using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Windows; using OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions; using OpenQA.Selenium.Remote; using Xamarin.UITest; using Xamarin.UITest.Queries; using Xamarin.UITest.Queries.Tokens; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests { public class WinDriverApp : IApp { public const string AppName = "Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal"; readonly Dictionary _controlNameToTag = new Dictionary { { "button", "ControlType.Button" } }; readonly WindowsDriver _session; readonly Dictionary _translatePropertyAccessor = new Dictionary { { "getAlpha", "Opacity" }, { "isEnabled", "IsEnabled" } }; int _scrollBarOffset = 5; WindowsElement _viewPort; WindowsElement _window; public WinDriverApp(WindowsDriver session) { _session = session; TestServer = new WindowsTestServer(_session); } public void Back() { QueryWindows("Back").First().Click(); } public void ClearText(Func query) { QueryWindows(query).First().Clear(); } public void ClearText(Func query) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void ClearText(string marked) { QueryWindows(marked).First().Clear(); } public void ClearText() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public IDevice Device { get; } public void DismissKeyboard() { // No-op for Desktop, which is all we're doing right now } public void DoubleTap(Func query) { DoubleTap(WinQuery.FromQuery(query)); } public void DoubleTap(string marked) { DoubleTap(WinQuery.FromMarked(marked)); } public void DoubleTapCoordinates(float x, float y) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void DragAndDrop(Func from, Func to) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void DragAndDrop(string from, string to) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void DragCoordinates(float fromX, float fromY, float toX, float toY) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void EnterText(string text) { new Actions(_session) .SendKeys(text) .Perform(); } public void EnterText(Func query, string text) { var result = QueryWindows(query).First(); result.SendKeys(text); } public void EnterText(string marked, string text) { var results = QueryWindows(marked).First(); results.SendKeys(text); } public void EnterText(Func query, string text) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public AppResult[] Flash(Func query = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public AppResult[] Flash(string marked) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public object Invoke(string methodName, object argument = null) { return Invoke(methodName, new[] { argument }); } public object Invoke(string methodName, object[] arguments) { if (methodName == "ContextClick") { // The IApp interface doesn't have a context click concept, and mapping TouchAndHold to // context clicking would box us in if we have the option of running these tests on touch // devices later. So we're going to use the back door. ContextClick(arguments[0].ToString()); return null; } return null; } public void PinchToZoomIn(Func query, TimeSpan? duration = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void PinchToZoomIn(string marked, TimeSpan? duration = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void PinchToZoomInCoordinates(float x, float y, TimeSpan? duration) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void PinchToZoomOut(Func query, TimeSpan? duration = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void PinchToZoomOut(string marked, TimeSpan? duration = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void PinchToZoomOutCoordinates(float x, float y, TimeSpan? duration) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void PressEnter() { new Actions(_session) .SendKeys(Keys.Enter) .Perform(); } public void PressVolumeDown() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void PressVolumeUp() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public AppPrintHelper Print { get; } public AppResult[] Query(Func query = null) { ReadOnlyCollection elements = QueryWindows(WinQuery.FromQuery(query)); return elements.Select(ToAppResult).ToArray(); } public AppResult[] Query(string marked) { ReadOnlyCollection elements = QueryWindows(marked); return elements.Select(ToAppResult).ToArray(); } public AppWebResult[] Query(Func query) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public T[] Query(Func> query) { AppTypedSelector appTypedSelector = query(new AppQuery(QueryPlatform.iOS)); // Swiss-Army Chainsaw time // We'll use reflection to dig into the query and get the element selector // and the property value invocation in text form BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic; Type selectorType = appTypedSelector.GetType(); PropertyInfo tokensProperty = selectorType.GetProperties(bindingFlags) .First(t => t.PropertyType == typeof(IQueryToken[])); var tokens = (IQueryToken[])tokensProperty.GetValue(appTypedSelector); string selector = tokens[0].ToQueryString(QueryPlatform.iOS); string invoke = tokens[1].ToCodeString(); // Now that we have them in text form, we can reinterpret them for Windows WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromRaw(selector); // TODO hartez 2017/07/19 17:08:44 Make this a bit more resilient if the translation isn't there var translationKey = invoke.Substring(8).Replace("\")", ""); if (!