jvalley19 3ba087d6a1
Final Pull Request (#170)
* fixed conflict merge

* ee

* bnm

* yh

* vv

* sd

* bn

* xx

* vb

* tt

* ss

* zz

* remove sub ids

* aa

* updates

* ff

* updates

* tt

* updates

* mm

* rr

* Added info Azure cli to remove legal hold & other misc updates

* Fix typos

* Moved env variables for toolkit & subscription in the code

* ss

* kk

* Adding Az.Accounts to dockerfile

* cc

* ii

* ll

* yy

* vv

* cc

* ee

* Added all azure regions to AzureBastion module

* nn

* gg

* tt

* dd

* Adding install module in the code itself

* jk

* Added condition to connect to azure & install modules for dev ops

* qaz

* wsx

* bb

* Commented env variables in debug

* ff

* HUB vnet module

* changed MSVDI to connect to shrd svcs hub

* dummy values for config files

* changed para for msvdi with shrd svcs

* do not need to lowercase regions so commented out

* added variables to file so don't need to input

* new prereq script. Not necessary to run

* readme for shared services

* updated readme

* Update

* edc

* Topological path for DevOps pipeline

* test

* Update

* Running individual modules

* Updates

* updated comments

* new modules

* Create dockflow.yml

* Updates to SharedServices & MS-VDI readme

* qq

* Added more info on password restrictions

* Update

* 56

* 985

* 12

* 67

* 45

* 12

* 678

* 12

* 456

* tt

* 12

* 12

* 1q23

* 125

* 343

* 25

* 345

* 2134

* 12

* 2

* 454

* 124

* 312

* 12

* 23

* 34

* mylife

* q3

* 12

* 24

* q1234

* 696

* qw23

* q12e4

* w5

* 213

* 2198

* qw

* 255

* 89876

* 447

* 3242

* 89

* 43234

* 2342342

* q4eq3214

* 87

* 323

* 2345

* 123456

* New version of code for github action

* updates to files

* updated av set infoo

* 789234

* 234143

* 24223412342

* Teardown test

* Copied workflow from Jack's branch

* new changes

* update to readme in shrdsvcs

* new document for github actions

* 234

* adding changes to script for cleanup

* update readme

* update readme

* sdf

* 235

* 123

* 2345

* new changes to readme

* new changes to readme

* readme

* readme

* readmeupdate

* readme

* red

* read

* readme

* 1234

* readme

* 7897894

* update readme shrd svcs

* 345

* new changes to readme

* removed the cleanup and added to different script

* new change to clean up script

* Updates to shared services readme

* update

* 234

* Added passing parameters for subscription & tenant to parameters.json for shared services

* update for networkwatcher

* removed statement in av sets

* Test GH Actions

* Test GH Actions

* Update

* Update

* Cleared values

* Update

* changes to dockerfile version.

* Update

* Update readme

* Update README.md

* Updates to docs - added SPN info

* All documentation updates - removed personal GH repo reference & referencing shared services deployment in quickstart

* Added release notes

* Update

* no change

* added password randomization

* no change

* added sentinel changes

* formatting

* sentinel change and secret changes to kv

* secret changes to kv

* sentinel changes

* dublicate code correction... No code change

* added sentinel env var

* Test Gov Deployment

* updated SS readme

* naming convention changes

* example of inputfile for master script

* updated readme

* updated docker yml fiile

* master orchestration script

* new github actions doc

* master orchestration documentation

* new env document

* updated MS-VDI parameters with ctx

* updated with ps7 requirements

* new windows virtual desktop environment

* added new artifact location parameter

* added spoke env

* doc

* new Vnet peering module

* application group module

* host pool module

* added output for script

* doc edit

* new images for docs

* updated doc

* disable resources

* docedit

* doc edit

* shared services as a spoke

* doc edit

* docedit

* doc updated

* updated for vms

Co-authored-by: RKSelvi <42325057+RKSelvi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Selvi Kalaiselvi <selvi.kalaiselvi@appliedis.com>
Co-authored-by: Steve Downs <33630027+SteveDatAzureGov@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-06-17 13:19:50 -04:00
folder_replication.md Final Pull Request (#170) 2020-06-17 13:19:50 -04:00
input_File.md Final Pull Request (#170) 2020-06-17 13:19:50 -04:00
masterOrchestration_script.md Final Pull Request (#170) 2020-06-17 13:19:50 -04:00
readme.md Final Pull Request (#170) 2020-06-17 13:19:50 -04:00
tearDownEnvironment.md Final Pull Request (#170) 2020-06-17 13:19:50 -04:00


Master Orchestration Overview

The master orchestration script is used to deploy multiple environments by executing only one script.

Two environment types exist with v1 of the master orchestration script

The topology for the VDC toolkit is a hub and spoke model. The "shared services" environment(s) act as the hub and the "ms-vdi" environment(s) act as the spokes.

The "Shared Services" environment can be broken down into multiple "shared service" environments if necessary. For example, if an organization wanted to split up the Active Directory components into a separate VNET and peer to the hub that can be done with the master orchestration script. Note: For testing purposes we suggest using one hub to begin and multiple spokes

The "MS-VDI" environment can be replicated 'X' number of times for the orchestration. Each spoke MS-VDI environment will be peered to the "Shared Services" or HUB environment. Refer to the folder_Replication for more information on how to create multiple spoke "MS-VDI" environments.

The master orchestration script has 3 prerequisites before the deployment admin can execute the script.

  1. Folder Replication
  2. Input File
  3. Master Orchestration Script

Once these 3 requirements are satified the deployment admin can execute the master orchestration script to deploy the full VDC environment.

TearDown Environment

Please refer to the Tear Down Document when destroying an environment. The teardown feature will remove individual environments.