541 строка
26 KiB
541 строка
26 KiB
# This script combines all of the existing checklists into one big
# checklist, and saves it in JSON and XLSX (macrofree) formats.
# Example usage:
# python3 ./scripts/create_master_checklist.py \
# --waf \
# --input-folder="./checklists" \
# --language="en" \
# --excel-file="./spreadsheet/macrofree/review_checklist_master_empty.xlsx" \
# --output-name="checklist.en.master" \
# --json-output-folder="./checklists/" \
# --xlsx-output-folder="./spreadsheet/macrofree/"
# Last updated: March 2022
import json
import argparse
import sys
import os
import requests
import glob
import datetime
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation import DataValidation
from openpyxl.worksheet.table import Table
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
# Get input arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update a checklist spreadsheet with JSON-formatted Azure Resource Graph results')
parser.add_argument('--input-folder', dest='input_folder', action='store',
help='Input folder where the checklists to merge are stored')
parser.add_argument('--language', dest='language', action='store', default='en',
help='if checklist files are specified, ignore the non-English ones and only generate a spreadsheet for the English version (default: False)')
parser.add_argument('--excel-file', dest='excel_file', action='store',
help='You need to supply an Excel file that will be taken as template to create the XLSX file with the checklist')
parser.add_argument('--json-output-folder', dest='json_output_folder', action='store',
help='Folder where to store the JSON output')
parser.add_argument('--xlsx-output-folder', dest='xlsx_output_folder', action='store',
help='Folder where to store the macro free Excel output')
parser.add_argument('--output-name', dest='output_name', action='store',
help='File name (without extension) for the output files (.json and .xlsx extensions will be added automatically)')
parser.add_argument('--add-services', dest='add_services', action='store_true',
default=False, help='If services field should be added to the checklist items (default: False)')
parser.add_argument('--add-arm-services', dest='add_arm_services', action='store_true',
default=False, help='If arm-service field should be added to the checklist items (default: False)')
parser.add_argument('--service-dictionary', dest='service_dictionary', action='store',
help='JSON file with dictionary to map services to ARM services')
parser.add_argument('--no-excel', dest='no_excel', action='store_true',
default=False, help='If a macrofree Excel spreadsheet should not be generated')
parser.add_argument('--no-json', dest='no_json', action='store_true',
default=False, help='If a JSON file should not be generated')
parser.add_argument('--no-data-validation', dest='no_data_validation', action='store_true',
default=False, help='If data validation should be skipped when updating the Excel spreadsheet')
parser.add_argument('--no-links', dest='no_links', action='store_true',
default=False, help='If hyperlinks should be skipped when updating the Excel spreadsheet')
parser.add_argument('--stats', dest='stats', action='store_true',
default=False, help='If statistics about the newly generated checklist should be displayed')
parser.add_argument('--show-service', dest='show_service', action='store',
help='If you want to print on screen the checks corresponding to a given service (e.g. "VM", or "none")')
parser.add_argument('--print-random', dest='print_random', action='store', default=0, type=int,
help='Print a random list of items on screen (default is 0)')
parser.add_argument('--waf', dest='waf', action='store_true',
help='Only include WAF recommendations (default: False)')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
help='Run in verbose mode (default: False)')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Function to exclude certain checklists from being merged
def checklist_is_valid(checklist_name, language):
invalid_checklists = ["waf." + language + ".json"]
for invalid_checklist in invalid_checklists:
