2018-08-07 17:35:25 +03:00
using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes ;
using Xamarin.Forms.Internals ;
using Xamarin.UITest ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues
[Preserve(AllMembers = true)]
[Issue(IssueTracker.Github, 2187, "[WPF] FontFamily Assignment in platform specific project don ' t work ", PlatformAffected.WPF)]
public class Issue2187 : TestContentPage
protected override void Init ( )
var stack = new StackLayout ( ) ;
Label issueTestLabel1Description = new Label ( ) ;
issueTestLabel1Description . Text = "Below is supposed to show a hamburger icon (like used in a mobile app)" +
" from the FontAwesome font (in the current project with namespace) :\nFontFamily = \"/Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WPF;component/Assets/#FontAwesome\"" ;
Label issueTestLabel1 = new Label
TextColor = Color . Red ,
HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment . Center ,
FontSize = 40 ,
Text = "\uf0c9"
} ;
switch ( Device . RuntimePlatform )
case Device . WPF :
issueTestLabel1 . FontFamily = "/Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WPF;component/Assets/#FontAwesome" ;
break ;
default :
break ;
Label issueTestLabel2Description = new Label ( ) ;
issueTestLabel2Description . Text = "Below is supposed to show a umbrella icon (like used in a mobile app)" +
" from the FontAwesome font (in the nuget package) :\nFontFamily = \"/Meziantou.WpfFontAwesome;component/Resources/#FontAwesome\"" ;
Label issueTestLabel2 = new Label
TextColor = Color . Gray ,
HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment . Center ,
FontSize = 40 ,
Text = "\uf0e9"
} ;
switch ( Device . RuntimePlatform )
case Device . WPF :
issueTestLabel2 . FontFamily = "/Meziantou.WpfFontAwesome;component/Resources/#FontAwesome" ;
break ;
default :
break ;
Label issueTestLabel3Description = new Label ( ) ;
issueTestLabel3Description . Text = "Below is supposed to show a text from the Pick Ax font " +
" (in the current project without namespace) :\nFontFamily = \"/Assets/#Pick Ax\"" ;
Label issueTestLabel3 = new Label
TextColor = Color . Red ,
HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment . Center ,
FontSize = 40 ,
Text = "Hello, I'm in Pick Ax font"
} ;
switch ( Device . RuntimePlatform )
case Device . WPF :
issueTestLabel3 . FontFamily = "/Assets/#Pick Ax" ;
break ;
default :
break ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestLabel1Description ) ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestLabel1 ) ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestLabel2Description ) ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestLabel2 ) ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestLabel3Description ) ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestLabel3 ) ;
2018-09-28 19:39:29 +03:00
Label issueTestSpan1Description = new Label
Text = "Span with font"
} ;
Label issueTestSpan1 = new Label ( )
HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment . Center ,
} ;
Span span = new Span ( )
TextColor = Color . Red ,
FontSize = 40 ,
Text = "Hello, I'm in Pick Ax font"
} ;
switch ( Device . RuntimePlatform )
case Device . WPF :
span . FontFamily = "/Assets/#Pick Ax" ;
break ;
default :
break ;
Span span1 = new Span ( )
TextColor = Color . Blue ,
FontSize = 30 ,
Text = " - without font but blue"
} ;
issueTestSpan1 . FormattedText = new FormattedString ( ) ;
issueTestSpan1 . FormattedText . Spans . Add ( span ) ;
issueTestSpan1 . FormattedText . Spans . Add ( span1 ) ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestSpan1Description ) ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestSpan1 ) ;
Label issueTestButton1Description = new Label
Text = "Button with font"
} ;
Button issueTestButton1 = new Button
TextColor = Color . Red ,
FontSize = 40 ,
Text = "Hello, I'm in Button - Pick Ax font"
} ;
switch ( Device . RuntimePlatform )
case Device . WPF :
issueTestButton1 . FontFamily = "/Assets/#Pick Ax" ;
break ;
default :
break ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestButton1Description ) ;
stack . Children . Add ( issueTestButton1 ) ;
2018-08-07 17:35:25 +03:00
Content = stack ;