// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Windows.Foundation;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
namespace Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls
/// The UniformGrid control presents information within a Grid with even spacing.
public partial class UniformGrid : Grid
// Internal list we use to keep track of items that we don't have space to layout.
private List _overflow = new List();
/// The instance in use, if any.
private TakenSpotsReferenceHolder _spotref;
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
// Get all Visible FrameworkElement Children
var visible = Children.Where(item => item.Visibility != Visibility.Collapsed && item is FrameworkElement).Select(item => item as FrameworkElement).ToArray();
#pragma warning disable SA1008 // Opening parenthesis must be spaced correctly
var (rows, columns) = GetDimensions(visible, Rows, Columns, FirstColumn);
#pragma warning restore SA1008 // Opening parenthesis must be spaced correctly
// Now that we know size, setup automatic rows/columns
// to utilize Grid for UniformGrid behavior.
// We also interleave any specified rows/columns with fixed sizes.
TakenSpotsReferenceHolder spotref;
// If the last spot holder matches the size currently in use, just reset
// that instance and reuse it to avoid allocating a new bit array.
if (_spotref != null && _spotref.Height == rows && _spotref.Width == columns)
spotref = _spotref;
spotref = _spotref = new TakenSpotsReferenceHolder(rows, columns);
// Figure out which children we should automatically layout and where available openings are.
foreach (var child in visible)
var row = GetRow(child);
var col = GetColumn(child);
var rowspan = GetRowSpan(child);
var colspan = GetColumnSpan(child);
// If an element needs to be forced in the 0, 0 position,
// they should manually set UniformGrid.AutoLayout to False for that element.
if ((row == 0 && col == 0 && GetAutoLayout(child) == null) ||
GetAutoLayout(child) == true)
SetAutoLayout(child, true);
SetAutoLayout(child, false);
spotref.Fill(true, row, col, colspan, rowspan);
// Setup available size with our known dimensions now.
// UniformGrid expands size based on largest singular item.
double columnSpacingSize = 0;
double rowSpacingSize = 0;
columnSpacingSize = ColumnSpacing * (columns - 1);
rowSpacingSize = RowSpacing * (rows - 1);
Size childSize = new Size(
(availableSize.Width - columnSpacingSize) / columns,
(availableSize.Height - rowSpacingSize) / rows);
double maxWidth = 0.0;
double maxHeight = 0.0;
// Set Grid Row/Col for every child with autolayout = true
// Backwards with FlowDirection
var freespots = GetFreeSpot(spotref, FirstColumn, Orientation == Orientation.Vertical).GetEnumerator();
foreach (var child in visible)
// Set location if we're in charge
if (GetAutoLayout(child) == true)
if (freespots.MoveNext())
#pragma warning disable SA1009 // Closing parenthesis must be followed by a space.
#pragma warning disable SA1008 // Opening parenthesis must be spaced correctly
var (row, column) = freespots.Current;
#pragma warning restore SA1008 // Opening parenthesis must be spaced correctly
#pragma warning restore SA1009 // Closing parenthesis must be followed by a space.
SetRow(child, row);
SetColumn(child, column);
var rowspan = GetRowSpan(child);
var colspan = GetColumnSpan(child);
if (rowspan > 1 || colspan > 1)
// TODO: Need to tie this into iterator
spotref.Fill(true, row, column, colspan, rowspan);
// We've run out of spots as the developer has
// most likely given us a fixed size and too many elements
// Therefore, tell this element it has no size and move on.
else if (GetRow(child) < 0 || GetRow(child) >= rows ||
GetColumn(child) < 0 || GetColumn(child) >= columns)
// A child is specifying a location, but that location is outside
// of our grid space, so we should hide it instead.
// Get measurement for max child
maxWidth = Math.Max(child.DesiredSize.Width, maxWidth);
maxHeight = Math.Max(child.DesiredSize.Height, maxHeight);
// Return our desired size based on the largest child we found, our dimensions, and spacing.
var desiredSize = new Size((maxWidth * columns) + columnSpacingSize, (maxHeight * rows) + rowSpacingSize);
// Required to perform regular grid measurement, but ignore result.
return desiredSize;
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
// Have grid to the bulk of our heavy lifting.
var size = base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize);
// Make sure all overflown elements have no size.
foreach (var child in _overflow)
_overflow = new List(); // Reset for next time.
return size;