add back documentation and test files from SimDem1

This commit is contained in:
Ross Gardler 2018-03-12 16:21:49 +00:00
Родитель 6b8243bec5
Коммит b06849a046
30 изменённых файлов: 1497 добавлений и 0 удалений

demo_scripts/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Welcome to SimDem
Is it:
* Documentation
* An interactive tutorial
* A live demo
* An automated test script
* A Shell script
## Simdem is Documentation, Tutorials, Demo's and Tests
It's all of them!
# Next Steps
1. [Hello World Demo](simdem/demo/
2. [SimDem Documentation](simdem/

demo_scripts/env.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"PARENT_TEST": "Hello from the parent"

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Welcome to SimDem
Is it:
* Documentation
* An interactive tutorial
* A live demo
* An automated test script
* A Shell script
## Simdem is Documentation, Tutorials, Demo's and Tests
It's all of them!
Simdem allows you to wite a tutorial in markdown format and then run
the commands within it as a simulated demo, interactive tutorial or
even a test script. You can also generate executable shell scripts.
SimDem reads a script, written in the form of a human readable
Markdown file, and executes the commands within this script on your
behalf. It will even make it look like you are really typing the
commands, which is great if you want to concentrate on explaining what
you are doing but still run the demo live.
It's easier to describe if you see it working. In fact you are already
in a SimDem. Press a key (other than 'b', we'll look at that shortly)
to "type" a command, once the command has been "typed" hit
a key to execute the command.
# Next Steps
Tutorials can branch too, for example you can choose any of the
following paths next:
1. [Modes of operation](modes/
2. [Hello World Demo](demo/
3. [Build a Hello World script](tutorial/
4. [Write SimDem documents](syntax/
5. [Special Commands](special_commands/
6. [Configure your scripts through variables](variables/
7. [Write multi-part documents](multipart/
8. [Use your documents as interactive tutorials or demos](running/
9. [Use your documents as automated tests](test/
10. [Build an SimDem container](building/

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Building your own Demo Container
Create a Dockerfile and add (at least) the following:
FROM rgardler/simdem
COPY my_script_dir demo_scripts
# Next Steps
1. [SimDem Index](../

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# Hello World SimDem Demo
This script is intended to be used to demonstrate the key features of
When you hit 'spacebar' a command will be displayed and
executed. Actually you can hit almost any key but we recommend
'spacebar' here because we've not told you about the special keys yet
and spacebar is not one of them.
echo "Hello World"
That's cool, lets try again:
echo "It might look like this was typed into the terminal (even more so if you ran SimDem with the '--style simulate' flag, that simulates a person typing), bit it really comes from a markdown file."
The date command will show that these commands are being executed in real time.
Sat Mar 12 08:59:01 UTC 2016
You can run almost any shell command this way.
# Special keys
Although we said "spacebar" above, in reality you can hit almost any
key. There are a few exceptions though:
## 'd' for description
Hitting 'd' will print all the text since the last command, that is it
will print the description of the next command to be executed.
echo "Hitting 'd' now will display the description for this command."
## 'b' for break
Hitting 'b' will "break" from the current script. This allows you to
type in commands that are not part of the script. This is particularly
useful when running in demo mode as it alllows you to respond to
questions by entering an unscripted command.
echo "Give it a go, why not hit 'b' and type 'ls', or some other command"
NOTE: at the time of writing it is not possible to use interactive
commands or commands.
# Next Steps
It's possible to provide a branching point a the end of a script. The
user can select one of a selection of options or they can enter "quit"
(or just "q") to exit SimDem.
1. [Write SimDem documents](../syntax/
2. [SimDem Index](../
3. [Modes of operation](../modes/

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"TEST": "hello-world"

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"LOCAL_TEST": "A warm local hello"

