Akka Stream library for Azure IoT Hub
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Devis Lucato b97bf98d66 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc.
* Add sink to allow cloud-to-device messages
* Add API to stop the streaming
* Extend API to allow streaming a subset of partitions
* Add support for Scala 2.12 		
* Add device filter
* Add Message ID and Content Type to message

* Improve performance, reduce the number of threads used
* Add more demos
* Upgrade internal dependencies

Breaking changes:
* Change configuration schema
* Change message model schema
* Change environment variables names in the reference configuration
2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
project 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
samples-java 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
samples-scala 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
src 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
tools/devices-simulator 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
.gitignore 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
.travis.yml 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
CHECKPOINTING.md 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
LICENSE Initial release 2016-09-30 16:39:57 -07:00
README.md 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
build.sbt 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00
devices.json.enc 0.8.0 release: new features: C2D Sink, Stream Close, Scala 2.12, msg ID, etc. 2017-01-06 18:03:56 -08:00


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IoTHub React is an Akka Stream library that can be used to read data from Azure IoT Hub, via a reactive stream with asynchronous back pressure, and to send messages to connected devices. Azure IoT Hub is a service used to connect thousands to millions of devices to the Azure cloud.

The library can be used both in Java and Scala, providing a fluent DSL for both programming languages, similarly to the approach used by Akka.

The following is a simple example showing how to use the library in Scala. A stream of incoming telemetry data is read, parsed and converted to a Temperature object, and then filtered based on the temperature value:

    .map(m => parse(m.contentAsString).extract[Temperature])
    .filter(_.value > 100)

and the equivalent code in Java:

TypeReference<Temperature> type = new TypeReference<Temperature>() {};

new IoTHub().source()
    .map(m -> (Temperature) jsonParser.readValue(m.contentAsString(), type))
    .filter(x -> x.value > 100)

Streaming from IoT hub to any

An interesting example is reading telemetry data from Azure IoT Hub, and sending it to a Kafka topic, so that it can be consumed by other services downstream:

import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import akka.kafka.ProducerSettings
import akka.kafka.scaladsl.Producer

case class KafkaProducer(bootstrapServer: String)(implicit val system: ActorSystem) {

  protected val producerSettings = ProducerSettings(system, new ByteArraySerializer, new StringSerializer)

  def getSink() = Producer.plainSink(producerSettings)

  def packageMessage(elem: String, topic: String): ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], String] = {
    new ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], String](topic, elem)
val kafkaProducer = KafkaProducer(bootstrapServer)
    .map(m => parse(m.contentAsString).extract[Temperature])
    .filter(_.value > 100)

Source options

IoT hub partitions

The library supports reading from a subset of partitions, to enable the development of distributed applications. Consider for instance the scenario of a client application deployed to multiple nodes, where each node process independently a subset of the incoming telemetry.

val p1 = 0
val p2 = 3

IoTHub().source(PartitionList(Seq(p1, p2)))
    .map(m => parse(m.contentAsString).extract[Temperature])
    .filter(_.value > 100)

Starting point

Unless specified, the stream starts from the beginning of the data present in each partition. It's possible to start the stream from a given date and time too:

val start = java.time.Instant.now()

    .map(m => parse(m.contentAsString).extract[Temperature])
    .filter(_.value > 100)

Stream processing restart - saving the current position

The library provides a mechanism to restart the stream from a recent checkpoint, to be resilient to restarts and crashes. Checkpoints are saved automatically, with a configured frequency, on a storage provided. For instance, the stream position can be saved every 15 seconds, in a table in Cassandra, or using Azure blobs, or a custom backend.

To store checkpoints in Azure blobs the configuration looks like this:


  [... other settings ...]
  checkpointing {
    enabled = true
    frequency = 15s
    countThreshold = 1000
    timeThreshold = 30s
    storage {
      rwTimeout = 5s
      namespace = "iothub-react-checkpoints"
      backendType = "AzureBlob"
      azureblob {
        lease = 15s
        useEmulator = false
        protocol = "https"
        account = "..."
        key = "..."

Similarly, to store checkpoints in Cassandra:

  checkpointing {
    storage {
      backendType = "cassandra"
      cassandra {
        cluster = "localhost:9042"
        replicationFactor = 3

There are some configuration settings to manage the checkpoint behavior, and in future it will also be possible to plug-in custom storage backends, implementing a simple interface to read and write the stream position.

