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This reference implementation demonstrates how Azure IoT Edge can be used to connect to existing OPC UA servers and publishes JSON encoded telemetry data from these servers in OPC UA "Pub/Sub" format (using a JSON payload) to Azure IoT Hub. All transport protocols supported by Azure IoT Edge can be used, i.e. HTTPS, AMQP and MQTT (the default).
This application, apart from including an OPC UA *client* for connecting to existing OPC UA servers you have on your network, also includes an OPC UA *server* on port 62222 that can be used to manage what gets published.
Publisher implements a retry logic to establish connections to endpoints which have not responded to a certain number of keep alive requests, for example if the OPC UA server on this endpoint had a power outage.
For each distinct publishing interval to an OPC UA server it creates a separate subscription over which all nodes with this publishing interval are updated.
Publisher supports batching of the data sent to IoTHub, to reduce network load. This batching is sending a packet to IoTHub only if the configured package size is reached.
This application uses the OPC Foundations's OPC UA reference stack and therefore licensing restrictions apply. Visit for OPC UA documentation and licensing terms.
Open the OpcPublisher.sln project with Visual Studio 2017 and build the solution by hitting F7.
## As Docker container
Depending if you use Docker Linux or Docker Windows containers, there are different configuration files (Dockerfile or Dockerfile.Windows) to use for building the container.
From the root of the repository, in a console, type:
The `-f` option for `docker build` is optional and the default is to use Dockerfile. Docker also support building directly from a git repository, which means you also can build a Linux container by:
The easiest way to configure the OPC UA nodes to publish is via configuration file. The configuration file format is documented in `publishednodes.json` in this repository.
Configuration file syntax has changed over time and OPC Publisher still can read old formats, but converts them into the latest format when persisting the configuration.
An example for the format of the configuration file is:
OPC Publisher has an OPC UA Server integrated, which can be accessed on port 62222. If the hostname is `publisher`, then the URI of the endpoint is: `opc.tcp://publisher:62222/UA/Publisher`
When OpcPublisher gets notified about a value change in one of the configured published nodes, it generates a JSON formatted message, which is sent to IoTHub.
The content of this JSON formatted message can be configured via a configuration file. If no configuration file is specified via the `--tc` option a default configuration is used,
The telemetry which is put into the JSON formatted message is a selection of important properties of these objects. If you need more properties, you need to change the OpcPublisher code base.
The syntax of the configuration file is as follows:
Typically you specify the IoTHub owner connectionstring only on the first start of the application. The connectionstring will be encrypted and stored in the platforms certificiate store.
On subsequent calls it will be read from there and reused. If you specify the connectionstring on each start, the device which is created for the application in the IoTHub device registry will be removed and recreated each time.
Open the OpcPublisher.sln project with Visual Studio 2017, build the solution and publish it. You can start the application in the 'Target directory' you have published to with:
[Azure IoT Edge]( Microsoft's Intelligent Edge framework and OpcPublisher is ready to be used as a module to run in IoT Edge.
We recommend to take a look on the information available on the beforementioned link and use then the information provided here.
* Adjust the `Binds` source, which is set in the example to `d:/iiotedge`, which means that the configuration file is in the host folder
`d:\iiotedge` on the Windows host IoT Edge is running. The command line option specifies the configuration file as `\cfg\pn.json`.
This resolves with the volume mapping to `d:\iiotedge\pn.json`. (Note: you need to apply the the appropriate Settings to allow Docker for Windows accessing the drives.)
To enable name resolution from within the container to other containers, you need to create a user define docker bridge network and connect the container to this network using the `--network` option.
### Access other systems from within the container
Other containers, can be reached using the parameters described in the "Enable intercontainer nameresolution" paragraph.
If operating system on which docker is hosted is DNS enabled, then accessing all systems which are known by DNS will work..
A problems occurs in a network which does use NetBIOS name resolution. To enable access to other systems (including the one on which docker is hosted) you need to start your container using the `--add-host` option,
which effectevly is adding an entry to the containers host file.