# Check the ending of the checklist_name (might include file path) and ignore casing
if checklist_name[len(invalid_checklist):].lower() == invalid_checklist.lower():
return False
return True
# Get the ARM service name from the service name
def get_arm_service_name(service_name, service_dictionary=None):
svc_match_found = False
for svc in service_dictionary:
if service_name in svc['names']:
svc_match_found = True
return svc['arm']
if not svc_match_found:
return None
# Inspect a string and return a list of the services to which that string is related to
def get_services_from_string(input_string):
service_dict = {
"AppSvc": ["App Service", "webapp"],
"ExpressRoute": ["ExpressRoute", "Gateway Subnet"],
"VPN": ["VPN", "Point-to-Site", "Site-to-Site", "Gateway Subnet"],
"FrontDoor": ["Front Door", "FrontDoor"],
"AppGW": ["Application Gateway", "AppGW", "AGIC"],
"SQL": ["SQL"],
"AVD": ["AVD", "Virtual Desktop", "WVD", "MSIX"],
"AKS": ["AKS", "Kubernetes"],
"AVS": ["AVS", "Azure VMware Solution", "VMware"],
"Firewall": ["Azure Firewall", "Firewall Manager"],
"NVA": ["NVA", "Network Virtual Appliance"],
"Bastion": ["Bastion"],
"SAP": ["SAP"],
"VM": ["VM ", "VM.", "VM'", "VMs", "Virtual Machine"], # Characters in 'VMx' is to avoid matching 'VMware'
"Storage": ["Storage", "Blob", "File", "Queue", "Table", "CORS"],
"ACR": ["ACR", "Registry"],
"AKV": ["AKV", "Key Vault", "Secrets", "Keys", "Certificates"],
"ServiceBus": ["Service Bus", "ASB", "Queue", "Topic", "Relay"],
"EventHubs": ["Event Hubs", "EventHubs", "Event Hub", "EH"],
"CosmosDB": ["Cosmos DB", "CosmosDB"],
"SAP": ["SAP"],
"Sentinel": ["Sentinel"],
"Entra": ["Entra", "AAD", "Azure AD", "Azure Active Directory", "PIM", "JIT", "Privileged Identity Management", "Just in Time", "Conditional Access", "MFA", "2FA", "Identity", "Identities", "B2B", "B2C"],
"DDoS": ["DDoS", "Denial of Service"],
"LoadBalancer": ["Load Balancer", "LB", "ILB", "SLB"],
"DNS": ["DNS", "Domain Name System"],
"TrafficManager": ["Traffic Manager", "TM"],
"VNet": ["VNet", "Virtual Network", "NSG", "Network Security Group", "UDR", "User Defined Route", "IP Plan", "hub-and-spoke", "subnet"],
"Defender": ["Defender", "Security Center"],
"Subscriptions": ["Subscriptions", "Subscription", "Management Group"],
"VWAN": ["VWAN", "Virtual WAN"],
"ARS": ["ARS", "Route Server"],
"Monitor": ["Monitor", "Log Analytics", "LogAnalytics", "Metrics", "Alerts"],
"NetworkWatcher": ["Network Watcher", "NetworkWatcher", "Connection Monitor", "Flow logs"],
"Arc": ["Arc ", "Arc-"], # Otherwise it matches 'Architecture'
"RBAC": ["RBAC", "role"],
"Backup": ["Backup"],
"ASR": ["ASR", "Site Recovery", "Disaster Recovery"],
"AzurePolicy": ["Azure Policy", "Policy", "Policies"],
"APIM": ["APIM", "API Management"],
"AppProxy": ["App Proxy", "AppProxy"],
"WAF": ["WAF", "Web Application Firewall"],
"PrivateLink": ["Private Link", "PrivateLink", "Private Endpoint"],
"Cost": ["Cost", "Budget"],
services = []
for service in service_dict:
for keyword in service_dict[service]:
if keyword.lower() in input_string.lower():
return list(set(services))
# If metadata does not contain 'waf' key, return false
# If metadata does contain 'waf' key and its value is valid, return true
# Otherwise, return false
def contains_waf(checklist_metadata):
if "waf" not in checklist_metadata:
return False
elif checklist_metadata["waf"].lower() in ['all', 'reliability', 'security', 'performance', 'cost', 'operations']:
return True
return False
# Consolidate all checklists into one big checklist object
def get_consolidated_checklist(input_folder, language, service_dictionary=None):
# Initialize checklist object
checklist_master_data = {
'items': [],
'metadata': {
'name': 'Master checklist',
'timestamp': datetime.date.today().strftime("%B %d, %Y")
if args.waf:
checklist_master_data['metadata']['name'] = 'WAF checklist'
# Find all files in the input folder matching the pattern "language*.json"
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: looking for JSON files in folder", input_folder, "with pattern *.", language + ".json...")