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# Modes of Operation
SimDem demos are interactive and can be run in a number of different
* Tutorial: Displays the descriptive text of the tutorial and pauses
at code blocks to allow user interaction.
* Learn: similar to Tutorial mode, but users are expected to type
the commands themselves.
* Simulate: Does not display the descriptive text, but pauses at each
code block. When the user hits a key the command is "typed", a
second keypress executes the command.
* Test: Runs the commands and then verifies that the output is
sufficiently similar to the expected results (recorded in the
markdown file) to be considered correct.
* Script: Creates an executable bash script from the document
* Auto: allows any of the above modes to be run but without user
## Tutorial Mode
Tutorial mode is ideal if you are using this as a learning or teaching
tool (see also learn mode below, which suits some learning styles
better. In this mode a description of what you are about to do is
shown on the screen, hit a key to see the command, hit another key to
execute the command. Tutorial mode is the default.
## Learn mode
Learn mode is similar to tutorial mode above, however, in learn mode
the user is expected to type each command themselves. Some people find
that this aids recall.
## Demo (or Simulation) mode
Demo mode is ideal if you are using this to teach or demonstrate how
to achive the goal. In this mode no descriptive text is shown, instead
when you press a key the next command is "typed", pressing another key
will execute the command. The idea is that you describe what is
happening as the application "types" the command for you. To run in
demo mode use the `--style simulate` command line switch with any
other mode. There is also a default demo mode configuration avilable
with the `demo` command"
simdem demo
#### Preparation mode
In this mode only the preparation (prerequisite) steps are
executed. This is useful for setting up the environment for a
demo. Next time the demo is run all prepration steps will be
skipped. This means that steps that take a long time can be
To use this mode use the command 'mode'
simdem prep
## Test Mode
Test mode runs the commands and then verifies that the output is
sufficiently similar to the expected results (recorded in the markdown
file) to be considered correct. To run in test mode use the `--test
yes` switch. For convenience you can use the command `test` to execute
tests with the optimal configuration for automated testing..
## Script mode
Script mode does not execute any of the commands, instead is outputs
an executable bash script that can be run without SimDem. Use the
command `script` to generate the executable script.
# Unnattended (Auto) Mode
Each of these modes can be run in auto mode too. This means that the
program does not wait for a keypress before proceeding. This can be
useful if you want to runthe complete script unattended. To run in
automated or unnattended mode use the `--auto true` command line
Manual mode is ideal if you would like to manually type the commands,
many people find this helps them remember. It can be useful in the
first few runs, but we still recommend using "demo" mode when doing
live demo's - it's much harder to make a mistake this way.
# Next Steps
1. [Hello World Demo](../demo/
2. [SimDem Index](../
3. [Write SimDem documents](../syntax/
4. [Build a SimDem container](../building/

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Multi-Part Demo's
Most tutorials's will consist of at least three parts, preparation,
main body and cleanup. Many will have multiple staged in the main part
of the tutorial. SimDem is able to provide an interactive menu
allowing users to select which part of the tutorial to work through
next. This is achieved by providing a final section with the title `#
Next Steps`. This section should include a list in which each item
provides a link to a markdown document that contain SimDem scripts
that the user may want to work through next.
For example, this file is one part of a multi-part document.
When executed using SimDem this results in the user being prompted to
select a "next step" (or hit 'q' to quit). If the user selects one of
the scripts it will be executed.
# Prerequisites
It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of the various
SimDem execution [modes](../modes/ You should also ensure
you understand the SimDem [document syntax](../syntax).
# Directory structure
SimDem projects consist of a root directory and one or more
sub-directories. Project directories will contain at least a
`` file that will be used by default when SimDem is run
against the project. Therefore the minimum directory structure for a
simple tutorial is:
# Multi-part tutorials
A more complex project will contain a number of sub-directories
containing tutorials. Tutorial sub-directories will contain at least a
`` file, this is the main file for that tutorial. For example:
├── Tutorial_1
│ └──
├── Tutorial_2
│ └──
└── Tutorial_3
## Auto Table of Contents
If the root of the demo scripts directory does not contain a
`` file then SimDem will create a Table of Contents from all
sub-directories that contain a `` file. This ToC will use the
first line (which should be a heading marked with '# ' at the start)
as the text for the link to the script. This ToC will be displayed as
a 'Next Steps' section, thus users will be able to step into any area
of the available demo's.
# Other files
Tutorials may also provide an `env.json` and/or an `env.local.json`
and/or an `env.test.json` file to define environment variables to use
when executing in demo or test mode.
# Demo Scripts example
The directory structure for the SimDem demo scripts is:
tree $SIMDEM_CWD/..
Results: Expected Similarity: 0.5
├── env.json
├── env.local.json
├── simdem
│ ├── env.json
│ ├── env.local.json
│ └──
└── test
├── env.json
# Next Steps
1. [Configure your scripts through variables](../variables/
2. [SimDem Index](../
3. [Use your documents as interactive tutorials or demos](../running/
4. [Use your documents as automated tests](../test/
5. [Build a SimDem container](../building/

