Data loading process for OSDU on Azure
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danielscholl 9bbca4d6a6 Apply automatic changes 2022-06-29 21:12:38 +00:00
.devcontainer Enable Template and Docker for Operations Persona (#1) 2022-06-28 16:16:37 -05:00
.github/workflows Changed Commit Action 2022-06-28 16:30:42 -05:00
config Add base load script and support for changing ACL 2022-06-20 18:17:36 +00:00
diagrams Initial Code 2022-06-20 11:39:04 -05:00
output Initial Code 2022-06-20 11:39:04 -05:00
src Initial Code 2022-06-20 11:39:04 -05:00
.env Add base load script and support for changing ACL 2022-06-20 18:17:36 +00:00
.gitignore Added Docker build 2022-06-29 16:38:27 +00:00
.pylintrc Initial Code 2022-06-20 11:39:04 -05:00 committed 2022-06-20 09:31:04 -07:00
Dockerfile Added Operations Persona 2022-06-29 18:10:11 +00:00
LICENSE Initial Code 2022-06-20 11:39:04 -05:00 Added Default Values for template spec 2022-06-29 20:00:31 +00:00 committed 2022-06-20 09:31:11 -07:00 committed 2022-06-20 09:31:12 -07:00
azuredeploy.json Apply automatic changes 2022-06-29 21:12:38 +00:00
bicepconfig.json Added Docker build 2022-06-29 16:38:27 +00:00 Add base load script and support for changing ACL 2022-06-20 18:17:36 +00:00
main.bicep Revert cleanup time back to 1 hour. 2022-06-29 21:11:53 +00:00
requirements.txt Initial Code 2022-06-20 11:39:04 -05:00 Initial Code 2022-06-20 11:39:04 -05:00 Initial Code 2022-06-20 11:39:04 -05:00


Operations Persona

This method of loading data provides a way to load data using ARM templates. The solution leverages a cloud based container to execute a data load using data hosted in an Azure Storage Account file share. To load data follow the 2 step process.

Step 1

Deploy resources to Azure using this ARM template. Data will be downloaded from OSDU, extracted and Uploaded into a Storage Account.

Load from Azure

Estimated Time: 1.5 hours

Step 2

Load data to an OSDU instance by executing the Template Spec created by Step 1.

Estimated Time: 45 minutes

Developer Persona

This method of loading data is intended for engineers wishing to customize control or manually work with data loads.

This solution supports GitHub Codespaces as preferred, however VSCode Remote containers can be utilized assuming the host machine has enough resources allocated to Docker. A custom container will be built with a post container build hook that will download the open-test-data from OSDU and copy files into a custom directory structure for the ingestion scripts to process.

Environment Variables

Add environment variables to a .envrc file which will be auto loaded by direnv after execution of direnv allow.

export AZURE_TENANT=<your_azure_tenant>
export CLIENT_ID=<your_application_id>
export CLIENT_SECRET=<your_application_secret>
export NAME=<your_platform_name>
export DOMAIN=<your_domain_name>
export PARTITION=<your_partition_name>

export LEGAL_TAG=${DATA_PARTITION}-open-test-data
export LOGIN_ENDPOINT=${AZURE_TENANT}/oauth2/v2.0/token
export SCOPE="$CLIENT_ID/.default openid profile offline_access"

export URL="${AZURE_TENANT}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a8080&response_mode=query&scope=${CLIENT_ID}%2f.default&state=12345&sso_reload=true"

export REFRESH_TOKEN=<your_refresh_token>

API access tokens

A refresh token is used by loading scripts to request OAuth2.0 access tokens. The following code snippet can help retrieve a valid Refresh Token once a redirect url of http://localhost:8080 has been added to a Web Platform Configuration on the AD Application.

Add the retrieved refresh token to the .envrc file and allow variables to load using direnv allow.

# Open the following URL in a browser
echo $URL

# Set the Response from the Browser in a Variable

# Get REFRESH Token and set in in the .envrc file
REFRESH_TOKEN=$(curl --silent --request POST \
  --url${AZURE_TENANT}/oauth2/v2.0/token \
  --header "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  --data "grant_type=authorization_code" \
  --data "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \
  --data "client_secret=${CLIENT_SECRET}" \
  --data "code=$(echo $RESPONSE | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d "&" -f 1)" \
  --data "scope=$CLIENT_ID/.default openid profile offline_access" \
  --data "redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3a8080" | jq -r .refresh_token)


Execute Data Load

In a terminal window execute the following bash script. /workspace/

By default the entire load process will execute, but each action has an environment variable feature flag that can toggle actions off.

