andyzhangx 22b7df30b9 doc: fix code spelling issues 2022-02-13 02:19:17 +00:00
deployment doc: fix code spelling issues 2022-02-13 02:19:17 +00:00
README.md Update README.md 2019-06-11 13:50:16 +08:00
nginx-flex-dysk-readonly.yaml Update and rename nginx-flex-dysk-pvc.yaml to nginx-flex-dysk-readonly.yaml 2018-05-15 06:47:10 +00:00
nginx-flex-dysk.yaml change dysk readme 2018-05-15 06:36:35 +00:00
pv-dysk-flexvol.yaml Update pv-dysk-flexvol.yaml 2018-05-15 06:47:10 +00:00
pvc-dysk-flexvol.yaml Update pvc-dysk-flexvol.yaml 2018-05-15 06:47:10 +00:00


dysk FlexVolume driver for Kubernetes (Deprecated)

WARNING: This driver is Deprecated. Do NOT use this driver in a production environment in its current state.

  • supported Kubernetes version: available from v1.7
  • supported agent OS: Linux

Note: This driver only supports kubelet running as native daemon (other than containerized kubelet), kubelet in acs-engine v0.16.0 or above and AKS cluster is already running as native daemon. Check whether kubelet is containerized or running as native daemon


This driver allows Kubernetes to use fast kernel-mode mount/unmount AzureDisk


  • A storage account should be created in the same region as the kubernetes cluster
  • An azure disk should be created in the specified storage account: below example will create a vhd(dysk01.vhd) in default container dysks
docker run --rm \
	-it --privileged \
	-v /etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs:ro \
khenidak/dysk-cli:0.4 create --account ACCOUNT-NAME --key ACCOUNT-KEY --device-name dysk01 --size 1

Install dysk driver on a kubernetes cluster

1. config kubelet service to enable FlexVolume driver

Note: skip this step in AKS or from acs-engine v0.12.0

Please refer to config kubelet service to enable FlexVolume driver

2. install dysk FlexVolume driver on every agent node

  • create daemonset to install dysk driver
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/kubernetes-volume-drivers/master/flexvolume/dysk/deployment/dysk-flexvol-installer.yaml
  • check daemonset status:
watch kubectl describe daemonset dysk-flexvol-installer --namespace=kube-system
watch kubectl get po --namespace=kube-system -o wide

Note: for deployment on v1.7, it requires restarting kubelet on every node(sudo systemctl restart kubelet) after daemonset running complete due to Dynamic Plugin Discovery not supported on k8s v1.7

3. install jq package on every agent node

sudo apt install jq -y

Basic Usage

1. create a secret with dysk account name and key

kubectl create secret generic dyskcreds --from-literal accountname=ACCOUNT-NAME --from-literal accountkey="ACCOUNT-KEY" --type="azure/dysk"

2. create a pod with dysk flexvolume mount on linux

Example#1: Tie a flexvolume explicitly to a pod (ReadWriteOnce)

  • download nginx-flex-dysk.yaml file and modify container, blob fields
wget -O nginx-flex-dysk.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/kubernetes-volume-drivers/master/flexvolume/dysk/nginx-flex-dysk.yaml
vi nginx-flex-dysk.yaml
  • create a pod with dysk flexvolume driver mount
kubectl create -f nginx-flex-dysk.yaml

Example#2: Create dysk flexvolume PV & PVC and then create a pod based on PVC (ReadOnlyMany)


  • access modes of blobfuse PV supports ReadWriteOnce(RWO), ReadOnlyMany(ROX)
  • Pod.Spec.Volumes.PersistentVolumeClaim.readOnly field should be set as true when accessModes of PV is set as ReadOnlyMany
  • download pv-dysk-flexvol.yaml file, modify container, blob, storage fields and create a dysk flexvolume persistent volume(PV)
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/kubernetes-volume-drivers/master/flexvolume/dysk/pv-dysk-flexvol.yaml
vi pv-dysk-flexvol.yaml
kubectl create -f pv-dysk-flexvol.yaml
  • create a dysk flexvolume persistent volume claim(PVC)
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/kubernetes-volume-drivers/master/flexvolume/dysk/pvc-dysk-flexvol.yaml
  • check status of PV & PVC until its Status changed to Bound
kubectl get pv
kubectl get pvc
  • create a pod with dysk flexvolume PVC
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/kubernetes-volume-drivers/master/flexvolume/dysk/nginx-flex-dysk-readonly.yaml

3. enter the pod container to do validation

  • watch the status of pod until its Status changed from Pending to Running
watch kubectl describe po nginx-flex-dysk
  • enter the pod container
kubectl exec -it nginx-flex-dysk -- bash
root@nginx-flex-dysk:/# df -h
Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay            291G  6.3G  285G   3% /
tmpfs              3.4G     0  3.4G   0% /dev
tmpfs              3.4G     0  3.4G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/dyskpoosf9g0  992M  1.3M  924M   1% /data
/dev/sda1          291G  6.3G  285G   3% /etc/hosts
shm                 64M     0   64M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs              3.4G   12K  3.4G   1% /run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
tmpfs              3.4G     0  3.4G   0% /sys/firmware

In the above example, there is a /data directory mounted as dysk filesystem.


How to use flexvolume driver in Helm

Since flexvolume does not support dynamic provisioning, storageClass should be set as empty in Helm chart, take wordpress as an example:

  • Set up a dysk flexvolume PV and also dyskcreds first
kubectl create secret generic dyskcreds --from-literal username=USERNAME --from-literal password="PASSWORD" --type="azure/dysk"
kubectl create -f pv-dysk-flexvol.yaml
  • Specify persistence.accessMode=ReadWriteOnce,persistence.storageClass="-" in wordpress chart
helm install --set persistence.accessMode=ReadWriteOnce,persistence.storageClass="-" stable/wordpress

Debugging skills

  • If there is pod mounting error like following:
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "test" : invalid character 'C' looking for beginning of value

Please attach log file /var/log/dysk-driver.log and file an issue

Flexvolume doc

Persistent Storage Using FlexVolume Plug-ins

dysk - Fast kernel-mode mount/unmount of AzureDisk