_translatePropertyAccessor.ContainsKey(translationKey)) throw new Exception($"{translationKey} not found please add to _translatePropertyAccessor"); string attribute = _translatePropertyAccessor[translationKey]; ReadOnlyCollection elements = QueryWindows(winQuery); foreach (WindowsElement e in elements) { string x = e.GetAttribute(attribute); Debug.WriteLine($">>>>> WinDriverApp Query 261: {x}"); } // TODO hartez 2017/07/19 17:09:14 Alas, for now this simply doesn't work. Waiting for WinAppDriver to implement it return elements.Select(e => (T)Convert.ChangeType(e.GetAttribute(attribute), typeof(T))).ToArray(); } public string[] Query(Func query) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void Repl() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public FileInfo Screenshot(string title) { // TODO hartez 2017/07/18 10:16:56 Verify that this is working; seems a bit too simple string filename = $"{title}.png"; Screenshot screenshot = _session.GetScreenshot(); screenshot.SaveAsFile(filename, ScreenshotImageFormat.Png); return new FileInfo(filename); } public void ScrollDown(Func withinQuery = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { if (withinQuery == null) { Scroll(null, true); return; } WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromQuery(withinQuery); Scroll(winQuery, true); } public void ScrollDown(string withinMarked, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromMarked(withinMarked); Scroll(winQuery, true); } public void ScrollDownTo(string toMarked, string withinMarked = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { ScrollTo(WinQuery.FromMarked(toMarked), withinMarked == null ? null : WinQuery.FromMarked(withinMarked), timeout); } public void ScrollDownTo(Func toQuery, string withinMarked, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void ScrollDownTo(Func toQuery, Func withinQuery = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { ScrollTo(WinQuery.FromQuery(toQuery), withinQuery == null ? null : WinQuery.FromQuery(withinQuery), timeout); } public void ScrollDownTo(Func toQuery, Func withinQuery = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void ScrollTo(string toMarked, string withinMarked = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void ScrollUp(Func query = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { if (query == null) { Scroll(null, false); return; } WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromQuery(query); Scroll(winQuery, false); } public void ScrollUp(string withinMarked, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromMarked(withinMarked); Scroll(winQuery, false); } public void ScrollUpTo(string toMarked, string withinMarked = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { ScrollTo(WinQuery.FromMarked(toMarked), withinMarked == null ? null : WinQuery.FromMarked(withinMarked), timeout, down: false); } public void ScrollUpTo(Func toQuery, string withinMarked, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void ScrollUpTo(Func toQuery, Func withinQuery = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { ScrollTo(WinQuery.FromQuery(toQuery), withinQuery == null ? null : WinQuery.FromQuery(withinQuery), timeout, down: false); } public void ScrollUpTo(Func toQuery, Func withinQuery = null, ScrollStrategy strategy = ScrollStrategy.Auto, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetOrientationLandscape() { // Deliberately leaving this as a no-op for now // Trying to set the orientation on the Desktop (the only version of UWP we're testing for the moment) // gives us a 405 Method Not Allowed, which makes sense. Haven't figured out how to determine // whether we're in a mode which allows orientation, but if we were, the next line is probably how to set it. //_session.Orientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape; } public void SetOrientationPortrait() { // Deliberately leaving this as a no-op for now // Trying to set the orientation on the Desktop (the only version of UWP we're testing for the moment) // gives us a 405 Method Not Allowed, which makes sense. Haven't figured out how to determine // whether we're in a mode which allows orientation, but if we were, the next line is probably how to set it. //_session.Orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait; } public void SetSliderValue(string marked, double value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetSliderValue(Func query, double value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeLeft() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeLeftToRight(double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeLeftToRight(string