checklist_files = glob.glob(input_folder + "/*." + language + ".json")
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: found", len(checklist_files), "JSON files")
for checklist_file in checklist_files:
if checklist_is_valid(checklist_file, language):
# Get JSON
with open(checklist_file) as f:
checklist_data = json.load(f)
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: JSON file", checklist_file, "loaded successfully with {0} items".format(len(checklist_data["items"])))
# Verify that the checklist is not deprecated
if "metadata" in checklist_data and "state" in checklist_data["metadata"] and "deprecated" in checklist_data["metadata"]["state"].lower():
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: skipping deprecated checklist", checklist_file)
# Additional check if we are only interested in WAF recommendations:
# If the WAF argument was provided, only checklists with WAF attribute containing a valid value will be processed
if not args.waf or contains_waf(checklist_data["metadata"]):
# Go over each checklist item
for item in checklist_data["items"]:
# Add field with the name of the checklist
item["checklist"] = checklist_data["metadata"]["name"]
# Cleanup some fields
item.pop("id", None)
item.pop("cost", None)
item.pop("simple", None)
item.pop("ha", None)
item.pop("scale", None)
item.pop("security", None)
if args.waf:
item.pop("category", None)
item.pop("subcategory", None)
# Additional check if we are only interested in WAF recommendations: only items with WAF pillar and service will be added
if not args.waf or ("waf" in item and "service" in item):
# Add items to the master checklist
checklist_master_data['items'] += [item]
# Replace the master checklist severities and status sections (for a given language they should be all the same)
checklist_master_data['severities'] = checklist_data['severities']
checklist_master_data['status'] = checklist_data['status']
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: Error when processing JSON file", checklist_file, "-", str(e))
# Optionally, browse the checklist items and add the services field
if args.add_services and not args.waf:
for item in checklist_master_data["items"]:
# Get service from the checklist name
services = []
if "checklist" in item:
services += get_services_from_string(item["checklist"])
if "text" in item:
services += get_services_from_string(item["text"])
if "category" in item:
services += get_services_from_string(item["category"])
if "subcategory" in item:
services += get_services_from_string(item["subcategory"])
if "description" in item:
services += get_services_from_string(item["description"])
item["services"] = list(set(services))
# Optionally, browse the checklist items and add the ARM service field
if args.add_arm_services and args.waf and service_dictionary:
for item in checklist_master_data["items"]:
arm_service = get_arm_service_name(item["service"], service_dictionary=service_dictionary)
if arm_service:
item["arm-service"] = arm_service
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: master checklist contains", len(checklist_master_data["items"]), "items")
return checklist_master_data
# Print statistics about the checklist
def print_stats(checklist):
print("INFO: Number of checks:", len(checklist["items"]))
print("INFO: Number of categories:", len(set([item["category"] for item in checklist["items"]])))
print("INFO: Number of items with no GUID:", len([item for item in checklist["items"] if "guid" not in item]))
if args.add_services:
print("INFO: Number of services:", len(set([service for item in checklist["items"] for service in item["services"]])))
print("INFO: Number of items with no services:", len([item for item in checklist["items"] if len(item["services"]) == 0]))
items = []
if args.show_service:
if args.verbose:
print ("DEBUG: Getting items for service", args.show_service, "...")
