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outputs.tf modified outputs.tf based on feedback 2023-09-26 10:57:49 -04:00
readme.md formatting updates for variables markdown table 2023-09-26 10:33:39 -04:00


Azure VM Automation

This repository contains Terraform code to create resources in Azure, including an Automation account, a PowerShell runbook, and schedules for the runbook.

Terraform resource types


Name Description Default value
resource_group_location The location where the resource group should be created. East US
prefix A prefix for naming resources. demo
vnet_address_space Address space for the virtual network. [""]
subnet_address_prefixes Address prefixes for the subnet. [""]
public_ip_allocation_method Allocation method for the public IP. Dynamic (Must be either 'Static' or 'Dynamic'.)
vm_size Size of the virtual machine. Standard_DS1_v2. Possible values include: Standard_DS1_v2, Standard_DS2_v2, Standard_DS3_v2, Standard_DS4_v2, Standard_DS5_v2.
vm_image Source image reference for the virtual machine. Windows Server 2022
storage_account_tier Performance tier of the storage account. Standard. Possible values include: Standard, Premium, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Premium_LRS, Premium_ZRS.
storage_account_replication_type Replication type for the storage account. LRS. Possible values include: LRS, GRS, RAGRS, ZRS.
automation_account_sku_name SKU name for the Azure Automation Account. Basic. Possible values include: Free, Basic, Standard.
runbook_type Type of the runbook. PowerShell
runbook_uri URI for the runbook content. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/azureautomation/runbooks/master/Utility/ASM/Set-AzureScheduleWithRunbook.ps1
one_time_schedule_start_time Start time for the one-time runbook schedule. "2023-09-23T00:00:00Z"
hourly_schedule_start_time Start time for the hourly runbook schedule. "2023-09-23T01:00:00Z"