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# Understanding Prerequisites
Prerequisite scripts are scripts that must be run in order for another
script to work. When SimDem finds a pre-requisite section it will test
whether the steps have been completed (see validation below). If the
validation tests fail then the code blocks in the pre-requisite script
are executed.
There aren't really any pre-requisites for this tutorial /
demo. Howeve,r this document is inserted as a pre-requisite so that we
can see how they work.
# Prerequisites Syntax
The prerequisites section starts with a heading of `# prerequisites`.
The body of this section will contain 0 or more links to a script that
should be run ahead of the current one.
The scripts should appear in the order of required exection in the body.
# Automatically validating Pre-requisites
Some pre-requisite steps can take a long time to execute. For this
reason it is possible to provide some validation checks to see if the
pre-requisite step has been completed. These are defined in a section
towards the end of the script, before the next steps section (if one
exists). The validation steps will be executed by SimDem *before*
running the pre-requisite steps, if the tests in that section pass
then there is no need to run the pre-requisites.
It's easier to explain with an example.
Imagine we have a prerequisite step that takes 5 seconds, we don't
want to wait 5 seconds only to find that we already completed that
pre-requisite (OK, we know 5 seconds is not long, but it's long enough
to serve for this demo). For this example we will merely sleep for 5
seconds then touch a file. To validate this prequisite has been
satisfied we will test the modified date of the file, if it has been
modified in the last 5 minutes then the pre-requisite has been
sleep 5
touch $SIMDEM_TEMP_DIR/this_file_must_be_modfied_every_minute.txt
Now we have a set of commands that should be executed as part of this
pre-requisite. In order to use them we simply add a reference to this
file in the pre-requisites section of any other script.
Any code in a section headed with '# Validation' will be used by
SimDem to test whether the pre-requisites have been satisfied. If
validation tests pass the pre-requisite step will be skipped over,
otherwise the other commands in the script will be executed.
# Validation
In order to continue with our example we include some vlaidation steps
in this script. If you have not run through the commands above less
than one minute ago this validation stage will fail. If you are
working through this tutorial now you just executed the above
statements and so the tests here will pass, but if you include this
file as pre-requisite again it may well fail and thus automatically
execute this script.
For this pre-requisite we need to ensure that the test.txt file has
been updated in the last 5 minutes. If not then we need to run the
commands in this document. If you are running through this document in
SimDem itself then it might be worth going back to the page that calls
this as a pre-requisite, as long as you do this in the next five
minutes you won't come back here. You can do this by selecting
"Understanding SimDem Syntax" in the next steps section.
find $SIMDEM_TEMP_DIR -name "this_file_must_be_modfied_every_minute.txt" -newermt "1 minutes ago"
# Next Steps
1. [Understanding SimDem Syntax](../syntax/
2. [Configure your scripts through variables](../variables/
3. [Build a Hello World script](../tutorial/
4. [SimDem Index](../
5. [Write multi-part documents](../multipart/
6. [Use your documents as interactive tutorials or demos](../running/

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# A remote Prerequsite
This files is really only for test purposes. See the main
prerequisites script for more details.

