зеркало из https://github.com/Azure/iot-central.git
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# Awesome IoT Central [![Awesome](https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome)
Useful resources for creating solutions with [IoT Central](https://aka.ms/iotcentral) that make you say "Wow, this is amazing!"
## Index
- [connecting devices](#connecting-devices)
- [companion experiences](#companion-experiences)
## index
- [architecture guidance](#architecture-guidance)
- [connecting devices](#connecting-devices)
- [testing devices](#testing-devices)
- [companion experiences](#companion-experiences)
- [transformation and compute](#transformation-and-compute)
- [additional resources](#additiona-resources)
## guidance
- [iot-central-integration-guide](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-integration-guide) - integration patterns and samples for using IoT Central as part of your overall IoT architecture
## learning paths
- Coming Soon
## architecture guidance
[iot-central-integration-guide](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-integration-guide) - integration patterns and samples for using IoT Central as part of your overall IoT architecture
## connecting devices
A curated list of repositories that show how to code devices to take full advantage of IoT Central features, including its multi-hub high avialibality capabilities.
A curated list of repositories that show how to code devices to take full advantage of IoT Central features, including its multi-hub high availability capabilities.
| Repository | Description | Type |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| [iot-central-high-availability-clients](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-high-availability-clients) | Full device client samples that illustrates how to code a high availability device client for use with IoT Central | Code |
| [iot-central-batch-telemetry-with-python](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-batch-telemetry-with-python) | Samples showing how to send batch data to IoT Central (and IoT Hub) with Python using the Azure IoT hub REST interface | Code |
| [iot-central-file-upload-device](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-file-upload-device) | Sample showing how to use the file upload feature of IoT Hub from within an IoT Central app | Code |
| [iot-central-high-availability-clients](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-high-availability-clients) | Full device client samples that illustrates how to code a high availability device client for use with IoT Central | Code |
| [iot-central-batch-telemetry-with-python](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-batch-telemetry-with-python) | Samples showing how to send batch data to IoT Central (and IoT Hub) with Python using the Azure IoT hub REST interface | Code |
| [iot-central-file-upload-device](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-file-upload-device) | Sample showing how to use the file upload feature of IoT Hub from within an IoT Central app | Code |
| [iot-central-web-mqtt-device](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-web-mqtt-device) | A simple IoT device that runs fully contained in the web browser and communicates with Azure IoT Central over MQTT (using websockets) | Code |
| [iot_central_python_sample](https://github.com/Azure/iot_central_python_sample) | A simple sample device written in Python able to do bi-directional communication with IoT Central | Code |
| [iot-central-paad](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-paad) | React-native phone app that uses your phone as a device in IoT Central. App is available in the Android and IPhone stores | Code |
| [iot-central-micropython-client](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-micropython-client)| A MicroPython sample for connecting devices to IoT Central | Code |
| [iot-central-python-client](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-python-client) | A Pythong sample for connecting devices to IoT Central | Code |
###### [⬆ Back to Index](#index) ######
[⬆ back to index](#index)
## testing devices
- [iotc-twinviewer](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-twinviewer) - tool to view current state of the device twin
- [azure-iot-cli-extension](https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-cli-extension#microsoft-azure-iot-extension-for-azure-cli) - command line tool for debugging device/cloud messaging
A curated list of repositories that help debug and test device code.
| Repository | Description | Type |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| [azure-iot-cli-extension](https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-cli-extension#microsoft-azure-iot-extension-for-azure-cli) | A tool to view current state of the device twin | Code |
| [azure-iot-cli-extension](https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-cli-extension#microsoft-azure-iot-extension-for-azure-cli) | A command line tool for debugging device/cloud messaging, including ability to cause fault and test device failover | Code |
[⬆ back to index](#index)
## companion experiences
A curated list of repositories that show how to build companion web and phone applications using IoT Central’s APIs.
A curated list of repositories that show how to build companion web and phone applications using IoT Central’s APIs.
| Repository | Description | Type |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| [iot-central-aad-setup](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-aad-setup) | Guidance on setting up an Azure Active Directory application to work with IoT Central | Guidance | |
| [iot-central-contoso-drive-support](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-contoso-drive-support) | An IoT Central companion experience that demonstrates how to build a custom web app for a support technician operating a fleet management solution | Code |
| [iot-central-contoso-drive-simulator](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-contoso-drive-simulator) | An IoT Central companion experience that demonstrates how to build a web app that does device simulation (use with the Contoso-Drive Support application) | Code |
| [iot-central-aad-app](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-aad-app) | A small codebase showing how to authenticate/authorize to use IoT Central control and data plane APIs | Code |
| [iot-central-companion-experiences-learning](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-companion-experiences-learning) | Walks through building companion experiences with IoT Central | Learning Journey |
| [iot-central-contoso-drive-support](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-contoso-drive-support) | An IoT Central companion experience that demonstrates how to build a custom web app for a support technician operating a fleet management solution | Code |
| [iot-central-contoso-drive-simulator](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-contoso-drive-simulator) | An IoT Central companion experience that demonstrates how to build a web app that does device simulation (use with the Contoso-Drive Support application) | Code |
| [iot-central-aad-setup](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-aad-setup) | Guidance on setting up an Azure Active Directory application to work with IoT Central | Guidance |
| [iot-central-aad-app](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-aad-app) | A small codebase showing how to authenticate/authorize to use IoT Central control and data plane APIs | Code |
[⬆ back to index](#index)