There is also one API parameter to enabled/disable the checkpointing feature, for example:

val start = java.time.Instant.now()
val withCheckpoints = false

IoTHub().source(start, withCheckpoints)
    .map(m => parse(m.contentAsString).extract[Temperature])
    .filter(_.value > 100)

Build configuration

IoTHubReact is available on Maven Central, you just need to add the following reference in your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies ++= {
  val iothubReactV = "0.8.0"
    "com.microsoft.azure.iot" %% "iothub-react" % iothubReactV

or this dependency in pom.xml file if working with Maven:


IoTHub configuration

IoTHubReact uses a configuration file to fetch the parameters required to connect to Azure IoT Hub. The exact values to use can be found in the Azure Portal:

Properties required to receive device-to-cloud messages:

  • hubName: see EndpointsMessagingEventsEvent Hub-compatible name
  • hubEndpoint: see EndpointsMessagingEventsEvent Hub-compatible endpoint
  • hubPartitions: see EndpointsMessagingEventsPartitions
  • accessPolicy: usually service, see Shared access policies
  • accessKey: see Shared access policieskey namePrimary key (it's a base64 encoded string)

Properties required to send cloud-to-device messages:

  • accessHostName: see Shared access policieskey nameConnection stringHostName

The values should be stored in your application.conf resource (or equivalent). Optionally you can reference environment settings if you prefer, for example to hide sensitive data.

iothub-react {

  connection {
    hubName        = "<Event Hub compatible name>"
    hubEndpoint    = "<Event Hub compatible endpoint>"
    hubPartitions  = <the number of partitions in your IoT Hub>
    accessPolicy   = "<access policy name>"
    accessKey      = "<access policy key>"
    accessHostName = "<access host name>"
  [... other settings...]

Example using environment settings:

iothub-react {

  connection {
    hubName        = ${?IOTHUB_EVENTHUB_NAME}
    hubEndpoint    = ${?IOTHUB_EVENTHUB_ENDPOINT}
    hubPartitions  = ${?IOTHUB_EVENTHUB_PARTITIONS}
    accessPolicy   = ${?IOTHUB_ACCESS_POLICY}
    accessKey      = ${?IOTHUB_ACCESS_KEY}
    accessHostName = ${?IOTHUB_ACCESS_HOSTNAME}
  [... other settings...]

Note that the library will automatically use these environment variables, unless overridden in the configuration file (all the default settings are stored in reference.conf).

The logging level can be managed overriding Akka configuration, for example:

akka {
  loglevel = "WARNING"

There are other settings, to tune performance and connection details:

  • streaming.consumerGroup: the consumer group used during the connection
  • streaming.receiverBatchSize: the number of messages retrieved on each call to Azure IoT hub. The default (and maximum) value is 999.
  • streaming.receiverTimeout: timeout applied to calls while retrieving messages. The default value is 3 seconds.
  • checkpointing.enabled: whether checkpointing is eanbled

The complete configuration reference (and default value) is available in reference.conf.


The project includes multiple demos, showing some of the use cases and how IoThub React API works. All the demos require an instance of Azure IoT hub, with some devices and messages.

  1. DisplayMessages [Java]: how to stream Azure IoT hub withing a Java application, filtering temperature values greater than 60C
  2. SendMessageToDevice [Java]: how to turn on a fan when a device reports a temperature higher than 22C
  3. AllMessagesFromBeginning [Scala]: simple example streaming all the events in the hub.
  4. OnlyRecentMessages [Scala]: stream all the events, starting from the current time.
  5. OnlyTwoPartitions [Scala]: shows how to stream events from a subset of partitions.
  6. MultipleDestinations [Scala]: shows how to read once and deliver events to multiple destinations.
  7. FilterByMessageType [Scala]: how to filter events by message type. The type must be set by the device.
  8. FilterByDeviceID [Scala]: how to filter events by device ID. The device ID is automatically set by Azure IoT SDK.
  9. CloseStream [Scala]: show how to close the stream
  10. SendMessageToDevice [Scala]: shows the API to send messages to connected devices.
  11. PrintTemperature [Scala]: stream all Temperature events and print data to the console.
  12. Throughput [Scala]: stream all events and display statistics about the throughput.
  13. Throttling [Scala]: throttle the incoming stream to a defined speed of events/second.
  14. Checkpoints [Scala]: demonstrates how the stream can be restarted without losing its position. The current position is stored in a Cassandra table (we suggest to run a docker container for the purpose of the demo, e.g. docker run -ip 9042:9042 --rm cassandra).
  15. SendMessageToDevice [Scala]: another example showing how to send 2 different messages to connected devices.

We provide a device simulator in the tools section, which will help simulating some devices sending sample telemetry.

When ready, you should either edit the application.conf configuration files (scala and java) with your credentials, or set the corresponding environment variables. Follow the instructions in the previous section on how to set the correct values.

The sample folders include also some scripts showing how to setup the environment variables in Linux/MacOS and Windows.

  • samples-scala: You can use sbt run to run the demos (or the run_samples.* scripts)
  • samples-java: You can use mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="DisplayMessages.Demo" to run the demo app (or the run_samples.* scripts)

Future work

  • allow to redefine the streaming graph at runtime, e.g. add/remove partitions on the fly
  • improve asynchronicity by using EventHub SDK async APIs

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