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Running SimDem
SimDem is packaged as a container, you run it with:
`docker run -it rgardler/simdem`
This will run the demo script you are working through now.
## Adding Your Own Demo Script
You will likely want to add your own demo script. To do this you can
either build your own container or you can mount a volume which
contains your demo scripts. To mount a volume run:
`docker run -it -v ~/my_demo_dir:/demo_scripts rgardler/simdem`
When mounting a directory the script found in the first folder within
the mounted folder will be run. If you want to run a specific demo
within that folder add `run SCRIPT_NAME` to the command, where
SCRIPT_NAME is replaced with the name of the folder containing the
script you want to run. For example:
`docker run -it -v ~/my_demo_dir:/demo_scripts rgardler/simdem run myscript`
# Going Off-Script
You can go off-script if you want to. This is where you should hit 'b'
(for break). You will now be able to type a command to be
run. However, note that at the time of writing the parser for this
command is not very smart, so some commands do not work. In addition
you can't run fully interactive commands this way (so no editors for
example). Go ahead and try it, hit 'b' and type a command, e.g. 'ls'.
Note that when you hit 'b' you will not see any change in the output,
but you can now start typing freely.
echo "This is a dummy code block to ensure SimDem pauses in interactive mode"
# Repeating Commands
Sometimes a command will need to be run a number of times, for example
it might be monitoring the state of an operation. The easiest way to
repeat a command is simply to press 'r'.
echo "This is a dummy code block to ensure SimDem pauses in interactive mode"
# Next Steps
1. [Use your documents as automated tests](../test/
2. [SimDem Index](../
3. [Modes of operation](../modes/
4. [Build a SimDem container](../building/

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Special Commands
Some commands will be intercepted by SimDem and handled as special
commands. For example, we might interccept a command to open a browser
at a specific page and handle it differently in a headless CLI
environment to how it is handled in a Web UI environment.
In fact lets look at that use case as an example.
## Opening a Browser Tab
On linux the command `xdg-open` is the accepted way of opening a
browser, therefore it is the accepted way of having such a command in
SimDem script. However, this poses a problem, behoviour of this
command will be different in different UI environments.
For example, on a headliess CLI environment it will attempt to open
"lynx" or similar text based browsers. Since these are interactive
programs they will not work in SimDem. If running in a desktop
environment it will attempt to open the preferred browser.
SimDem will intercept this command and handle it appropriately. That
is, in a headless CLI environment it will convert the command to a
"curl -I" command, this at least allows us to ensure that there is a
resposne from the URL provided. When running in a Web UI it will open
a new browser tab (at least at the time of writing, we may decide to
integrate this with the Web UI at some point).
### In Action
The command block below contains the `xdg-open` command, depending on
whether you are running in the Web UI or the CLI you will see
different behaviour, as described above.

