* [Build] Remove submodule
* [Build] Use GitInfo to set Assembly metadata
* [Build] Remove extra prop
* [Build] Update version
* [Build] Update versions to be consistent with existing Build.Tasks
* [Build] Update build number
* [Build] make sure build tasks gets info
* [Build] Add assembly info unit test
* [Test] Refactor test for gitinfo on vsts
* Updated all the OpenTK references to use NuGet
- Using the same NuGet version of OpenTK across the board
- Added a gallery factory to allow for platform-specific pages
- Added the OpenGL galleries to Android, iOS, GTK# and WPF
* Fix the build for iOS and macOS
* Fix the modified defines for the control gallery
* Move the first few projects over to PackageReference
* Move the first few projects over to PackageReference
* Moved the remainder of the projects to PackageReference
* Copy the nunit test adapters for the test apps
* Update the unit tests version of json.net
* Don't use relative paths
* Make sure to also copy sub folders
* Remove the trailing slash
* Keep the directory structure
* [WPF] Add WpfLightToolkit in the Xamarin Forms Wpf projet
* Delete WpfLightToolkit dependency
* [WPF] Add WpfLightToolkit in the Xamarin Forms Wpf projet
* Delete WpfLightToolkit dependency
* Add RegistrarValidationService to test presence of renderers
* [iOS] Restore NativeViewWrapper registration
* [Android] Prevent NRE in ListViewAdapter