- Re-enable the arm-id validation in all cases, even when `isArmCall` is `false`. The special handling for this error will be done in RPaaS's codebase.
-#1014 Set armId format validation to always enabled, but allow suppression of errors when `isArmCall` validator argument is set to `false`. Update the special casing on additionalProperties validation. This error was was erroneously skipping validation validation error when isArmCall is set to `true`. This value is _defaulted_ to `true` when used for `Model Validation` and `Semantic Validation`.
-#1019 Fixing edge case caused by introduction of fake property `refWithReadOnly` used to handle `readonly` errors thrown when placed alongside a `ref` node in a swagger schema.
-#1011 Enhancing JSON report by exposing new properties including `coveredSpecFiles`, `unCoveredOperationsList`, `errorLink` and `schemaPathWithPosition`.
- Re-enable `additionalProperties` validation where the `liveValidator` configuration has `isArmCall` set to `false`. The version of `oav` that is being used to validate `azure-rest-api-specs` has this behavior enabled, so this is not a breaking change.
- Patch `byte` type validation to properly decode and re-encode a base64 string. A `byte` formatted body's validity has **nothing** to do with whether or not one can successfully encode it to ascii.
- We made this update to address a problem in a node project that takes a dependency on `oav`. Unbeknownst to me, a package taking a dependency on `oav` does _not_ inherit the `override` settings defined in the `oav``package.json`. With that being the case, there is no reason to leave these overrides added to the `package.json` for `oav`.
- Pin `lodash` in dev dependencies to account for build failure on newer versions.
- Support level option. Current two levels: validate-request, validate-request-response. validate-request will only check request parameters. validate-request-response check both request and response.
- Support x-ms-mutability in the response validation. If there's a write-only x-ms-mutabitlity property in the response, report an error
## 10/22/2019 0.19.9
- Extends logging for live validator to log performance metrics, correlationId and structured request information.
## 10/14/2019 0.19.8
- Add an optional logging callback to consume by livevalidator in order to dump log to external caller.
- Update the yasway version to 1.8.5.
- Add the new validation error code of SECRET_PROPERTY.
## 09/04/2019 0.19.6
- Report example position for request parameter errors [Issue#423](https://github.com/Azure/oav/issues/423).
- Fixed internal error when load invalid local reference file [Issue#449](https://github.com/Azure/oav/issues/449).
- Fixed internal error when load empty reference file [Issue#444](https://github.com/Azure/oav/issues/444).
## 09/03/2019 0.19.5
- Add package.lock file to lock the version of dependencies.
## 08/12/2019 0.19.4
- Update the error handling when loading and parsing suppression files.
## 07/30/2019 0.19.3
- Fixed validation of nullable array types if they were defined as tope level models or transformed into top level models in the `"definitions"` object. Fixes #437.
- Fixed an issue where `"properties": {}` was being incorrectly added to a schema with `"$ref"` in the response or a top level `array`.
## 07/12/2019 0.19.2
- Add support for validating discriminator is required and also the support for suppression.[Issue#386](https://github.com/Azure/oav/issues/386).
## 07/02/2019 0.19.1
- Update TypeScript to 3.5
-`@types/jsonpath` is a dependency because `PathComponent` type from the package is exported in `lib/util/validationError.ts`.
## 07/12/2019 0.19.0
- Modify path in payload for MISSING_REQUIRED_PROPERTIES and for OBJECT_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES to point to the actual property.
## 07/02/2019 0.18.6
- Adding support for JSON path & schema path in errors.
- Improved model validation when example provides the response body however the spec doesn't have a schema for the response and vice-versa.
## 06/12/2019 0.18.5
- Added support for JSON path & schema path in errors.
## 05/30/2019 0.18.4
- Better error reporting for spec reference pointing to invalid files.
## 05/29/2019 0.18.3
- Update cache initialization in live validator to `Promise.all()`.
- Update package version of `yuml2svg` dependency (since it contains typescript definitions).
- Add support for validating `readOnly` properties in the request.
- Limiting dependencies on `@types/lodash` and `typescript` due to stricter type definition rules in the later versions.
## 04/25/2019 0.18.2
- Use node env for jest #422.
## 04/08/2019 0.18.1
- Validate request body when it is a JSON object.
## 04/08/2019 0.18.0
- The `isSuccessful` is `undefined` in case of an existing `runtimeException`.
-`RequestResponseLiveValidationResult` has a runtimeExceptions field instead of an errors field.
