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121 строка
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package main
import (
fluxhelmv2beta1 "github.com/fluxcd/helm-controller/api/v2beta1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
const (
// The set of executor actions which can be performed on a helmrelease object
Install ExecutorAction = "install"
Delete ExecutorAction = "delete"
// ExecutorAction defines the set of executor actions which can be performed on a helmrelease object
type ExecutorAction string
func ParseExecutorAction(s string) (ExecutorAction, error) {
a := ExecutorAction(s)
switch a {
case Install, Delete:
return a, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid executor action: %v", s)
func main() {
var spec string
var configMapName, configMapNamespace string
var actionStr string
var timeoutStr string
var intervalStr string
flag.StringVar(&spec, "spec", "", "Spec of the helmrelease object to apply")
flag.StringVar(&actionStr, "action", "", "Action to perform on the helmrelease object. Must be either install or delete")
flag.StringVar(&timeoutStr, "timeout", "5m", "Timeout for the execution of the argo workflow task")
flag.StringVar(&intervalStr, "interval", "10s", "Retry interval for the all actions by the executor")
// Executor specific params
flag.StringVar(&configMapName, "configmap-name", "", "name of the configmap containing the shipyard.yaml, plugin configuration and other resources")
flag.StringVar(&configMapNamespace, "configmap-namespace", "", "namespace of the configmap containing the shipyard.yaml, plugin configuration and other resources")
action, err := ParseExecutorAction(actionStr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse action as an executor action with %v", err)
timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(timeoutStr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse timeout as a duration with %v", err)
interval, err := time.ParseDuration(intervalStr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse interval as a duration with %v", err)
log.Printf("Parsed the action: %v, the timeout: %v and the interval: %v", string(action), timeout.String(), interval.String())
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
kubeConfig := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules(), nil)
config, err := kubeConfig.ClientConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize the client config with %v", err)
decodedSpec, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(spec)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to decode the string as a base64 string; got the string %v", spec)
log.Printf("Successfully base64 decoded the spec")
hr := &fluxhelmv2beta1.HelmRelease{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(decodedSpec, hr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to decode the spec into yaml with the err %v", err)
k8sScheme := scheme.Scheme
clientSet, err := client.New(config, client.Options{Scheme: k8sScheme})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create the clientset with the given config with %v", err)
configmapObj := &corev1.ConfigMap{}
if err := clientSet.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: configMapName, Namespace: configMapNamespace}, configmapObj); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to get ConfigMap : %v", err)
if configmapObj.Data == nil {
log.Fatalf("configmap data field cannot be nil")
if len(configmapObj.Data) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("configmap data field cannot be empty")
if action == Install {
if err := actions.Install(ctx, cancel, hr, interval, configmapObj.Data); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to trigger keptn evaluation: %v", err)
} else if action == Delete {
if err := actions.Delete(ctx, cancel, clientSet, hr, interval, configmapObj.Data); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to cleanup keptn application resources: %v", err)