Update dependencies
Removes Cake call from azurepipeline.yml (after attempting to upgrade, will remove files in separate commit)
Uses dotnet/msbuild to build and run tests in Azure DevOps directly
Moves Stylecop to .editorconfig
Moves to .NET 6 for build and targets
Fixes build configuration for CI to only build required libraries and not samples
Renames Net5Windows example to NetWindows
I was comparing your settings.xamlstyler with mine to see the difference and noticed a few typos (I've been using this file for about a month and copied the settings from here https://github.com/Xavalon/XamlStyler/wiki/External-Configurations).
I originally noticed this issue in
WindowsCommunityToolkit and thought it might be a CopyPaste issue
* fix(msalprovider): Fix error when providing TenantId
Providing TenantId resulted in both WithTenantId and WithAuthority to be specified wich are mutually exclusive resulting in error
* Update MsalProvider.cs
* Updated MsalProvider to use local account broker when possible.
* Updated MsalProvider configuration to support toggling org account login.
* Re-adding SDK version header logic
* Added token cache example to wpf sample app.
* Renamed WpfMsalProviderSample to WpfNet5WindowsMsalProviderSample and added WpfNetCoreMsalProviderSample
We re-write the sample to use an external collection as a developer would in their app. This then properly lets the ItemsControl display just the tokenized items. (Though there's still an issue with how TokenizingTextBox behaves we should resolve.)
* Added experimental attributes to GraphPresenter and QueryOption
* Moved GraphPresenter samples into separate pages and added another for OneDrive
* Converting converters into simple methods
* Add support for incremental consent via MsalProvider
* Reverting changes to IProvider
* Improved safety when checking for alternative scopes
* Added SemaphoreSlim to WindowsProvider GetTokenAsync
* Updated targets and props files to include nuget package icon
* Fixed GraphPresenter after props and targets update
* Updated Graph version in UnitTests app
* Fixed issue with xaml type reflection
* Commented out TreatWarningAsErrors