## 04/05/2019 0.17.0
- Live Validation mode is now skipping validating for errors not specified when using the `includeErrors` option.
- The types `RequestValidationResult` and `ResponseValidationResult` have been replaced with the `LiveValidationResult` type.
## 04/05/2019 0.16.1
- OAV should exit with code `1` if it finds errors.
- Breaking changes in SpecValidationResult, CommonValidationResult.
## 04/01/2019 0.15.3
- Polymporphic anyOf's will be validated only against the matching subschema and any error wont be nested.
## 04/01/2019 0.15.2
- Inner errors will have the `LiveValidationIssue` type instead of`object`.
## 03/28/2019 0.15.1
- Allow for live validation to exclude/include specific errors.
## 03/27/2019 0.15.0
- Refactor live validator and new types for validation results.
- Expose separate request and response validate methods.
- Expose types for live validation parameters.
-`processValidationErrors`, `serializeErrors` and `getPotentialOperations` are not exported anymore. Validation methods automatically call these.
## 03/20/2019 0.14.8
- Don't parse examples when not needed.
- Remove example references when not needed to avoid "UNRESOLVABLE_REFERENCE" errors.
## 03/20/2019 0.14.7
- Change test runner to jest.
## 03/19/2019 0.14.6
- Don't resolve x-ms-examples for live validation and for semantic validation.
## 03/07/2019 0.14.5
- Fixing linting and coding style issues.
## 03/08/2019 0.14.4
-`INTERNAL_ERROR` as an error code.
## 03/07/2019 0.14.3
- OAV shouldn't parse `error.title` twice.
## 03/06/2019 0.14.2
- Use one cache per SpecValidator inside the LiveValidator.
## 03/06/2019 0.14.1
- Add doc cache during `LiveValidator initialization` to reduce memory footprint and execution time.
## 03/06/2019 0.14.0
- Remove package level global doc cache.
- Remove external exports of `clearCache()` and of `executePromisesSequentially()`
## 02/06/2019 0.13.6
- Polymorphic models should have `"type": "object"`.
## 02/05/2019 0.13.5
- Fixing `ONE_OF_MULTIPLE`. It was caused by `x-ms-enum.modelAsString` which validates
discriminators as an unrestricted strings
## 01/29/2019 0.13.4
- Provide url and file position for these errors:
## 01/28/2019 0.13.3
- Provide url and file position for `RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_NOT_IN_EXAMPLE` errors.
## 01/23/2019 0.13.2
- Update `z-schema`.
## 01/18/2019 0.13.1
- Handle `text-matches` in suppression.
## 01/15/2019 0.13.0
- JSON types are updated.
## 01/14/2019 0.12.0
- Simplify model and semantic property names. `errorCode` becomes `code` and `errorDetails` becomes `details`.
## 01/14/2019 0.11.1
- Replace an example object with a function to avoid reference resolutions in examples.
## 01/08/2019 0.11.0
- Remove JS symbols from errors to avoid logging failure.
## 01/08/2019 0.10.4
- remove `ts-node`
## 12/11/2018 0.10.3
- exporting NodeError to consume it outside of oav..
## 12/07/2018 0.10.2
- no default response for non errors.
## 12/07/2018 0.10.1
- update `@ts-common/virtual-fs` to retry network requests.
## 12/05/2018 0.10.0
- no `CloudError` generation.
## 12/01/2018 0.9.7
- Properly handle JSON errors
## 11/29/2018 0.9.6
- update `@ts-common/json-parser` to properly handle UNICODE escape symbols.
## 11/28/2018 0.9.5
- catch `jsonpath` exceptions.
- Better internal structure.
## 11/27/2018 0.9.4
- Improve exception/error message.
## 11/26/2018 0.9.3
- Use `z-schema` instead of `@ts-common/z-schema`.
## 11/21/2018 0.9.2
- Remove `rewire()` package.
## 11/20/2018 0.9.1
- getErrorsFromSemanticValidation().
## 11/19/2018 0.9.0
- Improve error types.
## 11/16/2018 0.8.1
- Suppressions may have multiple `where` and `from` fields. OAV didn't handle it properly.
## 11/08/2018 0.8.0
- a source map for CloudError
- a bug fix for embedded examples.
## 11/08/2018 0.7.14
- update swagger definition
## 10/23/2018 0.7.13
- switch to Azure DevOps.
## 10/23/2018 0.7.12
- switch from `@ts-common/azure-openapi-markdown` to `@azure/openapi-markdown`.
## 10/15/2018 0.7.11
- exported functions don't catch exceptions.
