* Issues:
1. If UWP MapRenderer is navigated away from, before the user location
is found, an uncaught NRE will be thrown.
2. UWP MapRenderer updates are not enforced to be on UI thread
3. Order of operations in MapRenderer would cause user location to never
be shown.
1. Added null checks in UpdateUserIsShowing and LoadUserPosition
2. Called map position updates on UI thread.
3. Changed order of operations in OnElementChanged to allow for user
geocoordinates to be shown.
* Fixed code formatting issues
* Fix formatting
* Deterministic null checks
* Updated null checks
* Issues:
1. The MapRenderer calls TrySetViewBoundsAsync before the map is ready for it. This causes the map to hardly ever initialize to the correct position.
2. The visible region calculation gets the zoom wrong.
3. Map can cause a crash if you rotate/zoom a lot when setting the visible region.
1. Call MoveToRegion using MapControl's RunIdleAsync to have it move after the map starts rendering
2. lat/long delta should be:
var latitudeDelta = Math.Abs(nw.Position.Latitude - se.Position.Latitude);
var longitudeDelta = Math.Abs(nw.Position.Longitude - se.Position.Longitude);
rather than calculated from the center
3. Move the visible region set into the try/catch block.
* Made spaces into tabs to conform to previous standard.