LOG_LEVEL=debug             # Activate Log Debug
PIP_INSTALL=false           # Disable PIP installation

CONFIGURE_INI=false         # Disable creation of the python configuration file
CHECK_LEGAL_TAG=false       # Disable Legal Tag Validation
GENERATE_MANIFEST=false     # Disable Manifest Generation
LOAD_MASTERDATA=false       # Disable Loading of Master Data
LOAD_FILES=false            # Disable File Ingestion
LOAD_WORKPRODUCTS=false     # Disable Loading of WorkProducts

Open Test Data


Loading data and the time it to accomplish a loading process has different factors that need to be understood.

  1. Client Bandwidth -- The network bandwidth between the client and the platform.
  2. Client Resources -- The amount of CPU cores and memory that the client can use to process requests.
  3. Client Latency -- The distance from the client to the platform.

The dataset contains files and manifests and a loading process typically takes under hour to accomplish.

Files – 12,786

Count Type Format
5904 Markers csv
5944 Trajectories csv
929 Well Logs csv
9 Documents pdf/txt

Manifests – 12,563

Count Manfiest Type
92 Reference Data
422 Master Data Fields
406 Master Data Geopolitical Entities
213 Master Data Organisation
4946 Master Data Wells
6484 Master Data Wellbores

92 Reference Data Manifests are loaded

Key                                                            Count
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------
osdu:wks:reference-data--AliasNameType:1.0.0                   5
osdu:wks:reference-data--CoordinateReferenceSystem:1.0.0       3
osdu:wks:reference-data--DrillingReasonType:1.0.0              16
osdu:wks:reference-data--FacilityEventType:1.0.0               3
osdu:wks:reference-data--FacilityStateType:1.0.0               10
osdu:wks:reference-data--FacilityType:1.0.0                    2
osdu:wks:reference-data--GeoPoliticalEntityType:1.0.0          6
osdu:wks:reference-data--MaterialType:1.0.0                    15
osdu:wks:reference-data--OperatingEnvironment:1.0.0            2
osdu:wks:reference-data--ResourceSecurityClassification:1.0.0  1
osdu:wks:reference-data--SchemaFormatType:1.0.0                3
osdu:wks:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:1.0.0                   8
osdu:wks:reference-data--VerticalMeasurementPath:1.0.0         5
osdu:wks:reference-data--VerticalMeasurementType:1.0.0         10
osdu:wks:reference-data--WellboreTrajectoryType:1.0.0          3

5,988 Manifests are loaded

Key                                                            Count
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------
osdu:wks:master-data--Field:1.0.0                              422
osdu:wks:master-data--GeoPoliticalEntity:1.0.0                 406
osdu:wks:master-data--Organisation:1.0.0                       213
osdu:wks:master-data--Well:1.0.0                               4947

Overview of File Ingestion

Loading files into the data platform using the Core API is a multi step process and involves moving files in to cloud storage. It is important to understand the following chart which can be found in the azure documentation.

Dataset transfer over moderate to high network bandwidth bandwidth

File ingestion executes the following actions in the platform.

ingest sequence

Retrieve a Platform Storage URL

A file url is requested from the platform for an Azure Storage Blob with an authorized SAS Token.

# @name uploadURL
GET {{FILE_HOST}}/files/uploadURL
Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
data-partition-id: {{DATA_PARTITION}}

@FILE_ID = {{uploadURL.response.body.FileID}}
@FILE_URL = {{uploadURL.response.body.Location.SignedURL}}
@FILE_SOURCE = {{uploadURL.response.body.Location.FileSource}}

Write the data to the blob

Data is written to the Platform using an Azure Storage Account Put Blob Operation

# @name uploadFile
x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob

< ./sample.las

Provide MetaData to describe the Generic File

MetaData is submitted to the File Service once the data has been written and the system then processes and indexes the ingested file.

A valid legal tag with required ACL's always occupies any piece of data and the FILE_SOURCE is a platform pointer that was obtained earlier from the URL request.

