# # CONNECTION STRINGS # IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING="" DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING="" # # CONTAINER REGISTRY # # Settings for your default container registry. # - Local Registry: Set CONTAINER_REGISTRY_SERVER to "localhost:5000" - USERNAME/PASSWORD are not required. # - Azure Container Registry: Set CONTAINER_REGISTRY_SERVER to "myregistry.azurecr.io". USERNAME/PASSWORD are required. # - Docker Hub: Set CONTAINER_REGISTRY_SERVER and CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME to your Docker Hub username. Set CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD to your Docker Hub password. CONTAINER_REGISTRY_SERVER="localhost:5000" CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME="" CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD="" # To specify additional container registries ensure the prefix is CONTAINER_REGISTRY_SERVER_, CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME_, CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_ # And the token following the prefix uniquely associates the SERVER/USERNAME/PASSWORD # Token can be any string of alphanumeric characters # CONTAINER_REGISTRY_SERVER_2="" # CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME_2="" # CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_2="" # # HOST # EDGE_RUNTIME_VERSION="1.2" EDGEAGENT_SCHEMA_VERSION="1.1" EDGEHUB_SCHEMA_VERSION="1.2" # # MODULES # BYPASS_MODULES="" # "" - to build all modules # "*" - to bypass all modules # "filtermodule, module1" - Comma delimited list of modules to bypass when building ACTIVE_DOCKER_PLATFORMS="" # "" - to only build platforms specified in DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_FILE # "*" - to build all platforms # "amd64,amd64.debug" - Comma delimited list of platforms to build CONTAINER_TAG="" # # IOTHUB DEPLOYMENT # IOTHUB_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_CONDITION="" # To specifiy the target condition of a IoT Hub deployment # Required when creating a deployment on IoT Hub # Examples: # IOTHUB_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_CONDITION="tags.environment='dev'" # IOTHUB_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_CONDITION="tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'" # # SOLUTION SETTINGS # CONFIG_OUTPUT_DIR="config" DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_FILE="deployment.template.json" DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_DEBUG_TEMPLATE_FILE="deployment.debug.template.json" DEFAULT_PLATFORM="amd64" MODULES_PATH="modules" LOGS_PATH="logs" DEVICE_TAGS="" # To specifiy the tags for an edge device # Examples: # DEVICE_TAGS="{"environment":"dev"}" # DEVICE_TAGS="{"environment":"dev", "building":"9"}" # # DOCKER LOGS COMMAND # # Command used when calling iotedgedev docker --logs or --show-logs LOGS_CMD="start /B start cmd.exe @cmd /k docker logs {0} -f" # "start /B start cmd.exe @cmd /k docker logs {0} -f" - for CMD # "docker logs {0} -f -new_console:sV" - for ConEmu # # AZURE SETTINGS # # These settings will override parameters to the `iotedgedev azure --setup` command. # CREDENTIALS="username password" # SERVICE_PRINCIPAL="username password tenant" # RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION="australiaeast|australiasoutheast|brazilsouth|canadacentral|canadaeast|centralindia|centralus|eastasia|eastus|eastus2|japanwest|japaneast|northeurope|northcentralus|southindia|uksouth|ukwest|westus|westeurope|southcentralus|westcentralus|westus2" # IOTHUB_SKU="F1|S1|S2|S3" # UPDATE_DOTENV="True|False" SUBSCRIPTION_ID="" RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME="" RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION="" IOTHUB_NAME="" IOTHUB_SKU="" EDGE_DEVICE_ID="" CREDENTIALS="" SERVICE_PRINCIPAL="" UPDATE_DOTENV=""