marked, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeLeftToRight(Func query, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeLeftToRight(Func query, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeRight() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeRightToLeft(double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeRightToLeft(string marked, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeRightToLeft(Func query, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SwipeRightToLeft(Func query, double swipePercentage = 0.67, int swipeSpeed = 500, bool withInertia = true) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void Tap(Func query) { WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromQuery(query); Tap(winQuery); } public void Tap(string marked) { WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromMarked(marked); Tap(winQuery); } public void Tap(Func query) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void TapCoordinates(float x, float y) { // Okay, this one's a bit complicated. For some reason, _session.Tap() with coordinates does not work // (Filed for that) // But we can do the equivalent by manipulating the mouse. The mouse methods all take an ICoordinates // object, and you'd think that the "coordinates" part of ICoordinates would have something do with // where the mouse clicks. You'd be wrong. The coordinates parts of that object are ignored and it just // clicks the center of whatever WindowsElement the ICoordinates refers to in 'AuxiliaryLocator' // If we could just use the element, we wouldn't be tapping at specific coordinates, so that's not // very helpful. // Instead, we'll use MouseClickAt MouseClickAt(x, y); } public ITestServer TestServer { get; } public void TouchAndHold(Func query) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void TouchAndHold(string marked) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void TouchAndHoldCoordinates(float x, float y) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void WaitFor(Func predicate, string timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting...", TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null, TimeSpan? postTimeout = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public AppResult[] WaitForElement(Func query, string timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting for element...", TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null, TimeSpan? postTimeout = null) { Func> result = () => QueryWindows(query); return WaitForAtLeastOne(result, timeoutMessage, timeout, retryFrequency).Select(ToAppResult).ToArray(); } public AppResult[] WaitForElement(string marked, string timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting for element...", TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null, TimeSpan? postTimeout = null) { Func> result = () => QueryWindows(marked); return WaitForAtLeastOne(result, timeoutMessage, timeout, retryFrequency).Select(ToAppResult).ToArray(); } public AppWebResult[] WaitForElement(Func query, string timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting for element...", TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null, TimeSpan? postTimeout = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void WaitForNoElement(Func query, string timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting for no element...", TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null, TimeSpan? postTimeout = null) { Func> result = () => QueryWindows(query); WaitForNone(result, timeoutMessage, timeout, retryFrequency); } public void WaitForNoElement(string marked, string timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting for no element...", TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null, TimeSpan? postTimeout = null) { Func> result = () => QueryWindows(marked); WaitForNone(result, timeoutMessage, timeout, retryFrequency); } public void WaitForNoElement(Func query, string timeoutMessage = "Timed out waiting for no element...", TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null, TimeSpan? postTimeout = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void ContextClick(string marked) { WindowsElement element = QueryWindows(marked).First(); PointF point = ElementToClickablePoint(element); MouseClickAt(point.X, point.Y, ClickType.ContextClick); } internal void MouseClickAt(float x, float y, ClickType clickType = ClickType.SingleClick) { // Mouse clicking with ICoordinates doesn't work the way we'd like (see TapCoordinates comments), // so we have to do some math on our own to get the mouse in the right spot // So here's how we're working around it for the moment: // 1. Get the Window viewport (which is a known-to-exist element) // 2. Using the Window's ICoordinates and the MouseMove() overload with x/y offsets, move the pointer // to the location we care about // 3. Use the (undocumented, except in // null parameter for Mouse.Click() to click at the current pointer location WindowsElement viewPort = GetViewPort(); int