# @name metaData
POST {{FILE_HOST}}/files/metadata
Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
data-partition-id: {{DATA_PARTITION}}

    "kind": "osdu:wks:dataset--File.Generic:1.0.0",
    "acl": {
        "viewers": [
        "owners": [
    "legal": {
        "legaltags": [
        "otherRelevantDataCountries": [
        "status": "compliant"
    "data": {
        "ResourceSecurityClassification": "osdu:reference-data--ResourceSecurityClassification:RESTRICTED:",
        "SchemaFormatTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--SchemaFormatType:LAS2:",
        "DatasetProperties": {
            "FileSourceInfo": {
                "FileSource": "{{FILE_SOURCE}}",
                "Name": "sample.las"
        "Name": "sample.las"
        "Description": "well-log"

@ID = {{}}

Record Indexing

The ingestion of a file will always trigger a message is processed to index the data to be retrieved later by search.

Python Script File Ingestion

A python script is used to execute data load activities and can be used to load a directory of files.

A glob filter pattern is applied to ensure only files with extensions of pdf, txt, las, and csv are loaded.

python3 src/data_load/ datasets --dir "some_directory" --output-file-name "file_load_results.json"

Since files are loaded sequentially by walking the directory structure to accelerate performance an asynchronous execution is performed with a ThreadPoolExecutor. The number of threads are automatically calculated with the formula 5 * multiprocessing.cpu_count() but can be overwritten using the WORKERS environment variable.

Blob data is written in 32 Mb chunks but can also be adjusted using a MAX_CHUNK_SIZE environment variable.

The python script is configured to automatically request using a retry and backoff pattern available from the Python Request library.

status_forcelist=(404, 500, 502, 503, 504),
method_whitelist=["GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE"]

Bash Script Orchestrator

To orchestrate the activities of loading files for a specific dataset a simple bash script is used which controls and sequences specific directories containing files to load as well as where the results should be written. Keeping track of the ingested file identifiers becomes important to later load the Work Product Component manifests.

Sample Bash Blocks

  # File Ingest Documents
  echo "-- WPC Documents: Start" && _START="$(date +%s)"
  python3 $SCRIPT_DIR/src/data_load/ datasets \
    --dir $SCRIPT_DIR/open-test-data/datasets/documents \
    --output-file-name "output/loaded-documents-datasets.json"
  echo "-- WPC Documents: End  $(convertsecs $[ $(date +%s) - ${_START} ])"

Overview of Manifest Ingestion

To load a manifest into the system the following actions are performed.

manifest sequence

Manifests exist as default templates that have a generic id with an empty acl and legal attribute. Below you will find a few sample manifests that can be used to help understand the format.

Sample Alais Manifest

  "kind": "osdu:wks:Manifest:1.0.0",
  "ReferenceData": [
      "id": "osdu:reference-data--AliasNameType:Borehole",
      "kind": "osdu:wks:reference-data--AliasNameType:1.0.0",
      "acl": {
        "owners": [],
        "viewers": []
      "legal": {
        "legaltags": [],
        "otherRelevantDataCountries": []
      "data": {
        "Source": "TNO",
        "Name": "Borehole",
        "Code": "Borehole"

Sample Field Manifest

  "kind": "osdu:wks:Manifest:1.0.0",
  "MasterData": [
      "id": "osdu:master-data--Field:A12-FA",
      "kind": "osdu:wks:master-data--Field:1.0.0",
      "acl": {
        "owners": [],
        "viewers": []
      "legal": {
        "legaltags": [],
        "otherRelevantDataCountries": []
      "data": {
        "FieldName": "A12-FA"

Sample GeoPoliticalEntity Manifest

  "kind": "osdu:wks:Manifest:1.0.0",
  "MasterData": [
      "id": "osdu:master-data--GeoPoliticalEntity:Netherlands_Country",
      "kind": "osdu:wks:master-data--GeoPoliticalEntity:1.0.0",
      "acl": {
        "owners": [],
        "viewers": []
      "legal": {
        "legaltags": [],
        "otherRelevantDataCountries": []
      "data": {
          "Source": "TNO",
          "GeoPoliticalEntityTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--GeoPoliticalEntityType:Country:",
          "GeoPoliticalEntityName": "Netherlands"

Sample Organisation Manifest

  "kind": "osdu:wks:Manifest:1.0.0",
  "MasterData": [
      "id": "osdu:master-data--Organisation:A%20en%20G%20van%20den%20Bosch%20B.V.",
      "kind": "osdu:wks:master-data--Organisation:1.0.0",
      "acl": {
        "owners": [],
        "viewers": []
      "legal": {
        "legaltags": [],
        "otherRelevantDataCountries": []
      "data": {
          "Source": "TNO",
          "OrganisationName": "A%20en%20G%20van%20den%20Bosch%20B.V."