if args.show_service == "none":
items = [item for item in checklist["items"] if len(item["services"]) == 0]
items = [item for item in checklist["items"] if args.show_service.lower() in [x.lower() for x in item["services"]]]
for item in items:
# Print on screen a given checklist item in a single line with fixed field widths
def print_item(item):
text= item["text"]
cat = item["category"]
subcat = item["subcategory"]
id = item["id"] if "id" in item else ""
checklist = item["checklist"] if "checklist" in item else ""
svcs = str(item["services"]) if "services" in item else ""
print("{0: <25.25} {1: <10.10} {2: <25.25} {3: <25.25} {4: <80.80} {5: <25.25}".format(checklist, id, cat, subcat, text, svcs))
# Dump JSON object to file
def dump_json_file(json_object, filename):
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: dumping JSON object to file", filename)
json_string = json.dumps(json_object, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# Format string so that it is compatible with Excel
def format4excel(input_string):
# Remove equals sign at the beginning of the string
if input_string and input_string[0] == "=":
input_string = input_string[1:]
# Return formatted string
return input_string
# Create macro-free Excel file with the checklist
def update_excel_file(input_excel_file, output_excel_file, checklist_data):
# Constants
worksheet_checklist_name = 'Checklist'
row1 = 8 # First row after which the Excel spreadsheet will be updated
col_checklist_name = "A"
row_checklist_name = "4"
guid_column_index = "M"
comment_column_index = "I"
sample_cell_index = 'A4'
# WAF checklists do not have category and subcategory
if args.waf:
col_waf_pillar = "B"
col_services = "C"
col_check = "D"
col_desc = "E"
col_sev = "F"
col_status = "G"
col_comment = "H"
col_link = "I"
col_training = "J"
col_arg = "K"
col_guid = "L"
col_area = "B"
col_subarea = "C"
col_waf_pillar = "D"
col_services = "E"
col_check = "F"
col_desc = "G"
col_sev = "H"
col_status = "I"
col_comment = "J"
col_link = "K"
col_training = "L"
col_arg = "M"
col_guid = "N"
info_link_text = 'More info'
training_link_text = 'Training'
worksheet_values_name = 'Values'
values_row1 = 2
col_values_severity = "A"
col_values_status = "B"
col_values_area = "C"
col_values_description = "H"
last_column = col_guid
# Load workbook
wb = load_workbook(filename = input_excel_file)
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: workbook", input_excel_file, "opened successfully")
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: Error when opening Excel file", input_excel_file, "-", str(e))
# Get worksheet
ws = wb[worksheet_checklist_name]
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: worksheet", worksheet_checklist_name, "selected successfully")
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: Error when selecting worksheet", worksheet_checklist_name, "-", str(e))
# Set checklist name
ws[col_checklist_name + row_checklist_name] = checklist_data["metadata"]["name"]
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: starting filling the Excel spreadsheet with the values of checklist '{0}'".format(checklist_data["metadata"]["name"]))
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: Error when selecting worksheet", worksheet_checklist_name, "-", str(e))
# Get default status from the JSON, default to "Not verified"
status_list = checklist_data.get("status")
default_status = status_list[0].get("name")
if args.verbose:
print ("DEBUG: default status retrieved from checklist: '{0}'".format(default_status))
default_status = "Not verified"
if args.verbose:
print ("DEBUG: Using default status 'Not verified'")
# For each checklist item, add a row to spreadsheet
row_counter = row1
for item in checklist_data.get("items"):
# Read variables from JSON
checklist_name = format4excel(item.get("checklist"))
guid = format4excel(item.get("guid"))
if not args.waf:
category = format4excel(item.get("category"))
subcategory = format4excel(item.get("subcategory"))
waf_pillar = format4excel(item.get("waf"))
text = format4excel(item.get("text"))
description = format4excel(item.get("description"))
severity = format4excel(item.get("severity"))
link = format4excel(item.get("link"))
training = format4excel(item.get("training"))
status = default_status
graph_query = format4excel(item.get("graph"))
if args.waf:
services = format4excel(item.get("service"))
# Transform services array in a comma-separated string
services = ""
if "services" in item:
for service in item["services"]:
if len(services) > 0:
services += ", "
services += service
# Update Excel
ws[col_checklist + str(row_counter)].value = checklist_name
if not args.waf:
ws[col_area + str(row_counter)].value = category
ws[col_subarea + str(row_counter)].value = subcategory
ws[col_waf_pillar + str(row_counter)].value = waf_pillar
ws[col_services + str(row_counter)].value = services
ws[col_check + str(row_counter)].value = text
ws[col_desc + str(row_counter)].value = description
ws[col_sev + str(row_counter)].value = severity
ws[col_status + str(row_counter)].value = status
if not args.no_links:
if link:
ws[col_link + str(row_counter)].value = info_link_text
ws[col_link + str(row_counter)].hyperlink = link
ws[col_link + str(row_counter)].style = "Hyperlink"
# ws[col_link + str(row_counter)].value = '=HYPERLINK("{}", "{}")'.format(link, info_link_text)
if training:
ws[col_training + str(row_counter)].value = training_link_text
ws[col_training + str(row_counter)].value = training
ws[col_training + str(row_counter)].style = "Hyperlink"
