
146 строки
5.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is a python script that emulates a terminal session and runs
# commands from a supplied markdown file..
import optparse
import os
import sys
import time
from cli import Ui
from web import WebUi
import config
from demo import Demo
from environment import Environment
def get_bash_script(script_dir, is_simulation = True, is_automated=False, is_testing=False):
Reads a file in the indicated directoy and builds an
executable bash script from the commands contained within.
if not script_dir.endswith('/'):
script_dir = script_dir + "/"
script = ""
env = Environment(script_dir, False).get()
for key, value in env.items():
script += key + "='" + value + "'\n"
filename = env.get_script_file_name(script_dir)
in_code_block = False
in_results_section = False
lines = list(open(script_dir + filename))
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("Results:"):
# Entering results section
in_results_section = True
elif line.startswith("```") and not in_code_block:
# Entering a code block, if in_results_section = True then it's a results block
in_code_block = True
elif line.startswith("```") and in_code_block:
# Finishing code block
in_results_section = False
in_code_block = False
elif in_code_block and not in_results_section:
# Executable line
script += line
elif line.startswith("#") and not in_code_block and not in_results_section and not is_automated:
# Heading in descriptive text
script += "\n"
return script
def main():
"""SimDem CLI interpreter"""
commands = config.modes
command_string = ""
for command in commands:
command_string = command_string + command + "|"
command_string = command_string[0:len(command_string)-1]
p = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [" + command_string + "] <options> DEMO_NAME", version=config.SIMDEM_VERSION)
p.add_option('--style', '-s', default="tutorial",
help="The style of simulation you want to run. 'tutorial' (the default) will print out all text and pause for user input before running commands. 'simulate' will not print out the text but will still pause for input.")
p.add_option('--path', '-p', default="demo_scripts/",
help="The Path to the demo scripts directory.")
p.add_option('--auto', '-a', default="False",
help="Set to 'true' (or 'yes') to prevent the application waiting for user keypresses between commands. Set to 'no' when running in test mode to allow users to step through each test.")
p.add_option('--test', '-t', default="False",
help="If set to anything other than False the output of the command will be compared to the expected results in the sript. Any failures will be reported")
p.add_option('--fastfail', default="True",
help="If set to anything other than True test execution has will stop on the first failure. This has no affect if running in any mode other than 'test'.")
p.add_option('--debug', '-d', default="False",
help="Turn on debug logging by setting to True.")
p.add_option('--webui', '-w', default="False",
help="If set to anything other than False will interact with the user through a Web UI rather than the CLI.")
p.add_option('--output', '-o', default="log",
help="Format of the output. The default is `log` which will output all stdout data. Other options are `summary` which provides a summary of the execution status and `json`")
options, arguments = p.parse_args()
if not options.path.endswith("/"):
options.path += "/"
if == "False":
is_automatic = False
is_automatic = True
if options.test == "False":
is_test = False
is_test = True
if options.fastfail == "True":
is_fast_fail= True
is_fast_fail= False
if == "simulate":
simulate = True
elif == 'tutorial':
simulate = False
print("Unknown style (--style, -s): " +
if options.debug.lower() == "true":
config.is_debug = True
if len(arguments) == 2:
script_dir = options.path + arguments[1]
script_dir = options.path
cmd = None
if len(arguments) > 0:
cmd = arguments[0]
# 'run' is deprecated in the CLI, but not yet removed from code
if cmd == "tutorial":
cmd = "run"
if cmd == "test":
is_test = True
is_auto = True
filename = ""
is_docker = os.path.isfile('/.dockerenv')
demo = Demo(is_docker, script_dir, filename, simulate, is_automatic, is_test, is_fast_fail, output_format=options.output);
if options.webui == "False":
ui = Ui()
ui = WebUi(config.port)
print("Server started. Listening on port " + str(ui.port))
print("Point your browser at " + str(ui.port))
while not ui.ready:
print("Waiting for client connection")
cmd = None