## transformation
- [Azure/iotc-device-bridge](https://github.com/Azure/iotc-device-bridge) - runnable as an Azure Function or Container, it transforms and sends unidirectional data using HTTP in cloud-to-cloud integrations with IoT Central
## transformation and compute
## compute
- Coming Soon
| Repository | Description | Type |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| [iotc-device-bridge](https://github.com/Azure/iotc-device-bridge) | Runnable as an Azure Function or Container, bridge transforms and sends **unidirectional** data using HTTP in cloud-to-cloud integrations with IoT Central | Code |
| [iot-central-bidirectional-device-bridge](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-bidirectional-device-bridge) | Transforms and sends/receives **bidirectional** data using AMQP in cloud-to-cloud integrations with IoT Central | Code |
| [iot-central-compute](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central-compute) | A simple way to do compute and data transformation on data sent to IoT Central using Azure Functions | Code |
## documentation
- [Overview of Azure IoT Central](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/core/overview-iot-central)
- [Connect Azure IoT Edge Devices to an Azure IoT Central](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/core/concepts-iot-edge)
- [Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/core/tutorial-connect-device-python) - Python SDKs and samples
- [Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/core/tutorial-connect-device-nodejs) - Node.js SDKs and samples
- [Develop with Sphere and Azure RTOS](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/develop-secure-iot-solutions-azure-sphere-iot-central/) - Sphere tutorial
- [IoT Show](https://aka.ms/iotshow) - videos
[⬆ back to index](#index)
## additional resources
- [Resources](https://github.com/Azure/iot-central/blob/main/additional_resources.md) - a collection of resources from across the web
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# IoT Central
# IoT Central
Additional resources useful for creating solutions with [IoT Central](https://aka.ms/iotcentral)
## learning paths
- [device-observability-onthe-edge](https://github.com/iot-for-all/Device-Observability-onthe-Edge) - walks through setting up diagnostics (observability) for an IoT Edge device
- [device-observability-onthe-edge](https://github.com/iot-for-all/Device-Observability-onthe-Edge) - walks through setting up diagnostics (observability) for an IoT Edge device
## connecting devices
- [iot-central-web-mqtt-device](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iot-central-web-mqtt-device) - simple device ran in a web browser able to do bi-directional communication with IoT Central
- [iot_central_python_sample](https://github.com/iot-for-all/Iot_Central_Python_Sample) - simple sample device written in Python able to do bi-directional communication with IoT Central
- [mock-devices](https://github.com/codetunez/mock-devices) - simulates 1 to 1000 devices, gateways, nested devices, and [Azure IoT Edge](https://github.com/Azure/iotedge) with interactive bi-directional communication with IoT Central
- [node-red-connector-for-azure-iot-central](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-iot/node-red-connector-for-azure-iot-central/m-p/1605502) - connect devices using Node-RED
- [mock-devices](https://github.com/codetunez/mock-devices) - simulates 1 to 1000 devices, gateways, nested devices, and [Azure IoT Edge](https://github.com/Azure/iotedge) with interactive bi-directional communication with IoT Central
- [starling](https://github.com/iot-for-all/starling) - simulates tens of thousands of devices connecting to and communicating with IoT Central and displays health metrics using Prometheus and Grafana
- [iotc-paad](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-paad) - app that uses your phone as a device in IoT Central
- [iotc-cpm-sample](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-cpm-sample) - a sample application written in React-Native to connect Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) devices to Azure IoT Central
- [iotc-edgemodule-vm-deploy](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-edgemodule-vm-deploy) - an ARM Template to deploy IoT Edge enabled VM pre-configured for an IoT Central edge module
- [iotc-micropython-client](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-micropython-client) - a micropython SDK for connecting devices to IoT Central
- [iotc-python-client](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-python-client) - a Python SDK for connecting devices to IoT Central
- [node-red-connector-for-azure-iot-central](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-iot/node-red-connector-for-azure-iot-central/m-p/1605502) - connect devices using Node-RED
## testing devices
- [iotc-twinviewer](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-twinviewer) - tool to view current state of the device twin
## companion experiences
- [iotc-go](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-go) - demonstrates using the IoT Central APIs in a Golang command-line tool
- [iotc-query](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-query) - demonstrates using the query APIs currently in private preview
- [iotc-migrator](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-migrator) - companion experience for moving device between IoT Central applications or to a pure PaaS solution
## transformation
- [iotc-device-bridge](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-device-bridge) - transforms and does bi-directional communication using AMQP in cloud-to-cloud integrations with IoT Central
- [iot-central-transform-with-iot-edge](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iot-central-transform-with-iot-edge) - ses Azure IoT Edge to transform and send data to IoT Central
## transformation and compute
- [iot-central-transform-with-iot-edge](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iot-central-transform-with-iot-edge) - uses Azure IoT Edge to transform and send data to IoT Central
- [iotc-weather](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-weather) - sends collected weather data from a MySQL database to an IoT Central application
## compute
- [iot-central-compute](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iot-central-compute) - a simple way to do compute and data transformation on data sent to Azure IoT Central using Azure Functions
## documentation
- [Overview of Azure IoT Central](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/core/overview-iot-central)
- [Connect Azure IoT Edge Devices to an Azure IoT Central](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/core/concepts-iot-edge)
- [Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/core/tutorial-connect-device-python) - Python SDKs and samples
- [Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/core/tutorial-connect-device-nodejs) - Node.js SDKs and samples
- [Develop with Sphere and Azure RTOS](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/develop-secure-iot-solutions-azure-sphere-iot-central/) - Sphere tutorial
- [IoT Show](https://aka.ms/iotshow) - videos
## miscellaneous
- [Repo with samples](https://github.com/iot-for-all/iotc-python-client) - Python SDKs and samples
- [Releases](https://pypi.org/project/iotc/) - Python SDKs and samples
- [Device Sample](https://github.com/iot-for-all/Iot_Central_Python_Sample) - Python SDKs and samples
- [Repo with samples](https://github.com/lucadruda/iotc-nodejs-device-client) - Node.js SDKs and samples
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