зеркало из https://github.com/Azure/pykusto.git
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240 строки
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import json
import logging
import sys
from concurrent.futures import Future
from threading import Event
from typing import Callable, Tuple, Any, List, Optional, Union
from unittest import TestCase
if sys.version_info[1] < 9:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from unittest.case import _AssertLogsContext
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember,PyCompatibility
from unittest._log import _AssertLogsContext
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from azure.kusto.data import KustoClient, ClientRequestProperties
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from azure.kusto.data._models import KustoResultTable, KustoResultRow
from azure.kusto.data.response import KustoResponseDataSet
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from pykusto._src.client import Table
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from pykusto._src.expressions import _NumberColumn, _BooleanColumn, _ArrayColumn, _MappingColumn, _StringColumn, _DatetimeColumn, _TimespanColumn, _DynamicColumn
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from pykusto._src.type_utils import _KustoType
# Naming this variable "test_table" triggers the following bug: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/7378
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
mock_table = Table(
None, "mock_table",
_NumberColumn('numField'), _NumberColumn('numField2'), _NumberColumn('numField3'), _NumberColumn('numField4'), _NumberColumn('numField5'), _NumberColumn('numField6'),
_BooleanColumn('boolField'), _ArrayColumn('arrayField'), _ArrayColumn('arrayField2'), _ArrayColumn('arrayField3'), _MappingColumn('mapField'), _StringColumn('stringField'),
_StringColumn('stringField2'), _DatetimeColumn('dateField'), _DatetimeColumn('dateField2'), _DatetimeColumn('dateField3'), _TimespanColumn('timespanField'),
class TestBase(TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)5s %(message)s'
def setUp(self) -> None:
test_logger.info("Running test: " + self._testMethodName)
def assertRaises(self, expected_exception: BaseException, test_callable: Callable, *args, **kwargs):
This method overrides the one in `unittest.case.TestCase`.
Instead of providing it with an exception type, you provide it with an exception instance that contains
the expected message.
expected_exception_type = type(expected_exception)
expected_exception_message = str(expected_exception)
with super().assertRaises(expected_exception_type) as cm:
test_callable(*args, **kwargs)
def assertLogs(self, logger_to_watch=None, level=None) -> 'CustomAssertLogsContext':
This method overrides the one in `unittest.case.TestCase`, and has the same behavior, except for not causing a failure when there are no log messages.
The point is to allow asserting there are no logs.
Get rid of this in Python 3.10, as this was resolved: https://bugs.python.org/issue39385
# noinspection PyArgumentList
return CustomAssertLogsContext(self, logger_to_watch, level)
def raise_mock_exception():
raise Exception("Mock exception")
# Get rid of this in Python 3.10, as this was resolved: https://bugs.python.org/issue39385
class CustomAssertLogsContext(_AssertLogsContext):
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> Optional[bool]:
# Fool the original exit method to think there is at least one record, to avoid causing a failure
result = super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
return result
# noinspection PyMissingConstructor
class MockKustoResultTable(KustoResultTable):
def __init__(self, rows: Tuple[Any, ...], columns: Tuple[str, ...]):
self.kusto_result_rows = tuple(KustoResultRow(columns, row) for row in rows)
self.raw_rows = self.kusto_result_rows
self.columns = tuple(type('Column', (object,), {'column_name': col, 'column_type': ''}) for col in columns)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
def mock_response(rows: Tuple[Any, ...], columns: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple()) -> Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]:
return lambda: type(
{'primary_results': (MockKustoResultTable(rows, columns),)}
def mock_columns_response(columns: List[Tuple[str, _KustoType]] = tuple()) -> Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]:
return mock_response(tuple((c_name, c_type.internal_name) for c_name, c_type in columns), ('ColumnName', 'ColumnType'))
def mock_tables_response(tables: List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, _KustoType]]]] = tuple()) -> Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]:
return mock_response(
tuple((t_name, c_name, c_type.dot_net_name) for t_name, columns in tables for c_name, c_type in columns),
('TableName', 'ColumnName', 'ColumnType')
def mock_databases_response(databases: List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, _KustoType]]]]]] = tuple()) -> Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]:
return mock_response(
(d_name, t_name, c_name, c_type.dot_net_name)
for d_name, tables in databases
for t_name, columns in tables
for c_name, c_type in columns
('DatabaseName', 'TableName', 'ColumnName', 'ColumnType')
def mock_getschema_response(columns: List[Tuple[str, _KustoType]] = tuple()) -> Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]:
return mock_response(tuple((c_name, c_type.dot_net_name) for c_name, c_type in columns), ('ColumnName', 'DataType'))
class RecordedQuery:
database: str
query: str
properties: ClientRequestProperties
def __init__(self, database: str, query: str, properties: ClientRequestProperties = None):
self.database = database
self.query = query
self.properties = properties
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return json.dumps({'database': self.database, 'query': self.query, 'properties': self.properties})
def __eq__(self, o: 'RecordedQuery') -> bool:
if not isinstance(o, RecordedQuery):
return False
return self.database == o.database and self.query == o.query and self.properties == o.properties
# noinspection PyMissingConstructor
class MockKustoClient(KustoClient):
recorded_queries: List[RecordedQuery]
columns_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]
tables_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]
databases_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]
getschema_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]
main_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet]
record_metadata: bool
block: bool
query_future: Union[None, Future]
blocked_event: Event
def __init__(
columns_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet] = mock_columns_response([('foo', _KustoType.STRING), ('bar', _KustoType.INT)]),
tables_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet] = mock_tables_response([
('mock_table', [('foo', _KustoType.STRING), ('bar', _KustoType.INT)]),
('mock_table_2', [('baz', _KustoType.BOOL)]),
databases_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet] = mock_databases_response(
[('test_db', [('mock_table', [('foo', _KustoType.STRING), ('bar', _KustoType.INT)])])]
getschema_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet] = mock_getschema_response([]),
main_response: Callable[[], KustoResponseDataSet] = mock_response(tuple()),
record_metadata: bool = False,
block: bool = False,
self.recorded_queries = []
self._query_endpoint = urljoin(cluster, "/v2/rest/query")
self.columns_response = columns_response
self.tables_response = tables_response
self.databases_response = databases_response
self.getschema_response = getschema_response
self.main_response = main_response
self.record_metadata = record_metadata
if block:
self.block = True
self.query_future = Future()
self.block = False
self.query_future = None
self.blocked_event = Event()
def release(self):
assert self.blocked()
if self.query_future is not None:
def blocked(self):
return self.blocked_event.is_set()
def wait_until_blocked(self):
def do_not_block_next_requests(self):
self.block = False
def execute(self, database: str, rendered_query: str, properties: ClientRequestProperties = None) -> KustoResponseDataSet:
recorded_query = RecordedQuery(database, rendered_query, properties)
if self.block:
metadata_query = True
if rendered_query == '.show database schema | project TableName, ColumnName, ColumnType | limit 10000':
response = self.tables_response
elif rendered_query.startswith('.show table '):
response = self.columns_response
elif rendered_query.startswith('.show databases schema '):
response = self.databases_response
elif rendered_query.endswith(' | getschema | project ColumnName, DataType | limit 10000'):
response = self.getschema_response
metadata_query = False
response = self.main_response
if self.record_metadata or not metadata_query:
return response()
test_logger = logging.getLogger("pykusto_test")