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// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Lottie.UIData.Tools;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Microsoft.UI.Composition;
using Windows.UI.Composition;
namespace CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Lottie
/// <summary>
/// Information from which a composition's content can be instantiated. Contains the WinCompData
/// translation of a composition and some metadata. This allows multiple instances of the translation
/// to be instantiated without requiring repeated translations.
/// </summary>
sealed class AnimatedVisualFactory
: IAnimatedVisualSource
readonly Dictionary<Uri, ICompositionSurface?> _imageCache = new Dictionary<Uri, ICompositionSurface?>();
readonly LottieVisualDiagnostics? _diagnostics;
Loader? _loader;
WinCompData.Visual? _wincompDataRootVisual;
WinCompData.CompositionPropertySet? _wincompDataThemingPropertySet;
IEnumerable<WinCompData.AnimationController>? _wincompDataAnimationControllers;
CompositionPropertySet? _themingPropertySet;
double _width;
double _height;
TimeSpan _duration;
internal AnimatedVisualFactory(Loader loader, LottieVisualDiagnostics? diagnostics)
_loader = loader;
_diagnostics = diagnostics;
internal void SetDimensions(double width, double height, TimeSpan duration)
_width = width;
_height = height;
_duration = duration;
internal void SetRootVisual(WinCompData.Visual rootVisual)
// Save the root visual.
_wincompDataRootVisual = rootVisual;
// Find the theming property set, if any.
var graph = ObjectGraph<Graph.Node>.FromCompositionObject(_wincompDataRootVisual, includeVertices: false);
_wincompDataThemingPropertySet = graph.
Where(n => n.Object is WinCompData.CompositionPropertySet cps && cps.Owner is null).
Select(n => (WinCompData.CompositionPropertySet)n.Object).FirstOrDefault();
_wincompDataAnimationControllers = graph.CompositionObjectNodes.Where(n => (n.Object is WinCompData.AnimationController) && ((WinCompData.AnimationController)n.Object).IsCustom).Select(n => (WinCompData.AnimationController)n.Object);
internal bool CanInstantiate => _wincompDataRootVisual is not null;
public IAnimatedVisual? TryCreateAnimatedVisual(Compositor compositor, [MaybeNull] out object diagnostics)
// Clone the Diagnostics object so that the data from the translation is captured, then we
// will update the clone with information about this particular instantiation.
var diags = _diagnostics?.Clone();
diagnostics = diags;
if (!CanInstantiate)
return null;
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var instantiator = new Instantiator(compositor, surfaceResolver: LoadImageFromUri);
// _wincompDataRootVisual is not null is implied by CanInstantiate.
Visual rootVisual = (Visual)instantiator.GetInstance(_wincompDataRootVisual!);
IEnumerable<AnimationController> animationControllers = _wincompDataAnimationControllers!.Select(o => (AnimationController)instantiator.GetInstance(o));
var result = new DisposableAnimatedVisual(rootVisual, animationControllers)
Size = new System.Numerics.Vector2((float)_width, (float)_height),
Duration = _duration,
if (diags is not null)
if (_wincompDataThemingPropertySet is not null && _themingPropertySet is null)
// Instantiate the theming property set. This is shared by all of the instantiations.
_themingPropertySet = (CompositionPropertySet)instantiator.GetInstance(_wincompDataThemingPropertySet);
// _diagnostics is not null is implied by diags is not null;
diags.ThemingPropertySet = _diagnostics!.ThemingPropertySet = _themingPropertySet;
diags.InstantiationTime = sw.Elapsed;
// After the first instantiation, all the images are cached so the
// loader is no longer needed.
_loader = null;
return result;
ICompositionSurface? LoadImageFromUri(Uri uri)
if (!_imageCache.TryGetValue(uri, out var result))
// The loader will not be null, because either this is the
// first instantiation of the animated visual in which case the
// image loader hasn't been set to null, or it's a second instantiation
// so the images are already cached.
result = _loader!.LoadImage(uri);
// Cache the result so we can share the surfaces.
_imageCache.Add(uri, result);
return result;