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// once we implement material configurations on core elements this can all be moved up to that
// for now just leaving this as an internal class to make matching colors between two platforms easier
#if __ANDROID__
using Android.Content.Res;
using Android.Graphics;
using AProgressBar = Android.Widget.ProgressBar;
using ASeekBar = Android.Widget.AbsSeekBar;
using PlatformColor = Android.Graphics.Color;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
using MaterialComponents;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;
using PlatformColor = UIKit.UIColor;
#if __ANDROID__
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Material.Android
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Material.iOS
// Colors from material-components-android
internal static class MaterialColors
const float kSliderBaselineDisabledFillAlpha = 0.32f;
const float kSliderBaselineEnabledBackgroundAlpha = 0.24f;
const float kSliderBaselineDisabledBackgroundAlpha = 0.12f;
const float kSliderBaselineEnabledTicksAlpha = 0.54f;
const float kSliderBaselineDisabledTicksAlpha = 0.12f;
public const float SliderTrackAlpha = kSliderBaselineEnabledBackgroundAlpha;
// values based on
// copying to match iOS
// TODO generalize into xplat classes
const float kFilledTextFieldActiveAlpha = 0.87f;
const float kFilledTextFieldOnSurfaceAlpha = 0.6f;
const float kFilledTextFieldDisabledAlpha = 0.38f;
const float kFilledTextFieldSurfaceOverlayAlpha = 0.04f;
const float kFilledTextFieldIndicatorLineAlpha = 0.42f;
const float kFilledTextFieldIconAlpha = 0.54f;
// the idea of this value is that I want Active to be the exact color the user specified
// and then all the other colors decrease according to the Material theme setup
static float kFilledPlaceHolderOffset = 1f - kFilledTextFieldActiveAlpha;
// State list from material-components-android
public static PlatformColor CreateEntryFilledInputBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor, Color textColor)
var platformTextColor = GetEntryTextColor(textColor);
if (backgroundColor == Color.Default)
if (textColor != Color.Default)
return WithAlpha(platformTextColor, 0.0392f);
return WithAlpha(MaterialColors.Light.PrimaryColorVariant, 0.0392f);
return ToPlatformColor(backgroundColor);
public static (PlatformColor InlineColor, PlatformColor FloatingColor) GetPlaceHolderColor(Color placeholderColor, Color textColor)
PlatformColor color;
if (placeholderColor == Color.Default)
if (textColor == Color.Default)
color = MaterialColors.Light.OnSurfaceColor;
color = ToPlatformColor(textColor);
color = ToPlatformColor(placeholderColor);
var inlineColor = WithAlpha(color, kFilledTextFieldOnSurfaceAlpha + kFilledPlaceHolderOffset);
var floatingColor = WithAlpha(color, kFilledTextFieldActiveAlpha + kFilledPlaceHolderOffset);
return (inlineColor, floatingColor);
public static (PlatformColor FocusedColor, PlatformColor UnFocusedColor) GetUnderlineColor(Color textColor)
PlatformColor color = GetEntryTextColor(textColor);
return (color, WithAlpha(color, kFilledTextFieldIndicatorLineAlpha));
public static PlatformColor GetEntryTextColor(Color textColor)
return textColor != Color.Default ? ToPlatformColor(textColor) : MaterialColors.Light.PrimaryColor;
#if __ANDROID__
public static readonly int[][] ButtonStates =
new int[] { global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StateEnabled },
new int[] { }
public static readonly int[][] EntryHintTextStates =
new []{ global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StateEnabled, global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StatePressed },
new int[0] { }
public static readonly int[][] EntryUnderlineStates =
new []{ global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StateFocused },
new []{ -global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StateFocused },
// State list from material-components-android
public static ColorStateList CreateButtonBackgroundColors(PlatformColor primary)
var colors = new int[] { primary, primary.WithAlpha(0.12) };
return new ColorStateList(ButtonStates, colors);
// State list from material-components-android
public static ColorStateList CreateButtonTextColors(PlatformColor primary, PlatformColor text)
var colors = new int[] { text, primary.WithAlpha(0.38) };
return new ColorStateList(ButtonStates, colors);
public static ColorStateList CreateEntryFilledPlaceholderColors(PlatformColor inlineColor, PlatformColor floatingColor)
int[][] States =
new []{ global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StateEnabled, global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StatePressed },
new int[0] { }
var colors = new int[] { floatingColor, inlineColor };
return new ColorStateList(States, colors);
public static ColorStateList CreateEntryUnderlineColors(PlatformColor focusedColor, PlatformColor unfocusedColor)
var colors = new int[] { focusedColor, unfocusedColor };
return new ColorStateList(EntryUnderlineStates, colors);
internal static PlatformColor WithAlpha(this PlatformColor color, double alpha) =>
new PlatformColor(color.R, color.G, color.B, (byte)(alpha * 255));
internal static void ApplySeekBarColors(this ASeekBar seekBar, Color progressColor, Color backgroundColor, Color thumbColor)
seekBar.ApplyProgressBarColors(progressColor, backgroundColor);
if (Forms.IsLollipopOrNewer)
if (thumbColor.IsDefault)
// reset everything to defaults
