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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import "chai/register-should";
import { HttpOperationResponse } from "../lib/httpOperationResponse";
import { RequestPolicy, RequestPolicyOptions } from "../lib/policies/requestPolicy";
import { Constants } from "../lib/util/constants";
import { WebResource } from "../lib/webResource";
import { userAgentPolicy } from "../lib/policies/userAgentPolicy";
import { nodeDescribe, browserDescribe } from "./msAssert";
const userAgentHeaderKey = Constants.HeaderConstants.USER_AGENT;
const emptyRequestPolicy: RequestPolicy = {
sendRequest(request: WebResource): Promise<HttpOperationResponse> {
return Promise.resolve({ request: request, status: 200, headers: request.headers });
const getPlainUserAgentPolicy = (headerValue?: string): RequestPolicy => {
const factory = userAgentPolicy({ value: headerValue });
return factory.create(emptyRequestPolicy, new RequestPolicyOptions());
const getUserAgent = async (headerValue?: string): Promise<string> => {
const policy = getPlainUserAgentPolicy(headerValue);
const resource = new WebResource();
await policy.sendRequest(resource);
const userAgent = resource.headers.get(userAgentHeaderKey);
return userAgent!;
describe("MsRestUserAgentPolicy", () => {
nodeDescribe("for Node.js", () => {
it("should not modify user agent header if already present", async () => {
const userAgentPolicy = getPlainUserAgentPolicy();
const customUserAgent = "my custom user agent";
const resource = new WebResource();
resource.headers.set(userAgentHeaderKey, customUserAgent);
await userAgentPolicy.sendRequest(resource);
const userAgentHeader: string = resource.headers.get(userAgentHeaderKey)!;;
it("should not set the user agent header if custom user agent is empty", async () => {
const customUserAgent = "";
const factory = userAgentPolicy({ value: customUserAgent });
const nodeUserAgentPolicy = factory.create(emptyRequestPolicy, new RequestPolicyOptions());
const resource = new WebResource();
await nodeUserAgentPolicy.sendRequest(resource);
const userAgentHeader: string = resource.headers.get(userAgentHeaderKey)!;
(userAgentHeader === undefined);
it("should use injected user agent string if provided", async () => {
const customUserAgent = "my custom user agent";
const factory = userAgentPolicy({ value: customUserAgent });
const nodeUserAgentPolicy = factory.create(emptyRequestPolicy, new RequestPolicyOptions());
const resource = new WebResource();
await nodeUserAgentPolicy.sendRequest(resource);
const userAgentHeader: string = resource.headers.get(userAgentHeaderKey)!;;
it("should be space delimited and contain three fields", async () => {
const userAgent = await getUserAgent();
const userAgentParts = userAgent.split(" ");;
it("should contain runtime information", async () => {
const userAgent = await getUserAgent();
userAgent.should.match(/ms-rest-js\/[\d\w\.-]+ .+/);
it("should have operating system information at the third place", async () => {
const userAgent = await getUserAgent();
const userAgentParts = userAgent.split(" ");
const osInfo = userAgentParts[2];
it("should have Node information at the second place", async () => {
const userAgent = await getUserAgent();
const userAgentParts = userAgent.split(" ");
const osInfo = userAgentParts[1];
browserDescribe("for browser", function () {
const userAgentHeaderKey = "x-ms-command-name";
const emptyRequestPolicy: RequestPolicy = {
sendRequest(request: WebResource): Promise<HttpOperationResponse> {
return Promise.resolve({ request: request, status: 200, headers: request.headers });
const getUserAgent = async (headerValue?: string): Promise<string> => {
const factory = userAgentPolicy({ value: headerValue });
const policy = factory.create(emptyRequestPolicy, new RequestPolicyOptions());
const resource = new WebResource();
await policy.sendRequest(resource);
const userAgent = resource.headers.get(userAgentHeaderKey);
return userAgent!;
describe("MsRestUserAgentPolicy (Browser)", () => {
it("should not modify user agent header if already present", async () => {
const factory = userAgentPolicy();
const browserUserAgentPolicy = factory.create(
new RequestPolicyOptions()
const customUserAgent = "my custom user agent";
const resource = new WebResource();
resource.headers.set(userAgentHeaderKey, customUserAgent);
await browserUserAgentPolicy.sendRequest(resource);
const userAgentHeader: string = resource.headers.get(userAgentHeaderKey)!;;
it("should use injected user agent string if provided", async () => {
const customUserAgent = "my custom user agent";
const factory = userAgentPolicy({ value: customUserAgent });
const browserUserAgentPolicy = factory.create(
new RequestPolicyOptions()
const resource = new WebResource();
await browserUserAgentPolicy.sendRequest(resource);
const userAgentHeader: string = resource.headers.get(userAgentHeaderKey)!;;
it("should be space delimited and contain two fields", async () => {
const userAgent = await getUserAgent();
const userAgentParts = userAgent.split(" ");;
it("should contain runtime information", async () => {
const userAgent = await getUserAgent();
userAgent.should.match(/ms-rest-js\/[\d\w\.-]+ .+/);
it("should have operating system information at the second place", async () => {
const userAgent = await getUserAgent();
const userAgentParts = userAgent.split(" ");
const osInfo = userAgentParts[1];