249 строки
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249 строки
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- A human readable but not necessarily unique name for the application instance -->
<!-- A globally unique identifier for the application instance.
This is overridden with the value contained in the application certificate. -->
<!-- A globally unique URI for the product (usually assigned by the product vendor) -->
<!-- Indicates the type of application (Client, Server or ClientServer). -->
<!-- Specifies security related configuration information -->
<!-- The location of the application instance certificate in the Windows certificate store -->
<!-- The type of store. -->
<!-- The location of the store.
Windows store must start with LocalMachine, CurrentUser or CurrentService
The name of the store is appended.
Note that the names used in code are difference from what appears in the control panel.
e.g. My == "Personal", Root == "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" -->
<StorePath>OPC Foundation/CertificateStores/MachineDefault</StorePath>
<!-- The subject for the certificate
Note that subject names are complex structures. The text that appears here is the CommonName component.
A complete distinguished would be something like: 'CN=Opc.Ua.Client.SampleModule, DC=MACHINENAME'
The first certificate found is used if multiple certificates with the same CommonName exist.
The Thumbprint should be specified if the CommonName does not uniquely identify a certificate. -->
<!-- The SHA1 thumbprint for the certificate.
The thumbprint uniquely identifies a certificate.
It should be specified in this file, however, the samples rely on quick and
dirty scripts to create new certificate on each machine. A commerical application
would generate the initial certificate itself and update the thumbprint accordingly -->
<!-- The list of certification authorities.
Typical web browsing applications trust any certificate issued by a CA in the
"Trusted Root Certification Authorities" certificate store. However, this approach is
not appropriate for UA because Adminstrators have no control over the CAs that get
placed in that Root store to facilitate web browsing. This means Adminstrators must
specify a different store that is used only for UA related CAs and/or they must explicitly
specify the certificate for each trusted certification authority. -->
<StorePath>OPC Foundation/CertificateStores/UA Certificate Authorities</StorePath>
<!-- The list of trusted certificates.
Some UA applications will use self-signed certificates (certificates without a CA)
which means that every application which communicates with it must be configured to
trust it.
Adminstrators may designate a certificate store that contains trusted UA application
instance certificates (this store should not be the same as the store used for CAs
certificates). Alternately, Administrators may enter the certificates explicitly in
this list.
Note that entries in this list may either reference a certificate in the store or
may contained the entire certificate encoded as base64 data.
<StorePath>OPC Foundation/CertificateStores/UA Applications</StorePath>
<!-- Applications exchange Nonces during the CreateSession. This value specifies the length. Must be >= 32 -->
<!-- The directory used to store invalid certficates for later review by the administrator. -->
<StorePath>OPC Foundation/CertificateStores/RejectedCertificates</StorePath>
<!-- WARNING: The following setting (to automatically accept untrusted certificates) should be used
for easy debugging purposes ONLY and turned off for production deployments! -->
<!-- Specifies quotas used to by the transport layer -->
<!-- The default timeout in milliseconds for operations (used by clients) -->
<!-- The maximum length for a string value in any message -->
<!-- The maximum length for a byte string value in any message -->
<!-- The maximum length for any array in a message.
Note that some protocols do not distinguish between bytes and arrays.
In these cases the binding will choose the larger of
MaxByteStringLength or MaxArrayLength-->
<!-- The maximum size of any message -->
<!-- The maximum buffer size
This value controls how big a block of memory the transport layer allocates.
Setting this value to a large value will reduce performance and use a lot of RAM -->
<!-- The lifetime of a SecureChannel in milliseconds.
This specifies how long the server will keep a broken channel around while waiting
for a client to reconnect.
Not used by HTTP or .NET TCP bindings -->
<!-- The lifetime of a SecurityToken in milliseconds.
This specifies how long a security token can be used without renewal. -->
<!-- This element only needs to be specified for Server or ClientServer applications -->
<!-- This element is only required for Client and ClientServer applications -->
<!-- The default timeout for new sessions -->
<!-- The well-known URLs for the local discovery servers
URLs are tested in the order they appear in this list. -->
<!-- EndpointDescriptions for system wide discovery servers -->
<!-- The file used to save the EndpointDescriptions for servers known to the Client -->
<!-- The minimum subscription lifetime.
This ensures subscriptions are not set to expire too quickly. The requesed lifetime count
and keep alive count are calculated using this value and the request publishing interval -->
<ListOfPublishedNodes xmlns="http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SDK/Configuration.xsd">
<ua:EndpointUrl>opc.tcp://TODO:Add uri here</ua:EndpointUrl>
<!-- Current Server Time -->
<ua:EndpointUrl>opc.tcp://TODO:Add another uri here</ua:EndpointUrl>
<!-- Current Server Time -->
Masks supported by the trace feature.
Servers will detect changes within 5 seconds.
Do not output any messages.
None = 0x0;
Output error messages.
Error = 0x1;
Output informational messages.
Information = 0x2;
Output stack traces.
StackTrace = 0x4;
Output basic messages for service calls.
Service = 0x8;
Output detailed messages for service calls.
ServiceDetail = 0x10;
Output basic messages for each operation.
Operation = 0x20;
Output detailed messages for each operation.
OperationDetail = 0x40;
Output messages related to application initialization or shutdown
StartStop = 0x80;
Output messages related to a call to an external system.
ExternalSystem = 0x100;
Output messages related to security
Security = 0x200;
<!-- Show Only Errors -->
<!-- <TraceMasks>1</TraceMasks> -->
<!-- Show Only Security and Errors -->
<!-- <TraceMasks>513</TraceMasks> -->
<!-- Show Only Security, Errors and Trace -->
<!-- Show Only Security, COM Calls, Errors and Trace -->
<!-- <TraceMasks>771</TraceMasks> -->
<!-- Show Only Security, Service Calls, Errors and Trace -->
<!-- <TraceMasks>523</TraceMasks> -->
<!-- Show Only Security, ServiceResultExceptions, Errors and Trace -->
<!-- <TraceMasks>519</TraceMasks> -->
<!-- Enables the hi-res clock for the process to allows for shorter (<100ms) publishing and sampling intervals. -->
<!-- QueryPerformanceCounter does not work on all multi-core machines so enabling the hi-res clock by default is not recommended. -->