xOffset = viewPort.Coordinates.LocationInViewport.X; int yOffset = viewPort.Coordinates.LocationInViewport.Y; var actions = new Actions(_session) .MoveToElement(viewPort, (int)x - xOffset, (int)y - yOffset); switch (clickType) { case ClickType.DoubleClick: actions.DoubleClick(); break; case ClickType.ContextClick: actions.ContextClick(); break; case ClickType.SingleClick: default: actions.Click(); break; } actions.Perform(); } void ClickOrTapElement(WindowsElement element) { try { // For most stuff, a simple click will work element.Click(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // Some elements aren't "clickable" from an automation perspective (e.g., Frame renders as a Border // with content in it; if the content is just a TextBlock, we'll end up here) // All is not lost; we can figure out the location of the element in in the application window // and Tap in that spot PointF p = ElementToClickablePoint(element); TapCoordinates(p.X, p.Y); } } void DoubleClickElement(WindowsElement element) { PointF point = ElementToClickablePoint(element); MouseClickAt(point.X, point.Y, clickType: ClickType.DoubleClick); } void DoubleTap(WinQuery query) { WindowsElement element = FindFirstElement(query); if (element == null) { return; } DoubleClickElement(element); } PointF ElementToClickablePoint(WindowsElement element) { PointF clickablePoint = GetClickablePoint(element); WindowsElement window = GetWindow(); PointF origin = GetOriginOfBoundingRectangle(window); // Use the coordinates in the app window's viewport relative to the window's origin return new PointF(clickablePoint.X - origin.X, clickablePoint.Y - origin.Y); } ReadOnlyCollection FilterControlType(IEnumerable elements, string controlType) { string tag = controlType; if (tag == "*") { return new ReadOnlyCollection(elements.ToList()); } if (_controlNameToTag.ContainsKey(controlType)) { tag = _controlNameToTag[controlType]; } return new ReadOnlyCollection(elements.Where(element => element.TagName == tag).ToList()); } WindowsElement FindFirstElement(WinQuery query) { Func> fquery = () => QueryWindows(query); string timeoutMessage = $"Timed out waiting for element: {query.Raw}"; ReadOnlyCollection results = WaitForAtLeastOne(fquery, timeoutMessage); WindowsElement element = results.FirstOrDefault(); return element; } static PointF GetBottomRightOfBoundingRectangle(WindowsElement element) { string vpcpString = element.GetAttribute("BoundingRectangle"); // returned string format looks like: // Left:-1868 Top:382 Width:1013 Height:680 string[] vpparts = vpcpString.Split(new[] { ':', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); float vpx = float.Parse(vpparts[1]); float vpy = float.Parse(vpparts[3]); float vpw = float.Parse(vpparts[5]); float vph = float.Parse(vpparts[7]); return new PointF(vpx + vpw, vpy + vph); } static PointF GetClickablePoint(WindowsElement element) { string cpString = element.GetAttribute("ClickablePoint"); string[] parts = cpString.Split(','); float x = float.Parse(parts[0]); float y = float.Parse(parts[1]); return new PointF(x, y); } static PointF GetOriginOfBoundingRectangle(WindowsElement element) { string vpcpString = element.GetAttribute("BoundingRectangle"); // returned string format looks like: // Left:-1868 Top:382 Width:1013 Height:680 string[] vpparts = vpcpString.Split(new[] { ':', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); float vpx = float.Parse(vpparts[1]); float vpy = float.Parse(vpparts[3]); return new PointF(vpx, vpy); } static PointF GetTopRightOfBoundingRectangle(WindowsElement element) { string vpcpString = element.GetAttribute("BoundingRectangle"); // returned string format looks like: // Left:-1868 Top:382 Width:1013 Height:680 string[] vpparts = vpcpString.Split(new[] { ':', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); float vpx = float.Parse(vpparts[1]); float vpy = float.Parse(vpparts[3]); float vpw = float.Parse(vpparts[5]); return new PointF(vpx + vpw, vpy); } WindowsElement GetViewPort() { if (_viewPort != null) { return _viewPort; } ReadOnlyCollection candidates = QueryWindows(AppName); _viewPort = candidates[3]; // We really just want the viewport; skip the full window, title bar, min/max buttons... int xOffset = _viewPort.Coordinates.LocationInViewport.X; if (xOffset > 1) // Everything having to do with scrolling right now is a horrid kludge { // This makes the scrolling stuff work correctly on a higher density screen (e.g. MBP running Windows) _scrollBarOffset = -70; } return _viewPort; } WindowsElement GetWindow() { if (_window != null) { return _window; } _window = QueryWindows(AppName)[0]; return _window; } void OriginMouse() { WindowsElement viewPort = GetViewPort(); int xOffset = viewPort.Coordinates.LocationInViewport.X; int yOffset = viewPort.Coordinates.LocationInViewport.Y; new Actions(_session).MoveToElement(viewPort, xOffset, yOffset); } ReadOnlyCollection QueryWindows(WinQuery query) { ReadOnlyCollection resultByAccessibilityId = _session.FindElementsByAccessibilityId(query.Marked); ReadOnlyCollection