seekBar.ThumbTintList = seekBar.ProgressTintList;
// handle the case where the thumb is set
var thumb = thumbColor.ToAndroid();
seekBar.ThumbTintList = ColorStateList.ValueOf(thumb);
seekBar.Thumb.SetColorFilter(thumbColor.ToAndroid(), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
internal static void ApplyProgressBarColors(this AProgressBar progressBar, PlatformColor progressColor, PlatformColor backgroundColor, PorterDuff.Mode mode)
progressBar.ProgressTintList = ColorStateList.ValueOf(progressColor);
progressBar.ProgressBackgroundTintList = ColorStateList.ValueOf(backgroundColor);
progressBar.ProgressBackgroundTintMode = mode;
(progressBar.Indeterminate ? progressBar.IndeterminateDrawable :
progressBar.ProgressDrawable).SetColorFilter(progressColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
internal static void ApplyProgressBarColors(this AProgressBar progressBar, Color progressColor, Color backgroundColor)
PlatformColor defaultProgress = Dark.PrimaryColor;
if (progressColor.IsDefault)
if (backgroundColor.IsDefault)
// reset everything to defaults
progressBar.ApplyProgressBarColors(defaultProgress, defaultProgress, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
// handle the case where only the background is set
var background = backgroundColor.ToAndroid();
progressBar.ApplyProgressBarColors(defaultProgress, background, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcOver);
if (backgroundColor.IsDefault)
// handle the case where only the progress is set
var progress = progressColor.ToAndroid();
progressBar.ApplyProgressBarColors(progress, progress, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
// handle the case where both are set
var background = backgroundColor.ToAndroid();
var progress = progressColor.ToAndroid();
progressBar.ApplyProgressBarColors(progress, background, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcOver);
public static class Light
// the Colors for "branding"
// - we selected the "black" theme from the default DarkActionBar theme
public static readonly PlatformColor PrimaryColor = FromRgb(33, 33, 33);
public static readonly PlatformColor PrimaryColorVariant = PlatformColor.Black;
public static readonly PlatformColor OnPrimaryColor = PlatformColor.White;
public static readonly PlatformColor SecondaryColor = FromRgb(33, 33, 33);
public static readonly PlatformColor OnSecondaryColor = PlatformColor.White;
// the Colors for "UI"
public static readonly PlatformColor BackgroundColor = PlatformColor.White;
public static readonly PlatformColor OnBackgroundColor = PlatformColor.Black;
public static readonly PlatformColor SurfaceColor = PlatformColor.White;
public static readonly PlatformColor OnSurfaceColor = PlatformColor.Black;
public static readonly PlatformColor ErrorColor = FromRgb(176, 0, 32);
public static readonly PlatformColor OnErrorColor = PlatformColor.White;
#if __IOS__
public static SemanticColorScheme CreateColorScheme()
return new SemanticColorScheme
PrimaryColor = PrimaryColor,
PrimaryColorVariant = PrimaryColorVariant,
SecondaryColor = SecondaryColor,
OnPrimaryColor = OnPrimaryColor,
OnSecondaryColor = OnSecondaryColor,
BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor,
ErrorColor = ErrorColor,
SurfaceColor = SurfaceColor,
OnBackgroundColor = OnBackgroundColor,
OnSurfaceColor = OnSurfaceColor,
public static class Dark
// the Colors for "branding"
// - we selected the "black" theme from the default DarkActionBar theme
public static readonly PlatformColor PrimaryColor = FromRgb(33, 33, 33);
public static readonly PlatformColor PrimaryColorVariant = PlatformColor.Black;
public static readonly PlatformColor OnPrimaryColor = PlatformColor.White;
public static readonly PlatformColor SecondaryColor = FromRgb(33, 33, 33);
public static readonly PlatformColor OnSecondaryColor = PlatformColor.White;
// the Colors for "UI"
public static readonly PlatformColor BackgroundColor = FromRgb(20, 20, 20);
public static readonly PlatformColor OnBackgroundColor = PlatformColor.White;
public static readonly PlatformColor SurfaceColor = FromRgb(40, 40, 40);
public static readonly PlatformColor OnSurfaceColor = PlatformColor.White;
public static readonly PlatformColor ErrorColor = FromRgb(194, 108, 122);
public static readonly PlatformColor OnErrorColor = PlatformColor.White;
#if __IOS__
public static SemanticColorScheme CreateColorScheme()
return new SemanticColorScheme
PrimaryColor = PrimaryColor,
PrimaryColorVariant = PrimaryColorVariant,
SecondaryColor = SecondaryColor,
OnPrimaryColor = OnPrimaryColor,
OnSecondaryColor = OnSecondaryColor,
BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor,
ErrorColor = ErrorColor,
SurfaceColor = SurfaceColor,
OnBackgroundColor = OnBackgroundColor,
OnSurfaceColor = OnSurfaceColor,
static PlatformColor ToPlatformColor(Color color)
#if __ANDROID__
return color.ToAndroid();
return color.ToUIColor();
static PlatformColor WithMultipliedAlpha(PlatformColor color, float alpha)
#if __ANDROID__
return color.WithAlpha(color.A / 255f * alpha);
return color.ColorWithAlpha(color.CGColor.Alpha / 255f * alpha);
static PlatformColor WithAlpha(PlatformColor color, float alpha)
#if __ANDROID__
return color.WithAlpha(alpha);
return color.ColorWithAlpha(alpha);
static PlatformColor FromRgb(int red, int green, int blue)
#if __ANDROID__
return PlatformColor.Rgb(red, green, blue);
return PlatformColor.FromRGB(red, green, blue);