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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# Document syntax
For the most part SimDem uses standard
[Markdown syntx]( There
are a few special strings that can be used to influence how SimDem
works, but even these are intended to be human readable, thus
preventing the need to maintain separate documents for the different
use cases (documentation, tutorial, demo, test and script).
For example, lets take a look at the start of this file this file:
head -n 25
# Prerequisites
It is common for a tutorial or demo to have a number of
prerequisites. For example, it's a good idea to understand how these
work, so take a look at our [prerequisites](../prerequisites/
before proceeding.
# SimDem Syntax
There are a small number of SimDem specific items that you should be
aware of. They are detailed in the next few sections.
## Code Blocks
In SimDem a code block is marked in exactly the same way it is in
Markdown, that is with three backticks (``````). Unless a Code Block
is marked as a Results block (see next section) it is assumed that
this is executable code. SimDem will execute each line individually.
For example:
# This is a code block, this comment will be ignored by SimDem
echo "This command will be 'typed' and executed."
### Command Limitations
At the time of writing it is not possible to have interactive
commands. If you try to include such a command SimDem will "hang" as
it waits, silently, for input.
## Result Blocks
Result blocks serve two main purposes:
1. Help readers of the markdown content understand expected behaviour
2. Enable SimDem documents to be used as tests
### Including results blocks for readablity and testing
When using the script as a web page or printout it is likley that you
will want to include the results. However, when you are running in a
simulation or tutorial mode you will want to rely on the real results
from the current run. You can include a "Results:" section after any
code block. The first code block after this text will be ignored when
running in an interactive mode (such as tutorial or simulation). That
is, in the example below, the `date -u` command will be run
interactively but the `Sat Mar 12 10:09:12 UTC 2016` will only be
included in a static form of the script.
date -u
Sat Mar 12 10:09:12 UTC 2016
### Modifying Test Accuracy
When running a script as a test the outputs of the command are
compared to the result block associated with the code block. By
default a similarity of 66%, meaning at least 66% of the characters
are the same, is considered a pass. However, in some cases this is too
high or too low.
The expected similarity between the command output and the contents of
the result block can be set in the `Results:` header by adding
`Expected similarity: 0.2`, where `0.2` is the similarity desired.
This can be used to ensure things that have low similarity in the results will pass tests, for example, outputing a date will always result in a different date and thus a much lower expected similarity.
The date command will prove this is running in real time.
Sat Mar 12 08:59:01 UTC 2016
## Defining Next Steps
When running in interactive mode it is possible to provide optional
paths for the user to take next. These appear in a section with the
heading "# Next Steps". Note, for this to work as an interactive set
of options this must be the last section in the document. if it is not
the last section then it will be treated like any other heading.
For example, this document offers next steps options.
# Next Steps
1. [Special Commands](special_commands/
2. [Configure your scripts through variables](../variables/
3. [Build a Hello World script](../tutorial/
4. [SimDem Index](../
5. [Write multi-part documents](../multipart/
6. [Use your documents as interactive tutorials or demos](../running/

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# Automated Testing
When running with the `--test` flag or using the `test` command SimDem
will verify that the output of each command is as expected. It does
this by comparing the output of the command with the `Results:`
section in the script.
Test mode is very useful in a continuous integration environment. For
example, you can configure your scripts to always use the latest
versions of tooling they depend upon and get early warning when a
change in one of those tools breaks your
scripts. The
[Azure Container Service demos GitHub repository]( shows
this technique in use.
## Testing in practice
First, lets take a look at the source of this file.
## Running in test mode
Running in demo mode will not check the results against
expectations. However, running with the `test` command will do so.
echo "This test is expected to fail"
It fails because the results we have in the script are significantly
different to the output of the command.
### Similarity tests
By default a 66% or more match indicates a pass. However, in some
cases a much lower similarity is expected, for example, the output of
`date` will vary considerably each time it is run. In these situations
you can provide an expected similarity as part of the three backticks
that start a code block, for example ```expected_similarity=0.2 which
is low enough for the test to be recorded as a pass. Note, it is
important that you do not insert any spaces in this notation.
Tue Jun 6 15:23:53 UTC 2017
## Fast Fail
The default setting is for SimDem to stop the test run on the first
test failure. This can be overridden by setting the command line flag
`--fastfail` to any value other than `True`.
## Test Plans
It is often a good idea to split tests into separate files. SimDem
will allow you to do this by providing a `test_plan.txt` file. Each
line in this file is either a comment (lines starting with '#') or a
filename for a SimDem script to be used in testing. Each of these
files will be concatenated together to create a complete test plan.
For example, the following example `test_plan.txt` will run all the
code and tests in `preparation/` followed by those in
`main/` and finally those in `cleanup/`.
# Next Steps
1. [SimDem Index](../
2. [Build a Hello World script](../tutorial/
3. [Write SimDem documents](../syntax/
4. [Configure your scripts through variables](../variables/

