#!/bin/sh # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Curt Brune # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 set -x arch=$1 machine=$2 platform=$3 installer_dir=$4 platform_conf=$5 output_file=$6 demo_type=$7 image_version=$8 onie_image_part_size=$9 onie_installer_payload=${10} cert_file=${11} key_file=${12} shift 9 if [ ! -d $installer_dir ] || \ [ ! -r $installer_dir/sharch_body.sh ] ; then echo "Error: Invalid installer script directory: $installer_dir" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $installer_dir ] || \ [ ! -r $installer_dir/install.sh ] ; then echo "Error: Invalid arch installer directory: $installer_dir" exit 1 fi [ -n "$image_version" ] || { echo "Error: Invalid git revisions" exit 1 } [ -n "$onie_image_part_size" ] || { echo "Error: Invalid onie_image_part_size" exit 1 } [ -r "$platform_conf" ] || { echo "Warning: Unable to read installer platform configuration file: $platform_conf" } [ $# -gt 0 ] || { echo "Error: No OS image files found" exit 1 } case $demo_type in OS|DIAG) # These are supported ;; *) echo "Error: Unsupported demo type: $demo_type" exit 1 esac tmp_dir= clean_up() { rm -rf $tmp_dir exit $1 } # make the data archive # contents: # - kernel and initramfs # - install.sh # - $platform_conf echo -n "Building self-extracting install image ." tmp_dir=$(mktemp --directory) tmp_installdir="$tmp_dir/installer" mkdir $tmp_installdir || clean_up 1 cp -r $installer_dir/* $tmp_installdir || clean_up 1 cp onie-image.conf $tmp_installdir cp onie-image-$arch.conf $tmp_installdir # Set sonic fips config for the installer script if [ "$ENABLE_FIPS" = "y" ]; then EXTRA_CMDLINE_LINUX="$EXTRA_CMDLINE_LINUX sonic_fips=1" fi # Escape special chars in the user provide kernel cmdline string for use in # sed. Special chars are: \ / & EXTRA_CMDLINE_LINUX=`echo $EXTRA_CMDLINE_LINUX | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\\&/g'` output_raw_image=$(cat onie-image.conf | grep OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE | cut -f2 -d"=") [ -z "$TARGET_MACHINE" ] && output_raw_image=$(echo $output_raw_image | sed -e 's/$TARGET_MACHINE/$machine/g') output_raw_image=$(eval echo $output_raw_image) # Tailor the demo installer for OS mode or DIAG mode sed -i -e "s/%%DEMO_TYPE%%/$demo_type/g" \ -e "s/%%IMAGE_VERSION%%/$image_version/g" \ -e "s/%%ONIE_IMAGE_PART_SIZE%%/$onie_image_part_size/" \ -e "s/%%EXTRA_CMDLINE_LINUX%%/$EXTRA_CMDLINE_LINUX/" \ -e "s@%%OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE%%@$output_raw_image@" \ $tmp_installdir/install.sh || clean_up 1 echo -n "." cp -r $onie_installer_payload $tmp_installdir || clean_up 1 echo -n "." [ -r "$platform_conf" ] && { cp $platform_conf $tmp_installdir || clean_up 1 } echo "machine=$machine" > $tmp_installdir/machine.conf echo "platform=$platform" >> $tmp_installdir/machine.conf echo -n "." sharch="$tmp_dir/sharch.tar" tar -C $tmp_dir -cf $sharch installer || { echo "Error: Problems creating $sharch archive" clean_up 1 } echo -n "." [ -f "$sharch" ] || { echo "Error: $sharch not found" clean_up 1 } sha1=$(cat $sharch | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}') echo -n "." cp $installer_dir/sharch_body.sh $output_file || { echo "Error: Problems copying sharch_body.sh" clean_up 1 } # Replace variables in the sharch template sed -i -e "s/%%IMAGE_SHA1%%/$sha1/" $output_file echo -n "." tar_size="$(wc -c < "${sharch}")" sed -i -e "s|%%PAYLOAD_IMAGE_SIZE%%|${tar_size}|" ${output_file} cat $sharch >> $output_file echo "secure upgrade flags: SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE = $SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE, \ SECURE_UPGRADE_DEV_SIGNING_KEY = $SECURE_UPGRADE_DEV_SIGNING_KEY, SECURE_UPGRADE_SIGNING_CERT = $SECURE_UPGRADE_SIGNING_CERT" if [ "$SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE" = "dev" -o "$SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE" = "prod" ]; then CMS_SIG="${tmp_dir}/signature.sig" DIR="$(dirname "$0")" scripts_dir="${DIR}/scripts" echo "$0 $SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE signing - creating CMS signature for ${output_file}. Output file ${CMS_SIG}" if [ "$SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE" = "dev" ]; then echo "$0 dev keyfile location: ${key_file}." [ -f ${scripts_dir}/sign_image_dev.sh ] || { echo "dev sign script ${scripts_dir}/sign_image_dev.sh not found" rm -rf ${output_file} } (${scripts_dir}/sign_image_dev.sh ${cert_file} ${key_file} ${output_file} ${CMS_SIG}) || { echo "CMS sign error $?" rm -rf ${CMS_SIG} ${output_file} } else # "$SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE" has to be equal to "prod" [ -f ${scripts_dir}/sign_image_${machine}.sh ] || { echo "prod sign script ${scripts_dir}/sign_image_${machine}.sh not found" rm -rf ${output_file} } (${scripts_dir}/sign_image_${machine}.sh ${output_file} ${CMS_SIG} ${SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE}) || { echo "CMS sign error $?" rm -rf ${CMS_SIG} ${output_file} } fi [ -f "$CMS_SIG" ] || { echo "Error: CMS signature not created - exiting without signing" clean_up 1 } # append signature to binary cat ${CMS_SIG} >> ${output_file} sudo rm -rf ${CMS_SIG} elif [ "$SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE" -ne "no_sign" ]; then echo "SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE not defined or defined as $SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE - build without signing" fi rm -rf $tmp_dir echo " Done." echo "Success: Demo install image is ready in ${output_file}:" ls -l ${output_file} clean_up 0