resultByName = _session.FindElementsByName(query.Marked); IEnumerable result = resultByAccessibilityId.Concat(resultByName); // TODO hartez 2017/10/30 09:47:44 Should this be == "*" || == "TextBox"? // what about other controls where we might be looking by content? TextBlock? if (query.ControlType == "*") { IEnumerable textBoxesByContent = _session.FindElementsByClassName("TextBox").Where(e => e.Text == query.Marked); result = result.Concat(textBoxesByContent); } return FilterControlType(result, query.ControlType); } ReadOnlyCollection QueryWindows(string marked) { WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromMarked(marked); return QueryWindows(winQuery); } ReadOnlyCollection QueryWindows(Func query) { WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromQuery(query); return QueryWindows(winQuery); } void Scroll(WinQuery query, bool down) { if (query == null) { ScrollClick(GetWindow(), down); return; } WindowsElement element = FindFirstElement(query); ScrollClick(element, down); } void ScrollClick(WindowsElement element, bool down = true) { PointF point = down ? GetBottomRightOfBoundingRectangle(element) : GetTopRightOfBoundingRectangle(element); PointF origin = GetOriginOfBoundingRectangle(GetWindow()); var realPoint = new PointF(point.X - origin.X, point.Y - origin.Y); int xOffset = _scrollBarOffset; if (origin.X < 0) { // The scrollbar's in a slightly different place relative to the window bounds // if we're running on the left monitor (which I like to do) xOffset = xOffset * 3; } float finalX = realPoint.X - xOffset; float finalY = realPoint.Y - (down ? 15 : -15); OriginMouse(); MouseClickAt(finalX, finalY, ClickType.SingleClick); } void ScrollTo(WinQuery toQuery, WinQuery withinQuery, TimeSpan? timeout = null, bool down = true) { timeout = timeout ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; while (true) { Func> result = () => QueryWindows(toQuery); TimeSpan iterationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); TimeSpan retryFrequency = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); try { ReadOnlyCollection found = WaitForAtLeastOne(result, timeoutMessage: null, timeout: iterationTimeout, retryFrequency: retryFrequency); if (found.Count > 0) { // Success return; } } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // Haven't found it yet, keep scrolling } long elapsed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).Ticks; if (elapsed >= timeout.Value.Ticks) { Debug.WriteLine($">>>>> {elapsed} ticks elapsed, timeout value is {timeout.Value.Ticks}"); throw new TimeoutException($"Timed out scrolling to {toQuery}"); } Scroll(withinQuery, down); } } void Tap(WinQuery query) { WindowsElement element = FindFirstElement(query); if (element == null) { return; } ClickOrTapElement(element); } static AppRect ToAppRect(WindowsElement windowsElement) { try { var result = new AppRect { X = windowsElement.Location.X, Y = windowsElement.Location.Y, Height = windowsElement.Size.Height, Width = windowsElement.Size.Width }; result.CenterX = result.X + result.Width / 2; result.CenterY = result.Y + result.Height / 2; return result; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine( $"Warning: error determining AppRect for {windowsElement}; " + $"if this is a Label with a modified Text value, it might be confusing Windows automation. " + $"{ex}"); } return null; } static AppResult ToAppResult(WindowsElement windowsElement) { return new AppResult { Rect = ToAppRect(windowsElement), Label = windowsElement.Id, // Not entirely sure about this one Description = windowsElement.Text, // or this one Enabled = windowsElement.Enabled, Id = windowsElement.Id }; } static ReadOnlyCollection Wait(Func> query, Func satisfactory, string timeoutMessage = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null) { timeout = timeout ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); retryFrequency = retryFrequency ?? TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500); timeoutMessage = timeoutMessage ?? "Timed out on query."; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; ReadOnlyCollection result = query(); while (!satisfactory(result.Count)) { long elapsed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).Ticks; if (elapsed >= timeout.Value.Ticks) { Debug.WriteLine($">>>>> {elapsed} ticks elapsed, timeout value is {timeout.Value.Ticks}"); throw new TimeoutException(timeoutMessage); } Task.Delay(retryFrequency.Value.Milliseconds).Wait(); result = query(); } return result; } static ReadOnlyCollection WaitForAtLeastOne(Func> query, string timeoutMessage = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null) { return Wait(query, i => i > 0, timeoutMessage, timeout, retryFrequency); } void WaitForNone(Func> query, string timeoutMessage = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null, TimeSpan? retryFrequency = null) { Wait(query, i => i == 0, timeoutMessage, timeout, retryFrequency); } internal enum ClickType { SingleClick, DoubleClick, ContextClick } } }