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Writing a SimDem script
This document desribes how to write a SimDem script.
## Install SimDem
These commands can't be run from within SimDem - danger of turning the
whole world into a recursive simulation of itself ;-). Therefore you
should execute them on your client (Linux, Mac or Windows Subsystem
for Linux).
`git clone`
`pushd simdem`
This last command will launch you into the SimDem documentation. If
you haven't reviewed it already you should do so, of particular
importance is the Syntax section.
## Hello World Script
Let's build a hello world script:
mkdir -p hello_world
echo "# Hello World Script" > hello_world/
## Run the script
You can't run SimDem within SimDem so if you are reading this from
within SimDem you will need to exit and run `simdem -p hello_world` to
see this in action.
# Next Steps
Now you have a working hello world script you are on your own (not
really ask questions / report bugs via the issue tracker). If you feel a little
lost then try one of these documents for guidance:
1. [Review SimDem Syntax](../syntx/
2. [Understand how to parameterize scripts](../variables/
3. [Understand how to make a script a test](../test/

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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# Environment Variables
In order to use environment variables, you can define one or more
files. These variables are available in every command that is
Tutorials can carry `env.json` files in the directory the simdem
command was run and/or in tutorial sub-directories. Files in tutorial
sub-directories will overwrite settings pulled from the project
For example, this tutorial defines an 'env.json' in the `simdem`
parent folder and in the `variables` subdirectory that contains this
script. Here is the content from the test subdirectory.
cat $SIMDEM_CWD/env.json
"NAME": "Hello from the variables subdirectory"
It also defines an 'env.json' file in the `SimDem` root
folder. Assuming you executed the `simdem` command from within that
folder the followin command will display it's content.
cat env.json
"TEST": "A local hello from the current working directory (where the simdem command was executed)"
Finally, a project may define an `env.local.json` file in the
directory from which the `simdem` command is run. This file is the
last to be loaded and overrides all other values.
Values are loaded in the following order, the last file to define a
vlaue is the one that "wins".
- SCRIPT_DIR/env.json
- PARENT_OF_SCRIPT_DIR/env.local.json
- SCRIPT_DIR/env.local.json
- CWD/env.json
- CWD/env.local.json
## Interactive Variables
If you include an environment variable that isn't set, SimDem will
prompt you to give it a value and will add it to the running
environment. If you are running in test mode the variable will be
given a value of 'Dummy vlaue for test'.
``` Expected_Similarity=0
Enter a value for $NEW_VARIABLE: SimDem
### Defining variables can be important
Because SimDem will interactively ask for values for undefined
variables it is sometimes necessary to first declare a variable to
prevent this action. For example:
for i in {0..4}; do echo "Welcome $i times"; done
Welcome 0 times
Welcome 1 times
Welcome 2 times
Welcome 3 times
Welcome 4 times
## User provided environment
Since it is helpful to provide configuration files in published
scripts SimDem also provides a way for users to provide user specific
configurations. So that users can setup their demo's to use private
keys etc. These files are provided in the same way as `env.json` files
(i.e. in the project and tutorial sub-directories) but are called
