Improved support for coloring Haskell type definitions
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,15 +30,35 @@ namespace ColorCode.Compilation.Languages
private const string nonnestComment = @"((?:--.*\r?\n|{-(?:[^-]|-(?!})|[\r\n])*-}))";
private const string incomment = @"([^-{}]|{(?!-)|-(?!})|(?<!-)})*";
private const string keywords = @"case|class|data|default|deriving|do|else|foreign|if|import|in|infix|infixl|infixr|instance|let|module|newtype|of|then|type|where";
private const string opKeywords = @"\.\.|:|::|=|\\|\||<-|->|@|~|=>";
private const string symbol = @"\!|\#|$|%|\&|\⋆|\+|\.|/|<|=|>|\?|@|\\|^|\||-|~|:";
private const string intype = @"(\bforall\b|=>)|(?:[A-Z][\w']*\.)*[A-Z][\w']*\b|(?!where|data|type|newtype|instance|class)([a-z][\w']*)\b|\->|[ \t\r]|\n[ \t]+(?:[\(\)\[\]]|->|=>)";
private const string vsymbol = @"[\!\#\$%\&\⋆\+\./<=>\?@\\\^\-~\|]";
private const string symbol = @"(?:" + vsymbol + "|:)";
private const string varop = vsymbol + "(?:" + symbol + @")*";
private const string conop = ":(?:" + symbol + @")*";
private const string conid = @"(?:[A-Z][\w']*|\(" + conop + @"\))";
private const string varid = @"(?:[a-z][\w']*|\(" + varop + @"\))";
private const string qconid = @"((?:[A-Z][\w']*\.)*)" + conid;
private const string qvarid = @"((?:[A-Z][\w']*\.)*)" + varid;
private const string qconidop = @"((?:[A-Z][\w']*\.)*)(?:" + conid + "|" + conop + ")";
private const string intype = @"(\bforall\b|=>)|" + qconidop + @"|(?!deriving|where|data|type|newtype|instance|class)([a-z][\w']*)|\->|[ \t!\#]|\r?\n[ \t]+(?=[\(\)\[\]]|->|=>|[A-Z])";
private const string toptype = "(?:" + intype + "|::)";
private const string nestedtype = @"(?:" + intype + ")";
private const string datatype = "(?:" + intype + @"|[,]|\r?\n[ \t]+|::|(?<!" + symbol + @"|^)([=\|])\s*(" + conid + ")|" + nonnestComment + ")";
private const string inexports = @"(?:[\[\],\s]|(" + conid + ")|" + varid
+ "|" + nonnestComment
+ @"|\((?:[,\.\s]|(" + conid + ")|" + varid + @")*\)"
+ ")*";
public IList<LanguageRule> Rules
@ -71,10 +91,13 @@ namespace ColorCode.Compilation.Languages
// Types
new LanguageRule(
// Type highlighting using named balanced groups to balance parenthesized sub types
// 'toptype' and 'nestedtype' capture two groups: type keyword and type variables
@"(?:" + @"\b(type|data|class|instance|deriving|newtype)\b|"
+ @"::(?!" + symbol + ")" + ")"
+ toptype + "*" +
// 'toptype' and 'nestedtype' capture three groups: type keywords, namespaces, and type variables
@"(?:" + @"\b(class|instance|deriving)\b"
+ @"|::(?!" + symbol + ")"
+ @"|\b(type)\s+" + toptype + @"*\s*(=)"
+ @"|\b(data|newtype)\s+" + toptype + @"*\s*(=)\s*(" + conid + ")"
+ @"|\s+(\|)\s*(" + conid + ")"
+ ")" + toptype + "*" +
@"(?:" +
@"(?:(?<type>[\(\[<])(?:" + nestedtype + @"|[,]" + @")*)+" +
@"(?:(?<-type>[\)\]>])(?:" + nestedtype + @"|(?(type)[,])" + @")*)+" +
@ -82,21 +105,51 @@ namespace ColorCode.Compilation.Languages
new Dictionary<int,string> {
{ 0, ScopeName.Type },
{ 1, ScopeName.Keyword }, // type struct etc
{ 2, ScopeName.Keyword},
{ 3, ScopeName.TypeVariable },
{ 4, ScopeName.Keyword },
{ 1, ScopeName.Keyword }, // class instance etc
{ 2, ScopeName.Keyword}, // type
{ 3, ScopeName.Keyword},
{ 4, ScopeName.NameSpace },
{ 5, ScopeName.TypeVariable },
{ 6, ScopeName.Keyword},
{ 7, ScopeName.Keyword}, // data , newtype
{ 8, ScopeName.Keyword},
{ 9, ScopeName.NameSpace },
{ 10, ScopeName.TypeVariable },
{ 11, ScopeName.Keyword }, // = conid
{ 12, ScopeName.Constructor },
{ 13, ScopeName.Keyword }, // | conid
{ 14, ScopeName.Constructor },
{ 15, ScopeName.Keyword},
{ 16, ScopeName.NameSpace },
{ 17, ScopeName.TypeVariable },
{ 6, ScopeName.Keyword },
{ 7, ScopeName.TypeVariable },
{ 18, ScopeName.Keyword },
{ 19, ScopeName.NameSpace },
{ 20, ScopeName.TypeVariable },
{ 21, ScopeName.Keyword },
{ 22, ScopeName.NameSpace },
{ 23, ScopeName.TypeVariable },
// Special sequences
new LanguageRule(
@"\b(module)\s+(" + qconid + @")(?:\s*\(" + inexports + @"\))?",
new Dictionary<int, string>
{ 1, ScopeName.Keyword },
{ 2, ScopeName.NameSpace },
{ 4, ScopeName.Type },
{ 5, ScopeName.Comment },
{ 6, ScopeName.Constructor }
new LanguageRule(
@"\b(module|as)\s+(" + qconid + ")",
new Dictionary<int, string>
{ 1, ScopeName.Keyword },
@ -104,12 +157,21 @@ namespace ColorCode.Compilation.Languages
new LanguageRule(
@"\b(import)\s+(qualified\s+)?(" + qconid + @")\s*"
+ @"(?:\(" + inexports + @"\))?"
+ @"(?:(hiding)(?:\s*\(" + inexports + @"\)))?",
new Dictionary<int, string>
{ 1, ScopeName.Keyword },
{ 2, ScopeName.Keyword },
{ 3, ScopeName.NameSpace }
{ 3, ScopeName.NameSpace },
{ 5, ScopeName.Type },
{ 6, ScopeName.Comment },
{ 7, ScopeName.Constructor },
{ 8, ScopeName.Keyword},
{ 9, ScopeName.Type },
{ 10, ScopeName.Comment },
{ 11, ScopeName.Constructor }
// Keywords
@ -128,26 +190,32 @@ namespace ColorCode.Compilation.Languages
// Names
new LanguageRule(
@"([A-Z][\w']*\.)*([a-z][\w']*|\((" + symbol + @")+\))",
new Dictionary<int, string>
{ 1, ScopeName.NameSpace }
new LanguageRule(
new Dictionary<int, string>
{ 0, ScopeName.Constructor },
{ 1, ScopeName.NameSpace },
{ 2, ScopeName.Constructor }
// Operators and punctuation
new LanguageRule(
"(" + symbol + ")+",
new Dictionary<int, string>
{ 0, ScopeName.Operator }
new LanguageRule(
new Dictionary<int, string>
{ 0, ScopeName.Constructor }
new LanguageRule(
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