Create Enable-NestedHyperV.ps1

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haagha 2020-10-15 13:13:03 -04:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
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Коммит da7367fccf
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
$scriptStartTime = get-date -f yyyyMMddHHmmss
$scriptPath = split-path -path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent
$scriptName = (split-path -path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -leaf).Split('.')[0]
$logFile = "$env:PUBLIC\Desktop\$($scriptName).log"
$scriptStartTime | out-file -FilePath $logFile -Append
$nestedGuestVmName = 'ProblemVM'
$batchFile = "$env:allusersprofile\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\RunHyperVManagerAndVMConnect.cmd"
$batchFileContents = @"
start $env:windir\System32\mmc.exe $env:windir\System32\virtmgmt.msc
start $env:windir\System32\vmconnect.exe localhost $nestedGuestVmName
$features = get-windowsfeature -ErrorAction Stop
$hyperv = $features | where Name -eq 'Hyper-V'
$hypervTools = $features | where Name -eq 'Hyper-V-Tools'
$hypervPowerShell = $features | where Name -eq 'Hyper-V-Powershell'
$dhcp = $features | where Name -eq 'DHCP'
$rsatDhcp = $features | where Name -eq 'RSAT-DHCP'
if ($hyperv.Installed -and $hypervTools.Installed -and $hypervPowerShell.Installed)
"START: Creating nested guest VM" | out-file -FilePath $logFile -Append
# Sets "Do not start Server Manager automatically at logon"
$return = New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager -Name DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon -PropertyType DWORD -Value 1 -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$return = New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager\Oobe -Name DoNotOpenInitialConfigurationTasksAtLogon -PropertyType DWORD -Value 1 -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
try {
# Configure NAT so nested guest has external network connectivity
# See also
$switch = get-vmswitch -Name Internal -SwitchType Internal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -first 1
if (!$switch)
$switch = New-VMSwitch -Name Internal -SwitchType Internal -ErrorAction Stop
$adapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name 'vEthernet (Internal)' -ErrorAction Stop
$ip = get-netipaddress -IPAddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -first 1
if (!$ip)
$return = New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -InterfaceIndex $adapter.ifIndex -ErrorAction Stop
$nat = Get-NetNat -Name InternalNAT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -first 1
if (!$nat)
$return = New-NetNat -Name InternalNAT -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix -ErrorAction Stop
# Configure DHCP server service so nested guest can get an IP from DHCP and will use for DNS and as default gateway
if ($dhcp.Installed -eq $false -or $rsatDhcp.Installed -eq $false)
$return = Install-WindowsFeature -Name DHCP -IncludeManagementTools -ErrorAction Stop
$scope = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where Name -eq Scope1 | select -first 1
if (!$scope)
$return = Add-DhcpServerV4Scope -Name Scope1 -StartRange -EndRange -SubnetMask -ErrorAction Stop
$return = Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -DnsServer -Router -ErrorAction Stop
# Create the nested guest VM
$return = new-vm -name $nestedGuestVmName -MemoryStartupBytes 4GB -NoVHD -BootDevice IDE -Generation 1 -ErrorAction Stop
$return = set-vm -name $nestedGuestVmName -ProcessorCount 2 -CheckpointType Disabled -ErrorAction Stop
$disk = get-disk -ErrorAction Stop | where {$_.FriendlyName -eq 'Msft Virtual Disk'}
$return = $disk | set-disk -IsOffline $true -ErrorAction Stop
$return = $disk | Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $nestedGuestVmName -ErrorAction Stop
$return = $switch | Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $nestedGuestVmName -ErrorAction Stop
$return = start-vm -Name $nestedGuestVmName -ErrorAction Stop
$nestedGuestVmState = (get-vm -Name $nestedGuestVmName -ErrorAction Stop).State
# Create a batch file in the all users startup folder so both Hyper-V Manager and VMConnect run automatically at logon.
$return = $batchFileContents | out-file -FilePath $batchFile -Force -Encoding Default
$return = copy-item -path "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Hyper-V Manager.lnk" -Destination "C:\Users\Public\Desktop"
# Suppress the prompt for "Do you want to allow your PC to be discoverable by other PCs and devices on this network"
$return = new-item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\NewNetworkWindowOff" -Force
"END: Creating nested guest VM" | out-file -FilePath $logFile -Append
catch {
throw $_
exit 1
# Returns the nested guest VM status to the calling script - "Running" if all went well.
"START: Installing Hyper-V" | out-file -FilePath $logFile -Append
try {
# Install Hyper-V role. The required restart is handled in the calling script, not this script, to make sure that this script cleanly returns the Hyper-V role install status to the calling script.
$return = install-windowsfeature -name Hyper-V -IncludeManagementTools -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
throw $_
exit 1
"END: Installing Hyper-V" | out-file -FilePath $logFile -Append
write-host $return.ExitCode
return $return.ExitCode
$scriptEndTime = get-date -f yyyyMMddHHmmss
$scriptEndTime | out-file -FilePath $logFile -Append