* feat: initial var and locals changes for multi-vnet support
* feat: progress on multi-vnet
* test: update TestVirtualNetworkCreateValid & generate successful plan 🥳
* test: passing TestVirtualNetworkCreateValid
* tes: passing TestVirtualNetworkCreateValidWithPeering
* tests: vwan passing
* test: passing TestVirtualNetworkCreateValidWithVhubCustomRouting
* feat: add variable validaiton
* test: add address space, peering name and mesh peering tests
* test: add same rg test
* test: add location check to TestVirtualNetworkCreateValid
* tests: add tags test and pass full suite as it
* test: add test comment
* test: add check for rg name uniqueness
* test: test validation of two vnets in same location with same rg
* docs: update with new schema
* docw: minor wording change
* docs: make docs
* feat: fixes Feature Request: Add vnet_id as an output #101
* test: pass TestDeployVirtualNetworkValid
* test: passing TestDeployVirtualNetworkValidVnetPeering
* test: passing TestDeployVirtualNetworkValidVhubConnection
* test: pass TestDeployVirtualNetworkValidVhubConnection
* test: add mesh peering deploy tests
* test: virtualnetwork tests passing
* docs: make docs
* feat: complete multi-vnet
* fix: terrascan error
* fix: terrascan
* docs: update wiki
* docs: correct sample
* docs: update following PR review
* fix: remove other peerings validaiton as not used yet