`env.local.json`. These files take precedence over both project and
tutorial provided files.
For example, this project provides a local files in both the project
and this tutorial sub-directories. Note that in this case we have
checked them into version control as they are part of the example,
normally they would be added to your local '.gitignore' or equivalent.
cat $SIMDEM_CWD/../env.local.json
"LOCAL_TEST": "Hello from the local project config"
It also defines an 'env.json' file in the tutorial folder:
cat $SIMDEM_CWD/env.local.json
"LOCAL_TEST": "A warm local hello"
The file that "wins" is the most local one, that is the one in the tutorial:
A warm local hello
## SimDem Environment Variables
SimDem provides some information about itself in environment
variables. These are all nameed `SIMDEM_*`. At present the available
variables are:
env | grep "SIMDEM_"
# Next Steps
1. [Build a SimDem container](../building/
2. [SimDem Index](../
3. [Use your documents as interactive tutorials or demos](../running/
4. [Use your documents as automated tests](../test/

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"NAME": "Hello from the variables subdirectory"

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"LOCAL_TEST": "A warm local hello"

demo_scripts/test/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# SimDem Test Script
This is a simple test script. It runs a number of commands in
succession. This script also lists commands known not to work.
# Setup
Ensure the test environment is correctly setup.
## SimDem version check
## Clean test working files
Ensure that our working files folder exists and that there are no
residual files from previus test runs.
mkdir -p $SIMDEM_TEMP_DIR/test
rm -Rf $SIMDEM_TEMP_DIR/test/*
# Prerequisites
Test to see if our prerequesites work. In the setup we cleaned out our
test files. The [prerequisite test script](./prerequisites/
validates whether the file exists and, if it doesn't it will execute
and create it.
Each [prerequisite](./prerequisites/ will only be run once,
so even though this partucular prereq appears twice it will only
execute once. This is important when building multi-part tutorials/
demos where a prereq may be included in more than one part.
## Validate prerequisite ran
The prerequisite script should have run and created a `prereq_ran`
# Directory Check
head -n 1
``` Expected_Similarity=0.8
# SimDem Test Script
# Simple Echo
echo "Hello world"
Hello world
# Code comments
# This is a comment and should be ignored
echo "This output should be displayed, the comment before this line should be ignored"
This output should be displayed, the comment before this line should be ignored
# Expected different results
When we know the results will be different and we want to use them in
tests we need to override the similarity expected by adding
`expected_similarity=x.y` in the start line of the results block:
Tue Jun 6 15:23:53 UTC 2017
# For Loop
Because SimDem will interactively ask for values for undefined
variables it is sometimes necessary to first declare a variable to
prevent this action. For example:
for i in {0..10}; do echo "Welcome $i times"; done
Welcome 0 times
Welcome 1 times
Welcome 2 times
Welcome 3 times
Welcome 4 times
Welcome 5 times
Welcome 6 times
Welcome 7 times
Welcome 8 times
Welcome 9 times
Welcome 10 times
# Stripping ANSI escape sequances
To make it easier to write scripts we don't want to include ANSI
escape sequences (such as colors and text deocration) in the results
section. SimDem automatically strips these when capturing the results.
printf "Normal \e[4mUnderlined\e[24m Normal"
Normal Underlined Normal