## 10/15/2018 0.7.10
- Provide Title for all Schema Objects.
## 10/12/2018 0.7.9
- Additional source map for generated Schema objects.
- Add option to model an implicit default cloud error response. [#224](https://github.com/Azure/oav/issues/224)
## 03/08/2018 0.4.34
- Updating default output level to info.
- Fixing issue #225, where output verbosity wasn't respected in one case.
## 02/28/2018 0.4.33
- Don't validate pure objects.
## 02/05/2018 0.4.32
- Fix bug for resolve external references introduced part of #202.
## 02/05/2018 0.4.31
- Bug fix for the fix made to resolve jshint issues in #202.
## 02/05/2018 0.4.30
- Improve matching for status code string for live validation.
## 02/05/2018 0.4.29
- Add support for live validation to support status code string along the status code number.
- Update to use package autorest-extension-base from npm.
## 02/01/2018 0.4.28
- Fix undefined headers issue when the spec does not define consumes values.
## 01/31/2018 0.4.27
- Updating dependency of lodash to 4.17.4.
## 01/31/2018 0.4.26
- Fix all linter issues. [#201](https://github.com/Azure/oav/issues/201)
- Add option to do case insensitive regex matches on swagger paths to the SpecValidator and LiveValidator. [#203](https://github.com/Azure/oav/issues/203)
## 01/30/2018 0.4.25
- Fixed a typo in the variable name while resolving nullable types.
## 01/17/2018 0.4.24
- The tool does not error on missing definitions in the swagger spec #194
- Added support for application/octet-stream or file upload/download scenarios #192
## 01/05/2018 0.4.23
- Addressing INVALID_TYPE issues reported by model validation due to nullable types/properties. [#155](https://github.com/Azure/oav/issues/155). In order to allow null types, we relax types to be 'oneOf' `null` or its type, for the cases where properties/models have x-nullable set or x-nullable is not defined and property is not required.
## 12/11/2017 0.4.22
- Added support to generate class diagram from a given swagger spec #188.
- Fixed #190, #191.
## 12/4/2017 0.4.21
- Removed the enum constraint or reference to an enum on the discriminator property if previously present before making it a constant.
## 11/20/2017 0.4.20
- Added support for processing [`"x-ms-parameterized-host": {}`](https://github.com/Azure/autorest/tree/master/docs/extensions#x-ms-parameterized-host) extension if present in the 2.0 swagger spec.
## 11/19/2017 0.4.19
- Added support for validating examples for parameters `"in": "formData"`.
## 11/09/2017 0.4.18
- Ensure scheme, host and basePath are used to construct the base url #180.
## 10/24/2017 0.4.17
- Disable resolving discriminators while performing semantic validation for an open api specification that conforms to 2.0 version.
## 10/20/2017 0.4.16
- Entire tree except the leaf nodes need to be traversed for replacing references of (an uber(root) or intermediate) parent with a `"oneof"` array containing references to itself and all its children. #175
## 10/18/2017 0.4.15
- Updating model validator to resolve polymorphic types using oneOf. #171
## 10/17/2017 0.4.14
- Updating model validator to plugin to autorest.
## 09/12/2017 0.4.13
- Provide the filepath of the file that has an incorrect json. This makes it easy for customers to find out the faulty file among numerous files.
## 09/12/2017 0.4.12
- [Model Validator] Should handle forward slashes in path parameters. #165
- [Model Validator] Should handle question mark in paths that are defined in x-ms-paths. #140
## 08/30/2017 0.4.11
- [Wire Format Generator] Should handle resolved x-ms-examples. #161
## 08/23/2017 0.4.10
- [Wire Format Generator] Removed condition for checking 200 & 204 in final status code for non-LRO. #159
- [Wire Format Generator] Updated default directory to be the api-version folder of the swagger spec. #159
## 08/03/2017 0.4.9
- [Live Validator] Shallow clone the azure-rest-api-spec repo.
- [Model Validator] Improve pluggability of oav into vs-code. #143
## 08/03/2017 0.4.8
- [Live Validator] Before cloning the rest api specs repo if directory named 'repo' exists we delete it and then create an empty directory to clone repo inside it.
## 07/11/2017 0.4.7
- Fixed Live validator for reorg branch of azure-rest-api-specs #137
## 07/03/2017 0.4.6
- Fixed issue #134
## 06/26/2017 0.4.5
- Added support to generate wireformat as a YAML doc
- Improved the format to specify request body for a in a request using curl.