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2021-05-24 16:22:44 +03:00
# Splunk Enterprise on Azure Kubernetes Service
2021-05-24 12:21:28 +03:00
2021-05-24 16:22:44 +03:00
This repo contains automation for deploying the Splunk Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes on AKS. This includes:
- The deployment of a virtual network for the AKS cluster
- The deployment of a storage account and container
- The deployment of a private DNS zone
- The deployment of a private storage endpoint in the cluster virtual network
- The deployment of an AKS cluster across 3 Availability Zones
- The deployment of the Splunk Operator for Kubernetes (with multi-site Indexer cluster) via Deployment Script
- The deployment and configuration of the open source tool min.io to enable Splunk's SmartStore feature with Azure blob storage via Deployment Script
- The deployment of App Gateway & Ingress Controller for access to Splunk UI
2021-05-26 13:48:30 +03:00
- Disabling Transparent Huge Pages in line with Splunk best practices, using the AKS Custom Node Configuration feature
2021-05-24 12:21:28 +03:00
2021-05-24 16:22:44 +03:00
> This repo is still in development, if you do find a bug or require an additional feature please do raise an issue or contribute by creating a pull request!
2021-05-24 12:21:28 +03:00
2021-07-03 14:28:20 +03:00
<a href="https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_CreateUIDef/CustomDeploymentBlade/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fsplunk-enterprise-aks%2Fmain%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fsplunk-enterprise-aks%2Fmain%2Fazuredeploy.portal.json" target="_blank">
2021-05-24 16:28:34 +03:00
<img src="https://aka.ms/deploytoazurebutton"/>
2021-05-24 12:21:28 +03:00
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