Publisher uses the hostname of the machine is running on for certificate and endpoint generation. docker chooses a random hostname if there is none set by the `-h` option. Here an example to set the internal hostname of the container to `publisher`:
docker run -h publisher microsoft/iot-edge-opc-publisher <applicationname> [<iothubconnectionstring>] [options]
In certain use cases it may make sense to read configuration information from or write log files to locations on the host and not keep them in the container file system only. To achieve this you need to use the `-v` option of `docker run` in the bind mount mode.
### Store for X509 certificates
Storing X509 certificates does not work with bind mounts, since the permissions of the path to the store need to be `rw` for the owner. Instead you need to use the `-v` option of `docker run` in the volume mode.
### Commandline parameters contolling performance and memory
When running Publisher you need to be aware of your performance requirements and the memory resources you have available on your platform.
Since both are interdependent and both depend on the configuration of how many nodes are configured to publish, you should ensure that the parameters you are using for:
* IoTHub send interval (`--si`)
* IoTHub message size (`--ms`)
* Monitored Items queue capacity (`--mq`)
do meet your requirements.
The `--mq` parameter controls the upper bound of the capacity of the internal queue, which buffers all notifications if a value of an OPC node changes. If Publisher is not able to send messages to IoTHub fast enough,
then this queue buffers those notifications. The parameter sets the number of notifications which can be buffered. If you seen the number of items in this queue increasing in your test runs, you need to:
otherwise you will loose the data values of those OPC node changes. The `--mq` parameter at the same time allows to prevent controlling the upper bound of the memory resources used by Publisher.
The `--si` parameter enforces Publisher to send messages to IoTHub as the specified interval. If there is an IoTHub message size specified via the `--ms` parameter (or by the default value for it),
then a message will be sent either when the message size is reached (in this case the interval is restarted) or when the specified interval time has passed. If you disable the message size by `--ms 0`, Publisher
uses the maximal possible IoTHub message size of 256 kB to batch data.
The `--ms` parameter allows you to enable batching of messages sent to IoTHub. Depending on the protocol you are using, the overhead to send a message to IoTHub is high compared to the actual time of sending the payload.
If your scenario allows latency for the data ingested, you should configure Publisher to use the maximal message size of 256 kB.
Before you use Publisher in production scenarios, you need to test the performance and memory under production conditions. You can use the `--di` commandline parameter to specify a interval in seconds,
The default configuration sends data to IoTHub each 10 seconds or when 256 kB of data to ingest is available. This adds a moderate latency of max 10 seconds, but has lowest probablilty of loosing data because of the large message size.
As you see in the diagnostics ouptut there are no OPC node udpates lost (`monitored item notifications enqueue failure`).
When the message size is set to 0 and there is a send interval configured (or the default of 1 second is used), then Publisher does use internally batch data using the maximal supported IoTHub message size, which is 256 kB. As you see in the diagnostic output,
the average message size is 115019 byte. In this configuration we do not loose any OPC node value udpates and compared to the default it adds lower latency.
This configuration sends for each OPC node value change a message to IoTHub. You see the average message size of 234 byte is pretty small. The advantage of this configuration is that Publisher does not add any latency to the ingest data path. The number of
lost OPC node value updates (`monitored item notifications enqueue failure: 44624`) is the highest of all compared configurations, which make this configuration not recommendable for use cases, when a lot of telemetry should be published.
This configuration batches as much OPC node value udpates as possible. The maximum IoTHub message size is 256 kB, which is configured here. There is no send interval requested, which makes the time when data is ingested
completely controlled by the data itself. This configuration has the least probability of loosing any OPC node values and can be used for publishing a high number of nodes.
When using this configuration you need to ensure, that your scenario does not have conditions where high latency is introduced (because the message size of 256 kB is not reached).
If you need to access the OPC UA server in the publisher, you should ensure that the firewall setting allow access to the port the server is listening on (default: 62222).