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# Directory Check
In this test ensures that the currrent working directory is set
correctly when a test file is loaded as part of the test_plan.txt
file, see [Issue #70](
Frst lets check the current working directory, this is useful for
debugging if the test fails.
Since we don't know exactly where this will be stored we need to check
that we can open this file in the test.
head -n 1
``` Expected_Similarity=0.8
# Directory Check

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"TEST": "Hello from the test script",
"DIR_IN_HOME": "~/should/be/expanded"

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"TEST": "A local hello from the current working directory (where the simdem command was executed)"

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"TEST_VALUE": "Test value for the test script"

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
# Environment tests
We should be able to retrieve environment variables from the directory
in which the command was given. Note that SimDem provides the
environment variable `SIMDEM_EXEC_DIR` which provides access to this
folder in SimDem scripts should it be necessary.
cat $SIMDEM_EXEC_DIR/./env.json
"TEST": "Hello from the current working directory (where the simdem command was executed)"
We should also be able to retrieve locallay defined environment
variables from the directory in which the command was given:
cat env.local.json
"TEST": "A local hello from the current working directory (where the simdem command was executed)"
There should also be environment variables in the the directory in
which the current script resides.
cat env.json
"TEST": "Hello from the test script",
"DIR_IN_HOME": "~/should/be/expanded"
Local variables can also be found in the the directory in which the
current script resides.
cat env.local.json
"TEST": "A local hello from the current working directory (where the simdem command was executed)"
For the `TEST` variable we should have the `env.local.json` value from
the directory in which the application was executed.
echo $TEST
A local hello from the current working directory (where the simdem command was executed)
There should be variable definitions in the parent of the
current script directory:
cat ../env.json
"PARENT_TEST": "Hello from the parent"
Since the value of `PARENT_TEST` is only defined in this file we
should have the value from there:
Hello from the parent
## Test Environment
We can also provide values in `env.test.json` in either the script
directory or the parent of the script directory. If available these
will be loaded first and overwritten by subsequent `env.json` and
`env.local.json` files. For this reason if you want to dorce the user
to provide a value for an environment variable it is important that
you define it as an empty string in `env.json` if a value has been
provided in `env.test.json`.
Test value for the test script
# Replacing variables in special commands
Some commands cannot be run in headless mode, e.g. `xdg-open`. These
commands will be replaced with an appropriate alternative,
e.g. `curl`. Variables included in such commands will be expanded at
execution time as expected.
xdg-open $url
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Content-Length: 0
Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
X-MSEdge-Ref: Ref A: D6871D12117C436FAE3762BC8BCA0C29 Ref B: CO1EDGE0415 Ref C: 2017-08-17T15:37:59Z
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 15:37:58 GMT
Note: this test will only pass when running in headless mode as the
`xdg-open` command will be executed in other environments.
# Setting new variables in script
If a script sets a variable during execution this will be recorded in
the SimDem environment. This includes setting to an empty string, this
will prevent SimDem interactively requesting a value for the variable
(or setting a dummt value in test mode).
echo $new_var
# Capturing the output of commands
CAPTURED_OUTPUT=$(echo foo | sed 's/foo/bar/')
Captured value is:
# Processing of Environment Variables
'~' should be expanded to a home directory (no way to test this).

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Test Prerequisites
This script is not included as part of the test plan, but it should be
executed as part of the root ``. Therefore, because of this
prerequisite there should be a file called `prereq_ran` and another
called `nested_prereq_ran` in the temp directory.
# Prerequisites
We should be able to run [nested prerequisites](./
# Create the test file
touch $SIMDEM_TEMP_DIR/test/prereq_ran
# Validation
If the `prereq_ran` file exists then we don't need to run this
script. In our tests the setup phase removes this file so the
validation test should always fail.

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# Nested Prerequisites
This prerequisite is executed from the main prerequisite test file.
# Create the test file
touch $SIMDEM_TEMP_DIR/test/nested_prereq_ran
# Validation
If the `prereq_ran` file exists then we don't need to run this
script. In our tests the setup phase removes this file so the
validation test should always fail.

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Passing Prerequisite
This is a dummy prerequisite file that contains a validation step that
will always pass and thus the body of this script will never be
executed. To ensure this is the case when we run tests we have placed
a failing test in the body.
echo "This test will always fail"
So we can ensure it never runs (the validation step will always pass)
# Validation
echo "This validation step is designed to always pass"
This validation step is designed to always pass

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# A remote script
This file will be pulled from GitHub as a remote file to ensure that
execution of remote files works. It is pulled into the test suite in
two ways:
1. As a remote prerequisite
2. AS a remote file in a test plan
# Create the test file
mkdir -p $SIMDEM_TEMP_DIR/test
touch $SIMDEM_TEMP_DIR/test/remote_prereq_ran
# Validation
If the `remote_prereq_ran` file exists then we don't need to run this
script. In our tests the setup phase removes this file so the
validation test should always fail.
remote_prereq_ran who

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# SimDem Test Plan