# ws[col_training + str(row_counter)].value = '=HYPERLINK("{}", "{}")'.format(training, training_link_text)
ws[col_arg + str(row_counter)].value = graph_query
ws[col_guid + str(row_counter)].value = guid
# Next row
row_counter += 1
# Create table
# Corrupts file!!!!
# table_ref = "A" + str(row1 - 1) + ":" + last_column + str(row_counter - 1)
# if args.verbose:
# print("DEBUG: creating table for range {0}...".format(table_ref))
# table = Table(displayName="Checklist", ref=table_ref)
# ws.add_table(table)
# Get number of checks
number_of_checks = row_counter - row1
# Display summary
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG:", str(number_of_checks), "checks added to Excel spreadsheet")
# Get worksheet
wsv = wb[worksheet_values_name]
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: worksheet", worksheet_values_name, "selected successfully")
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: Error when selecting worksheet", worksheet_values_name, "-", str(e))
# Update status
row_counter = values_row1
for item in checklist_data.get("status"):
status = item.get("name")
description = item.get("description")
wsv[col_values_status + str(row_counter)].value = status
wsv[col_values_description + str(row_counter)].value = description
row_counter += 1
# Display summary
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG:", str(row_counter - values_row1), "statuses added to Excel spreadsheet")
# Update severities
row_counter = values_row1
for item in checklist_data.get("severities"):
severity = item.get("name")
wsv[col_values_severity + str(row_counter)].value = severity
row_counter += 1
# Display summary
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG:", str(row_counter - values_row1), "severities added to Excel spreadsheet")
# Data validation
# UserWarning: Data Validation extension is not supported and will be removed!!!!
# dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='=Values!$B$2:$B$6', allow_blank=True, showDropDown=True)
if not args.no_data_validation:
dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='=Values!$B$2:$B$6', allow_blank=True)
rangevar = col_status + str(row1) +':' + col_status + str(row1 + number_of_checks)
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: adding data validation to range", rangevar)
# Close book
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: saving workbook", output_excel_file)
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: Error when saving Excel file to", output_excel_file, "-", str(e))
# Main #
# Load service dictionary, if specified:
service_dictionary = None
if args.service_dictionary:
with open(args.service_dictionary) as f:
service_dictionary = json.load(f)
if args.verbose:
print("DEBUG: service dictionary loaded successfully")
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: Error when loading service dictionary from", args.service_dictionary, "-", str(e))
# Download checklist
if args.input_folder:
# Get consolidated checklist
checklist_master_data = get_consolidated_checklist(args.input_folder, args.language, service_dictionary=service_dictionary)
# Dump master checklist to JSON file
if not args.no_json:
json_output_file = os.path.join(args.json_output_folder, args.output_name + ".json")
dump_json_file(checklist_master_data, json_output_file)
# Update spreadsheet
if not args.no_excel:
xlsx_output_file = os.path.join(args.xlsx_output_folder, args.output_name + ".xlsx")
update_excel_file(args.excel_file, xlsx_output_file, checklist_master_data)
# Print random items
if args.print_random > 0:
import random
random_items = random.sample(checklist_master_data["items"], int(args.print_random))
for item in random_items:
# Show statistics
if args.stats:
print("ERROR: No input folder specified")