[C] Add cornerRadius validation, docs

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Stephane Delcroix 2016-11-01 10:35:14 +01:00 коммит произвёл Jason Smith
Родитель 4554e822e3
Коммит 0d883f64cb
2 изменённых файлов: 34 добавлений и 1 удалений

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@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ namespace Xamarin.Forms
public static readonly BindableProperty HasShadowProperty = BindableProperty.Create("HasShadow", typeof(bool), typeof(Frame), true);
public static readonly BindableProperty CornerRadiusProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(CornerRadius), typeof(float), typeof(Frame), -1.0f);
public static readonly BindableProperty CornerRadiusProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(CornerRadius), typeof(float), typeof(Frame), -1.0f,
validateValue: (bindable, value) => ((float)value) == -1.0f || ((float)value) >= 0f);
readonly Lazy<PlatformConfigurationRegistry<Frame>> _platformConfigurationRegistry;

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@ -91,6 +91,37 @@ MainPage = new ContentPage () {
<remarks>A Frame has a default <see cref="P:Xamarin.Forms.Layout.Padding" /> of 20.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="CornerRadius">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public float CornerRadius { get; set; }" />
<MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance float32 CornerRadius" />
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="CornerRadiusProperty">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static readonly Xamarin.Forms.BindableProperty CornerRadiusProperty;" />
<MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".field public static initonly class Xamarin.Forms.BindableProperty CornerRadiusProperty" />
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="HasShadow">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool HasShadow { get; set; }" />
<MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".property instance bool HasShadow" />