Manifests reference each other which require manifest loads to be properly sequenced to ensure dependencies exist.

Sample Well Manifest

  "kind": "osdu:wks:Manifest:1.0.0",
  "MasterData": [
      "id": "osdu:master-data--Well:1000",
      "kind": "osdu:wks:master-data--Well:1.0.0",
      "acl": {
        "owners": [],
        "viewers": []
      "legal": {
        "legaltags": [],
        "otherRelevantDataCountries": []
      "meta": [
          "kind": "Unit",
          "name": "m",
          "persistableReference": "{\"abcd\":{\"a\":0.0,\"b\":1.0,\"c\":1.0,\"d\":0.0},\"symbol\":\"m\",\"baseMeasurement\":{\"ancestry\":\"L\",\"type\":\"UM\"},\"type\":\"UAD\"}",
          "unitOfMeasureID": "osdu:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:m:",
          "propertyNames": [
      "data": {
        "Source": "TNO",
          "NameAliases": [
              "AliasName": "ACA-11",
              "AliasNameTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--AliasNameType:Well:"
              "AliasName": "1000",
              "AliasNameTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--AliasNameType:UWI:"
        "GeoContexts": [
            "GeoPoliticalEntityID": "osdu:master-data--GeoPoliticalEntity:Netherlands_Country:",
            "GeoTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--GeoPoliticalEntityType:Country:"
            "GeoPoliticalEntityID": "osdu:master-data--GeoPoliticalEntity:Limburg_Province:",
            "GeoTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--GeoPoliticalEntityType:Province:"
            "GeoPoliticalEntityID": "osdu:master-data--GeoPoliticalEntity:L_Quadrant:",
            "GeoTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--GeoPoliticalEntityType:Quadrant:"
        "SpatialLocation": {
          "Wgs84Coordinates": {
            "type": "FeatureCollection",
            "features": [
                "type": "Feature",
                "geometry": {
                  "type": "Point",
                  "coordinates": [
                "properties": {}
        "FacilityTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--FacilityType:Well:",
        "FacilityOperators": [
                "FacilityOperatorOrganisationID": "osdu:master-data--Organisation:ROVD:"
        "OperatingEnvironmentID": "osdu:reference-data--OperatingEnvironment:On:",
        "FacilityName": "ACA-11",
        "FacilityStates": [
            "FacilityStateTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--FacilityStateType:Abandoned:"
        "FacilityEvents": [
            "FacilityEventTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--FacilityEventType:Spud:",
            "EffectiveDateTime": "1909-04-05T00:00:00"
            "FacilityEventTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--FacilityEventType:TDReached:",
            "EffectiveDateTime": "1910-01-19T00:00:00"
        "DefaultVerticalMeasurementID": "RotaryTable",
        "VerticalMeasurements": [
            "VerticalMeasurementID": "RotaryTable",
            "VerticalMeasurement": 29.3,
            "VerticalMeasurementTypeID": "osdu:reference-data--VerticalMeasurementType:RotaryTable:",
            "VerticalMeasurementPathID": "osdu:reference-data--VerticalMeasurementPath:Elevation:",
            "VerticalCRSID": "osdu:reference-data--CoordinateReferenceSystem:5709:"

Manifests are loaded using workflow.

A specific format for manifest ingestion is required with need the following transformations.

  1. Modify the Reference Data Id with the proper Data Partition.
  2. Apply the desired Viewer and Owner ACL.
  3. Assign the desired Legal Tag with relevant country.
  4. Wrap the Manifest in an Execution Context

Sample Manifest Ingestion Submission

  "executionContext": {
    "Payload": {
      "AppKey": "test-app",
      "data-partition-id": "{{DATA_PARTITION}}"
    "manifest": {
      "kind": "osdu:wks:Manifest:1.0.0",
      "ReferenceData": [
          "id": "{{DATA_PARTITION}}:reference-data--AliasNameType:Borehole",
          "kind": "osdu:wks:reference-data--AliasNameType:1.0.0",
          "acl": {
            "viewers": [
            "owners": [
          "legal": {
            "legaltags": [
            "otherRelevantDataCountries": [
          "data": {
           "Source": "TNO",
            "Name": "Borehole",
            "Code": "Borehole"


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