88 строки
3.8 KiB
88 строки
3.8 KiB
variable "subscription_register_resource_providers_enabled" {
type = bool
description = <<DESCRIPTION
Whether to register resource providers for the subscription.
Use `var.subscription_register_resource_providers_and_features` to customize registration.
default = false
variable "subscription_register_resource_providers_and_features" {
type = map(set(string))
description = <<DESCRIPTION
The map of resource providers to register.
The map keys are the resource provider namespace, e.g. `Microsoft.Compute`.
The map values are a list of provider features to enable.
Leave the value empty to not register any resource provider features.
The default values are taken from [Hashicorp's AzureRM provider](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm/blob/main/internal/resourceproviders/required.go).
nullable = false
default = {
"Microsoft.ApiManagement" = [],
"Microsoft.AppPlatform" = [],
"Microsoft.Authorization" = [],
"Microsoft.Automation" = [],
"Microsoft.AVS" = [],
"Microsoft.Blueprint" = [],
"Microsoft.BotService" = [],
"Microsoft.Cache" = [],
"Microsoft.Cdn" = [],
"Microsoft.CognitiveServices" = [],
"Microsoft.Compute" = [],
"Microsoft.ContainerInstance" = [],
"Microsoft.ContainerRegistry" = [],
"Microsoft.ContainerService" = [],
"Microsoft.CostManagement" = [],
"Microsoft.CustomProviders" = [],
"Microsoft.Databricks" = [],
"Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics" = [],
"Microsoft.DataLakeStore" = [],
"Microsoft.DataMigration" = [],
"Microsoft.DataProtection" = [],
"Microsoft.DBforMariaDB" = [],
"Microsoft.DBforMySQL" = [],
"Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL" = [],
"Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization" = [],
"Microsoft.Devices" = [],
"Microsoft.DevTestLab" = [],
"Microsoft.DocumentDB" = [],
"Microsoft.EventGrid" = [],
"Microsoft.EventHub" = [],
"Microsoft.HDInsight" = [],
"Microsoft.HealthcareApis" = [],
"Microsoft.GuestConfiguration" = [],
"Microsoft.KeyVault" = [],
"Microsoft.Kusto" = [],
"microsoft.insights" = [],
"Microsoft.Logic" = [],
"Microsoft.MachineLearningServices" = [],
"Microsoft.Maintenance" = [],
"Microsoft.ManagedIdentity" = [],
"Microsoft.ManagedServices" = [],
"Microsoft.Management" = [],
"Microsoft.Maps" = [],
"Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering" = [],
"Microsoft.Media" = [],
"Microsoft.MixedReality" = [],
"Microsoft.Network" = [],
"Microsoft.NotificationHubs" = [],
"Microsoft.OperationalInsights" = [],
"Microsoft.OperationsManagement" = [],
"Microsoft.PolicyInsights" = [],
"Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated" = [],
"Microsoft.Relay" = [],
"Microsoft.RecoveryServices" = [],
"Microsoft.Resources" = [],
"Microsoft.Search" = [],
"Microsoft.Security" = [],
"Microsoft.SecurityInsights" = [],
"Microsoft.ServiceBus" = [],
"Microsoft.ServiceFabric" = [],
"Microsoft.Sql" = [],
"Microsoft.Storage" = [],
"Microsoft.StreamAnalytics" = [],
"Microsoft.Web" = [],