0.0,
"Utility": 0.0
for node in nodes:
utility = calculate_node_utility_for_hour(node, current_time)
item['Capacity'] += utility['Capacity']
item['Usage'] += utility['Usage']
if item['Capacity'] > 0.0:
item['Utility'] = item['Usage'] / item['Capacity']
post_row('ClusterUtility', item)
def update_cluster_utility_table():
global work_record
last_time = datetime.strptime(work_record['ClusterUtility_LastTime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
sql_cursor = connect_sql()
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT MIN(StartTime) FROM dbo.AllocationHistory")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
if row == None or row[0] == None:
round_time = row[0].replace(microsecond=0, second=0, minute=0)
if last_time < round_time:
last_time = round_time
next_time = last_time + timedelta(hours=1)
while True:
sql_cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(StartTime) FROM dbo.AllocationHistory")
row = sql_cursor.fetchone()
if row == None or row[0] == None or row[0] <= next_time:
work_record['ClusterUtility_LastTime'] = next_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
next_time += timedelta(hours=1)
# main loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
previous_time = datetime.now()
while True:
print("A turn finished")
current_time = datetime.now()
# refresh token every 50 minutes, as it expires at 60 minutes
if current_time - previous_time > timedelta(minutes=50):
previous_time = current_time