99 строки
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99 строки
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"activateInstanceButton": "Activate graph instance",
"activateInstanceFailedError": "Failed to activate the instance",
"activateInstanceSuccessMessage": "Successfully activated the instance",
"connectionString.prompt": "Enter IoT hub connection string",
"createGraphButton": "Create graph",
"createGraphInstanceButton": "Create instance",
"createNewGraphPageTile": "Create new graph topology",
"createNewInstancePageTile": "Create new graph instance",
"deactivateInstanceButton": "Deactivate graph instance",
"deactivateInstanceFailedError": "Failed to deactivate the instance ",
"deactivateInstanceSuccessMessage": "Successfully deactivated the instance.",
"deleteConnectionToHub": "Disconnect IoT hub",
"deleteConnectionToHubConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to IoT hub?",
"deleteGraphButton": "Delete topology",
"deleteGraphConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete the graph topology?",
"deleteGraphFailedError": "Failed to delete the graph ",
"deleteGraphSuccessMessage": "Successfully deleted the graph topology.",
"deleteInstanceButton": "Delete graph instance",
"deleteInstanceConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete the graph instance?",
"deleteInstanceFailedError": "Failed to delete the instance ",
"deleteInstanceSuccessMessage": "Successfully deleted the instance ",
"deviceList.NoItems": "No Devices found in this IoT hub, please setup a device with the Azure Video Analyzer module and come back.",
"deviceList.prompt": "Select a device",
"devicesListTreeItem": "Devices",
"editGraphButton": "Edit graph topology",
"editGraphPageTile": "Edit topology",
"editInstanceButton": "Edit graph instance",
"editInstancePageTile": "Edit topology instance",
"extensionConfigurationTitle": "Azure Video Analyzer extension configuration",
"extensionDescription": "Azure Video Analyzer extension for Visual Studio Code provides support by making it easy to edit and manage media topologies and live pipelines.",
"getAllGraphsFailedError": "Failed to get the list of graphs ",
"graphInstanceListTreeItem": "Graph instances",
"graphTopologyListTreeItem": "Graph topologies",
"iotHub.connectionString.moduleNotLVA": "The selected module is not Azure Video Analyzer module. Please try a different module.",
"iotHub.connectionString.validationMessageFormat": "The format should be:",
"livePipeline.activate.failedError": "Failed to activate the live pipeline ",
"livePipeline.activate.SuccessMessage": "Successfully activated the live pipeline",
"livePipeline.activate": "Activate live pipeline",
"livePipeline.create": "Create live pipeline",
"livePipeline.deactivate.failedError": "Failed to deactivate the live pipeline ",
"livePipeline.deactivate.successMessage": "Successfully deactivated the live pipeline.",
"livePipeline.deactivate": "Deactivate live pipeline",
"livePipeline.delete.confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete the live pipeline?",
"livePipeline.delete.failedError": "Failed to delete the live pipeline",
"livePipeline.delete.successMessage": "Successfully deleted the live pipeline",
"livePipeline.delete": "Delete live pipeline",
"livePipeline.edit.pageTitle": "Edit live pipeline",
"livePipeline.edit": "Edit live pipeline",
"livePipeline.new.pageTitle": "Create new live pipeline",
"livePipeline.save.failedError": "Failed to save the instance ",
"livePipeline.save.successMessage": "Successfully saved the instance ",
"livePipeline.showJson": "Show live pipeline JSON",
"video-analyzer.views.moduleExplorer.name": "Azure Video Analyzer",
"moduleList.NoItems": "No modules installed on this device, please install the Azure Video Analyzer module and come back.",
"moduleList.prompt": "Select the Azure Video Analyzer module",
"modulesListTreeItem": "Modules",
"no": "No",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create": "Create remote device adapter",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.list.treeItem": "Remote device adapters",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.delete.confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete the remote device adapter?",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.delete.failedError": "Failed to delete the remote device adapter",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.delete.successMessage": "Successfully deleted the remote device adapter",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.delete": "Delete remote device adapter",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.showJson": "Show remote device adapter JSON",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create.name.prompt": "Enter a unique name for the remote device adapter",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create.name.existing.validation.error": "Name already in use, please enter a unique name for the remote device adapter",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create.deviceId.pick.placeHolder": "Select a IoT Device",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create.deviceId.new.button": "Create a new IoT Device",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create.newDevice.prompt": "Enter a unique ID for the new IoT Device",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create.newDevice.existing.validation.error": "ID already in use, please enter a unique ID for the new IoT Device",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create.newDevice.regex.validation.error": "Device ID should follow '^[A-Za-z0-9-:.+%_#*?!(),=@$']{0,128}$'",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.create.host.prompt": "Enter a hostname or IP address of the remote device",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.save.failedError": "Failed to save the remote device adapter",
"remoteDeviceAdapter.save.successMessage": "Successfully saved the remote device adapter",
"saveGraphFailedError": "Failed to save the graph ",
"saveGraphSuccessMessage": "Successfully saved the graph topology ",
"saveInstanceFailedError": "Failed to save the instance ",
"saveInstanceSuccessMessage": "Successfully saved the instance ",
"showGraphInstanceJson": "Show graph instance JSON",
"showGraphJson": "Show topology JSON",
"topologies.getAll.failedError": "Failed to get the list of topologies ",
"topology.create": "Create pipeline topology",
"topology.delete.confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete the pipeline topology?",
"topology.delete.failedError": "Failed to delete the pipeline topology ",
"topology.delete.successMessage": "Successfully deleted the pipeline topology.",
"topology.delete": "Delete pipeline topology",
"topology.edit.pageTitle": "Edit pipeline topology",
"topology.edit": "Edit pipeline topology",
"topology.list.treeItem": "Pipeline topologies",
"topology.new.pageTitle": "Create new pipeline topology",
"topology.save.failedError": "Failed to save the pipeline topology",
"topology.save.successMessage": "Successfully saved the pipeline topology ",
"topology.showJson": "Show pipeline topology JSON",
"treeViewAutoRefreshIntervalInSecondsDescription": "Time interval in seconds for tree view auto refresh, auto refresh has to be enabled for it to work.",
"yes": "Yes"