using ElmSharp; using ESize = ElmSharp.Size; namespace Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Tizen { public delegate ESize? MeasureDelegate(NativeViewWrapperRenderer renderer, int availableWidth, int availableHeight); public class NativeViewWrapper : View { public NativeViewWrapper(EvasObject obj, MeasureDelegate measureDelegate = null) { EvasObject = obj; MeasureDelegate = measureDelegate; obj.TransferBindablePropertiesToWrapper(this); } public EvasObject EvasObject { get; private set; } public MeasureDelegate MeasureDelegate { get; } protected override void OnBindingContextChanged() { // TODO: we should provide a delegate to obtain children of a Container object, // however currently there is no way to get the list of children EvasObject.SetBindingContext(BindingContext); base.OnBindingContextChanged(); } } }