RKSelvi 8b8ecd33ef
Modified Shared Services environment & added new MS-VDI environment - In support for this new environment changes have been made to support all Azure environments (#163)
* Update dockerimage.yml

* Removed build.yml file

* Run toolkit container

* update

* fix

* mm

* bb

* nn

* qq

* ww

* ee

* rr

* pp

* aa

* Added storageblobURL to resources

* Added StorageblobURL to resources and env variable

* added storageblobURL

* added storageblobURL

* Commented out the Azure Provider feature Bastion

* added condition for resources gov vs com

* changed old GUID for Az Policy

* New change for gov. But need to adjust for com

* changed linux agent version number

* 1

* 2

* 3

* 4

* added logic for the ethernet

* added the ADDS module back after fixing script

* Updated modules IIS, SQLServerAlwaysOn,VM Scale sets for storagebloburl

* 5

* 6

* 7

* aa

* jj

* Update

* ll

* ll

* mm

* vv

* cv

* df

* Added logic for the NSG flow logs com vs gov

* changes to merge conflicts

* fixed conflict merge

* ee

* bnm

* yh

* vv

* sd

* bn

* xx

* vb

* tt

* ss

* zz

* remove sub ids

* aa

* updates

* ff

* updates

* tt

* updates

* mm

* rr

* Added info Azure cli to remove legal hold & other misc updates

* Fix typos

* Moved env variables for toolkit & subscription in the code

* ss

* kk

* Adding Az.Accounts to dockerfile

* cc

* ii

* ll

* yy

* vv

* cc

* ee

* Added all azure regions to AzureBastion module

* nn

* gg

* tt

* dd

* Adding install module in the code itself

* jk

* Added condition to connect to azure & install modules for dev ops

* qaz

* wsx

* bb

* Commented env variables in debug

* ff

* HUB vnet module

* changed MSVDI to connect to shrd svcs hub

* dummy values for config files

* changed para for msvdi with shrd svcs

* do not need to lowercase regions so commented out

* added variables to file so don't need to input

* new prereq script. Not necessary to run

* readme for shared services

* updated readme

* Update

* edc

* Topological path for DevOps pipeline

* test

* Update

* Running individual modules

* Updates

* updated comments

* new modules

* Create dockflow.yml

* Updates to SharedServices & MS-VDI readme

* qq

* Added more info on password restrictions

* Update

* 56

* 985

* 12

* 67

* 45

* 12

* 678

* 12

* 456

* tt

* 12

* 12

* 1q23

* 125

* 343

* 25

* 345

* 2134

* 12

* 2

* 454

* 124

* 312

* 12

* 23

* 34

* mylife

* q3

* 12

* 24

* q1234

* 696

* qw23

* q12e4

* w5

* 213

* 2198

* qw

* 255

* 89876

* 447

* 3242

* 89

* 43234

* 2342342

* q4eq3214

* 87

* 323

* 2345

* 123456

* New version of code for github action

* updates to files

* updated av set infoo

* 789234

* 234143

* 24223412342

* Teardown test

* Copied workflow from Jack's branch

* new changes

* update to readme in shrdsvcs

* new document for github actions

* 234

* adding changes to script for cleanup

* update readme

* update readme

* sdf

* 235

* 123

* 2345

* new changes to readme

* new changes to readme

* readme

* readme

* readmeupdate

* readme

* red

* read

* readme

* 1234

* readme

* 7897894

* update readme shrd svcs

* 345

* new changes to readme

* removed the cleanup and added to different script

* new change to clean up script

* Updates to shared services readme

* update

* 234

* Added passing parameters for subscription & tenant to parameters.json for shared services

* update for networkwatcher

* removed statement in av sets

* Test GH Actions

* Test GH Actions

* Update

* Update

* Cleared values

* Update

* changes to dockerfile version.

* Update

* Update readme

* Update README.md

* Updates to docs - added SPN info

Co-authored-by: jvalley19 <52843322+jvalley19@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-04-30 09:37:04 -04:00
Policy Module folder cleanup (#128) 2019-09-24 15:35:33 -07:00
RBAC Module folder cleanup (#128) 2019-09-24 15:35:33 -07:00
Scripts Module folder cleanup (#128) 2019-09-24 15:35:33 -07:00
Tests Module folder cleanup (#128) 2019-09-24 15:35:33 -07:00
deploy.json Modified Shared Services environment & added new MS-VDI environment - In support for this new environment changes have been made to support all Azure environments (#163) 2020-04-30 09:37:04 -04:00
readme.md Module folder cleanup (#128) 2019-09-24 15:35:33 -07:00


Active Directory Domain Services

This template deploys Active Directory Domain Services.


  • Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets
  • Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
  • Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
  • Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions
  • Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/providers/guestConfigurationAssignments


Parameter Name Default Value Description
virtualMachineName Required. Name for the ADDS VMs
virtualMachineCount 2 Optional. Number of VMs to create
virtualMachineSize Standard_DS2_v2 Optional. Size of the ADDS VMs
virtualMachineOSImage Required. OS image used for the ADDS VMs
availabilitySetId "" Optional. Availability Set resource identifier, if a value is passed, these VMs will join the existing Availability Set.
artifactsStorageAccountSasKey Required. Shared Access Signature Key used to download custom scripts
artifactsStorageAccountName Required. Default storage account name. Storage account that contains output parameters and common scripts
artifactsStorageAccountKey Required. Default storage account Key. Storage account that contains output parameters and common scripts
workspaceId Required. WorkspaceId or CustomerId value of OMS. This value is referenced in OMS VM Extension
logAnalyticsWorkspacePrimarySharedKey Required. WorkspaceKey value of OMS. This value is referenced in OMS VM Extension
diagnosticStorageAccountName Required. Storage account used to store diagnostic information
diagnosticStorageAccountSasToken Required. Diagnostic Storage Account SAS token
addsAddressStart Required. IP address used as initial Active Directory Domain Services IP
keyVaultId "" Optional. AKV Resource Id
keyVaultURL "" Optional. AKV URL
addsKeyEncryptionURL "" Optional. Active Directory Domain Services AKV encryption key
vNetId Required. Shared services Virtual Network resource identifier
domainControllerAsgId Required. ASG associated to Domain Controllers
subnetName Required. Name of Shared Services Subnet, this name is used to get the SubnetId
adminUsername Required. The username used to establish ADDS VMs
adminPassword Required. The password given to the admin user
domainName Required. AD domain name
primaryDCIP Required. On-premises domain IP
ADSitename Required. On-premises Active Directory site name
domaincontrollerDriveLetter Required. Drive letter to install ADDS
domainAdminPassword Required. Domain user that has privileges to join a VM into a Domain


Output Name Description
aadsResourceGroup The Resource Group that was deployed to.



Additional resources